Well. I guess they picked Dutch to be a collar model because he has a nice neck. And by nice, I mean skinny. But his skinny neck is also spotted and spotted necks are definitely not model material when it comes to showing off a cool Cheengoo collar.
So Dutch and his skinny spotty neck got fired, and me and my fat puggy neck took his place! Cheengoo Liz dressed me up in cool stuff and I got to supermodel my butt off around town. Strangers stopped to watch and Awww at me. And I got loads of cookies. It was awesome.
When it was over, I got to keep a Cheengoo harness and non-matching leash (my human has this thing about not-matching, don't ask). And since my human lost my skull+crossbones harness like months ago, I really needed a new one. Score one for the fat necks!
Heya Puglet!
TOTAL score on many levels -- Dutch got the boot (sorry, Dutch) and you scored a part time gig with benefits!
You're the most handsomest fat neck model *ever*. My human has this thing with matchy matchy stuff - what's their *issue*? Sheesh!
Molly in PA
Your neck isn't fat at all! In fact, my daddy says you're looking skinny...even after all that delicious whip cream. I think you make a fantastic collar model, and your neck is perfect for nuzzling into. Don't worry about matching, I think it adds character. Can't wait to see your new harness. That was super nice of the Cheengoo people to let you keep one. One of the many perks of being a star!
Skinny necks are way overrated...
I do, however, think Dutch's spots are super cool (especially the heart-shaped one on his tush). Maybe they're too distracting... everyone would be looking at his spots, and not at the collars. Either way, way to score a new collar and some publicity!
Lafayette Lola
No one kills it as a supermodel like YOU!
Way to go Puglet.
Love Noodles
Oh thank goodness, you understand the fat neck problem. I'm small, 13 pounds but for some reason harnesses are hard press to fit me. Oh well! Point for the fat necks!
Minnie Moo
There is NOTHING like a Pug! We have a big dog in our house, too -- but my mom always says: There is truly nothing like a Pug. Sure the collar looks ok on Dutch...however it looks SUPER on you. :)
Have a fun day.
Pug Hugs & Smiles
Joan & Jane Austen Eyre
P.S. What kind of camera do you use? My daughter is looking for a new camera. Would you please stop by my blog and let me know, I would truly appreciate any help on this one!
Hi Pug. I FINALLY get to wear a collar instead of the harness. Not that I don't look adorable in the harness, but I HATE having it pulled over my head and I run away when I see Mom with it (THAT'S a fun game!). I hope my mom will check out Cheengo's catalogue and order me some more stylin' collars. Thanks for the idea!
I love Dutch and think he is gorgeous, but Puglet you certainly know how to work that camera. Not only that, but I think almost any collar colour combo would work on you!
I'm glad to hear you got a new harness, even if it's not the skull and crossbones. :)
I know what you mean about the over-the-head thing, Scoutie. The harness my human *didn't* lose is the Puppia kind and I'm not a huge fan of the, uhm, installation process that goes with it.
My Cheengoo one is a step-in. It's supereasy - your human just puts it on the ground and you just step into the leg holes. Doesn't go anywhere near your head! Minnie Moo - you might want to try this kind too. It seems really adjustable.
Hi Puglet,
Our mom calls the stuff around my neck *pug phatt*, which is totally OK with me. Hey, have you ever noticed, when you stand on your back legs the pug phatt folps down by your tail!!!
Puglet.. what is it with having matchy matchy stuff. Mom picks out a collar or harness and there MUST be a matching leash. What gives!!!
Now this is the fun part... mom loves changing collars but not tags. She found a thing called a Rubit, you clip you tags on the Rubit and then your tags can go from collar to collar or from harness to harness. Cool..
Makes your mom (the dimbulbs) life much easier.
Ellie from San Antonio
It's about time they realize there is no substitute for the real deal. (no offense Dutch). Love the new leash. Mom just tok me out of the step in harness, I like to hooding out of them in the car.
They call the fat around my neck my meat helmut. Especially when I am wearing anything, cuz in gets pushed up on my head.
Fat necks RULE!!!
I has no more to say :D
Hi Pug!
You had a fantastic day modeling. Lucky you to help Cheengoo with their catalog. My Mom is the same way about the matchie thing. Maybe Frank borrowed your skull & cross bones.
Minnie Moo, I'm also a 13 pounds. I have a silk step in harness like Pug was describing, it works really great.
yay fat necks! i have one too.
Fat necks are awesome! Mom and dad call mine "hot dog neck" and they say I look like I have a package of hot dogs down under my pug suit and they make my neck all ridgy!
You are the BEST supermodel and your beautiful fawn coat is the perfect background for the cool collars! Way to go!
A.K.A. "Hot Dog Neck"
You wanna talk "matchy?" MY human just bought me a new reflective collar. Then, she thought we needed the matching leash. Well, I noticed the new ensemble MATCHES my Puppia harness! THEN, I noticed my human's new fleece jacket MATCHES all my accessories!! WTPug?!? Everything is a plum-y purple color. I think this is getting outta hand! She's never even ASKED what my favorite color is!!
Hot dog neck! He hee. I totally have a 3 pack!
Oh Noodle, I'll ask: what *is* your favorite color? I won't tell if it's not purple.
My human is like the anti-matcher. She talked Cheengoo Liz into mismatching leashes and harness for some of my pictures. Said it's more "visually interesting' if you don't match. Says it's cool to 'go', but not to 'match', I think she's watched one too many episodes of What Not To Wear.
She is really bummed about losing my skull and crossbones harness. Since I now have a sweater to MATCHES :) Been waiting for the weather to cooperate so I can wear it!!
PS: my new non-matchy outfit is the leash shown in the picture + the last collar on Dutch's skinny, spotted neck.
We are going to miss your skull and crossbones, Pug. And I think your human is right about the matchy-matchy thing. Celebrities get swag all the time (free stuff) so get used to it, cause you're pretty famous and all, what with your being a pretty good actor and supermodel and activist : )
Hey Puglet!
Ozzie made a new friend yesterday. It's a fake Dutch! We got him at end of the tour we took at the Budweiser factory.
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