Apparently the first round of voting will decide who gets to be on the ballot. My human isn't exactly competitive, but I am. And I want Frolic on the ballot! Because even though I'm not a huge fan of the stupid Frolic stuff, I am a huge fan of my human. And having her stupid Frolic stuff on the ballot would be cool.
So. I'm asking everyone I know to help put Frolic on the ballot. Whatever happens after that is up to the whole Fate thing. It takes like 10 seconds to vote. You just skip to question #29/Best Pet Photographer on the survey and tell 'em Frolic Photography is #1. Or whatever. Just as long as you mention Frolic, I'm pretty sure your vote will count.
So please vote. You can only do it once, but if you have friends who like to vote - they can vote for Frolic too!
Oh, one more thing. In the beginning of the survey they ask you what's the best thing that's happened to Bay Area dogs in 2010. I think it's to make sure you're not a robot or something, so when I voted for Frolic I just said 'the weather'.
* * *
I'll be here tomorrow eating pie - but in case I miss you, have a happy pie day. Or turkey day. Or stuffing day. Or whatever it is your people let you eat on tomorrow's special day!
Hi Puglet! I went and voted for Frolic yesterday! I sure do hope you get more than pie tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving!!
How cool for your human, Puglet. That is very exciting, and we all know your mom is a fantastic photographer and deserves to carry that title thingy of "Best Pet Photographer." So, I am definitely going to vote, and I'll tell my mom, and all my puggie friends and their moms and dads too.
Good luck to your human, and Happy Tofurkey Day to you, Dutch and your best pet photographer mom.
Thanks DW! I forgot a lot of pugs here read FB too.
An Lucy - keep your nose, uhm, peeled for the OMegas!
Woo Hoo, I got my mom and dad to vote for your mom and mom put it on her FB wall!! Your mom always takes super awesome pictures of me and she feeds me whip cream? If there was a catagory of "Best Human Whip Cream Dispencer" your mom would totally win.
Hi Pug,
So excited for your human. My Mom voted last night on her phone & today on her computer. I insisted the fill-in-the-blank question must be filled answered... "Best___", of course, the blank is filled in with blog... the answer is... The Daily Puglet!!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi Puglet,
We voted for Frolic Photography :)
Happy Thanksgiving
Kitty & Coco
Puglet, I voted for your mom -- how cool! Her photos are great, she even manages to make dogs far less handsome than you look pretty good. That deserves an award for sure!
Hey Puglet,
We voted for you and so did all the other office humans here.
We love reading the FB too but of course you'll always be our number one.
Happy American Turkey and Pie Day (the Canadian one was last month).
Hi Puglet & Dutch! We just luv your bloggy and are so thankful y'alls our furiends that we purchased you a raffle ticket into the JD & Max raffle being held to benefit Ms. Shelby. Have a happy thanksgiving!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Pee-S: We hope your special package arrived! :)
Hey Puglet, we voted for your mama!
Good luck & Happy Thanksgiving!
We voted!
Voted! And I hope your human wins.
Happy thanksgiving day. Hope you get some pie and turkey and all the good stuff.
Minnie Moo
I voted for Frolic!! And in the last question, I also did "Best Pug Site" although best blog as someone else mentioned would've been a better category and I put "The Daily Puglet" too, of course!
Happy Thanksgiving!! It's a pug's favorite holiday...you get all the table scraps!
Hi Pug! I voted 3 times!! As Suki suggested, I included "Best Dog Blog," the Daily Puglet, as the last questions!! Good luck!
P.S. I'm going to grandmaw's tomorrow and I'm apparently going to "help" her make pies! I hope this means I get to taste-test them!! Wooohooo! Happy Pie Day to you too!!!
Wow. Thanks for thinking! I totally didn't know you could vote for me too. Awesome :)
The whole entire office, Ollie? You rock!
And 3 times, Noodle? Woo hoo for you! One, twice, three times... uh... I forget the rest, but it's a song I heard once in a movie.
And 3 times, Noodle? Woo hoo for you! One, twice, three times... uh... I forget the rest, but it's a song I heard once in a movie.
The Slimmer Puggums -
I just got my box! The mail person gave it to my neighbors by mistake. Happens a lot. My human won't let me open the box until after the pie. No idea. But I know Nikon will be there, so everyone here can meet my new toy :)
We're on it Puglet, we're getting all the humans we know to vote for your human! :)
Hi Puglet! We voted!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
You & your human have our votes. We hope you enjoy your pie day.
Lov, Zoey & Phoebe
Hi Mel!
I wonder if International votes count double?!?
I know you Aussies don't have Thanksgiving so I'll try to eat some pie for you & Nye. If my human lets me, that is....
Happy Pie Day to you too P + Z!
We have voted at home and at work...now we will vote again when we get to Granny's house (we literally go over the mountain and thru the woods hehe). For more than one category! We added for the blank...best website that makes us laugh!
Pearl and Tessa
Hey Puglet! I made my human vote for you just now. She loves reading your blog every day, and thinks you and your human (and her stupid awesome Frolic stuff) rocks!
PS what is FB you guys are talking about?
Thanks Pearl & Tessa! I think votes from Granny's house should count double too!
Oh - the FB is just Facebook. I put my plea for votes there too :)
Voted for Frolic!
Way to go Puglet! on behalf of your human. I think she will definitely win! We're sending our positive visualizations your way : )
Happy Turkey Day Pug!!! Our human voted & she put the best thing to happen to the dogs in the bay area is the The Daily Puglet blog!!!
Hope you get to eat lots of apple pie!
Gobble Gobble - Frodo, Cleo & Molly
We hope you enjoy your pie day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
We voted for Frolic, Puglet, and we also added you in a category of "Best Bay Area Dog Blog".
Good luck!
Voted for your mum puglet!
gosh, i just happened to pop in and look at these photos. What adorableness!
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