I thought positive thoughts and so did Dutch, but it wasn't enough to beat the C-word. So Bouncer had the bad C-word toe taken off and has been waiting for a letter from the C-word doctors to see what would happen next.
Chemo? Radiation? Ugh. Neither of them sound like much fun, so this morning I took a special picture for Bouncer and his missing toe. A picture to tell the C-word to go away and leave my friend alone.
And it totally worked!!
When we were done taking the picture, my human's phone made the noise it makes when she has a new email. It was an email for me (of course) from Bouncer! And it said this:
Even though I've got one less toe now, all the vets say I'm in the clear. No Chemo or Radiation. My mommy got a letter that had a sentence that said, "likelihood of reoccurance is minimal". I've got one more week of wearing this silly cast on my foot, but after that I can be the pug that I want to be! Thank goodness too because the weather is finally becoming pug-friendly here in fort lauderdale. Dog Park here I come!!!
Woo hoo! How awesome is that?? Even though Bouncer is now C-word free, I decided to post the picture anyway. Just in case it gets any stupid ideas about bothering him, or any of my friends, again!
Yay! I may not have ever met him in the fur, but I'm so happy for Bouncer!!! Way to go, Puglet!
Yeah, I haven't either. It kinda sucks when pugs don't live in the Bay Area, doesn't it? But I figure we all have to stick together - especially when it comes to the C-word. It really seems to like pug feet!
Way to go, Pugelt! You show the c-word who's boss!
The vet says that I need surgery- a face lift! She said I need one of my facial folds removed, if you can believe that! Says it's too big, and that's why I keep getting infections (despite the torturous daily cleanings), and that it's pushing up and causing my skin to bother my eyes.
What's a pug without her fantastic folds?
Lafayette Lola
Hip Hip Hooray for Bouncer!!! So glad he is okay.
Lola - we hope your plastic surgery will go smoothly (haha no pun intended!).
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Oh Pug, once again you prove just how powerful our positive thoughts can be when fighting that darn C-word!! Congrats to Bouncer!! I'm sure his family is doing the happy dance.
Lola-mom likes to read the hollywood gossip rags, and a lot of people get wrinkles removed. If you need anything, let us know. We pugs have to help each other out!
Hiya Puglet,
The power of pug prayer worked yet again! I totally think there are lots of leftover B-word toe thoughts from the last times! I'll still throw some extra positive thoughts in there "just in case".
Molly in PA
PS: Oh, and I sure hope a certain spotted dog is enjoying *your* day with Daisy! Pshaw!
PPS: Lola -- Good luck with your facelift, I bet you will look like 10 years younger when you're all done!
Molly in PA
Hi there Puglet,
So glad to hear Bouncer is *C* free. Pugs seem to get the craziest things. C things, fold things, knee things.
I have something called degenerative disc disease. I can do everything that my brothers Emmitt and Eli can do except ~Agility~.
Lets keep those good vibrations going. Lola is next on the list with her facelift. She needs all the good vibes we can muster. Think positive thoughts for Lola.
Ellie from San Antonio
Yay for Bouncer!!! That is awesome!!!!
~The Monster Crew
Puglet, you are the bestest friend, taking that fine photo in the name of Bouncer. You showed that C-word right where it could go, and it did. Woo Hoo! Go Bouncer!
BTW - My mommy said there is no way you could possibly get any cuter. I agree, but don't go blabbing about it; us females have a persona to uphold. We can't let anyone know we're all goo-goo over some male species. Hehe!
Greater to hear that Bouncer will be, uh, up and bouncing around soon! Power of positive thinking. Make the "C" word stand for CARING!
Lola...Does the operation include a recuperation at a spa like the stars do? Sitting around sipping drinks? Best to you, Tessa could sure use the same (her's don't get infected, but the things we find in them are amazing! Leafs and Grass!).
Pearl and Tessa
Puglet - that is so cool that your pal Bouncer is C-word free. I know it was the CALL-OF-THE-PUGS that did it.
So happy for Bouncer! Stuff it C-word!!
Should I be jealous that everyone else has such fabulously huge folds that they have to be removed? I only have small ones and I can't even hide stuff in there like Pearl mentioned.
Hey Puglet,
This is Trunks from Ft. Lauderdale too. You haven't heard from me in while but I wanted to post and say I am glad to hear Bouncer didn't have the big C because I did a few years ago and my vets weren't very optimistic. But the good news is that was in 2008. I did chemo at Coral Springs Animal Hospital and I did great....and feel GREAT too!
Thanks for the update and good vibes!
P.S. My human reads me your blog everyday!
Hooray for Bouncer and goodbye bad toe. We have lots of toes-who needs a C toe?
Best wishes to Lola. Humans do this face fold fixing surgery all the time, so your surgery should be a breeze. Just make sure you get maximum treats and pampering when you come home "refreshed" and "more youthful".
And good thoughts to Ellie so those pesky discs don't bother her.
Hi Pug!
Your special positive-alphabet-changing-healing powers worked again! Yippee Bouncer!
Keep up the great work Pug!
Hey-next time include us in on the positive thinking. Maybe the combined thinking of our positive power thoughts can help turn that C into a B!
We're so happy for Bouncer. We hate to hear about a fellow pug suffering. We hope that everything goes well for Lola. We will continue to keep positive thoughts & send them Lola's way.
We have to admit that we were a little thrown off by the title of today's post. For a moment we thought that the DP had gone from G to NC-17 or we had clicked on Miss Bella-T's blog...at first glance & if you have a potty-mouth (like we do), "take that, c-word" has an entirely different meaning.
Zoey & Phoebe
I don't know what's better, getting my good news or having an entry in the daily puglet!!!
Everyone's kind words are making me blush! Yes, we must all root for Lola!
Trunks...maybe we'll see each other at a meet up! Happy tails soon!
Oohh Pug! I am so happy to hear about Bouncer's good news. That is so amazing and I know all your positive thoughts helped him kick the c-word to the curb. Keep up the good work my man. Lots of love to you and your family Bouncer!
I totally agree - now that Bouncer is in the clear, we need to think for Lola and her fold. My fold isn't big enough to hide things in either, so I can't imagine having any of it taken away. I have, like, half the fold Frank has (my human says that's what makes him "so freaking cute").
I totally think there are lots of leftover B-word toe thoughts from the last times!Nice post! You have said it very well. Keep going.
Yay Bouncer!! I'm still sending you good vibes! Barney here, a (very) recently recycled older pug-bug. After about a week with my new human, we too heard the C-word from the vet, maybe it's why my first humans didn't want to have me back after I ran away, who knows? The vet didn't seem very hopeful at all. So, I was pretty worried because I hadn't even had a chance to train my new human very much (and boy does she need it! I must be her first dog or something). But luckily, just like Bouncer, I seem to be doing just fine, and even have an awesome scar across my belly to make me look tough on the playground. So, I'm happy to say that I still have lots of time to show my new human the ropes. I even showed her Daily Puglet, which may have been a bad idea because now she wants to read it every day instead of playing with me!!
Loves to Puglet, Dutch, and especially Bouncer,
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