It's 44 degrees here (freezing!) and me and Dutch are totally sweatered. I heard a pug named Emmitt in Colorado went big - dropped the heater by 6 degrees instead of 3 and put on TWO sweaters! That's hardcore.
Even though it's a Canadian thing, I think we should all do Sweater Day. A pug named Winston has even changed things up a little bit and made today Stubby's Sweater Day, in memory of my man Stubby - the Greenest pug who ever lived. So, even if you don't really care about saving the planet, you should break out your sweaters to honor one very awesome pug.
You got it! Just so happens, I have a pretty good sweater wardrobe! ;-P
You look really good in turquoise!
Kris- from Oklahoma
Stubby's tribute made me cry again...
Hi Puglet.
My family went a step BEYOND Emmitt and actually BROKE our heater. It is chilly in our house but we figure we are saving the planet and some greenbacks.
Secretly I hope the heater is fixed soon - but in the meantime I am totally about the SWEATER.
Love Noodles
Oh man, you know how I feel about dressing up! Personally I think Stubby preferred me naked! Hehe....I agree it's chilly right now (and raining!), but to honor my buddy I'm going to put on an invisible sweater.
Heya Pug,
I'm with Sammy, Stubby's tribute made my human leak lots. Took her like 3 tries to get through it :(
Annnnd, guess what?! For the first time in like 3 months it's not Sweater Day in Pennsyltucky -- it's almost 70*!!!!! I will turn the thermostat down though.
My tail is curled a little tight and my step is a little lighter on this beautiful spring-y day.
Molly in PA
Hey Puglet,
So glad to see you supporting Sweater Day. You are such a progressive Pug.
Kudos to Winston for sending out the challenge to participate regardless of where you live.
We have a weather warning for blowing snow today so I am bundled in my sweater and buried deep in blankets. What's a little sacriface if it can help Mother Earth?
Licks from a Canadian Pug,
Hey Puglet, thanks for the info...our human is an avid knitter (her email is knit1pug2) but we won't let her knit us anything...when we put a sweater on, neither one of us will move. But, she may be getting the best of us, it was pretty cold this morning (and wet) walking.
We all leaked reading Stubby's memorial, for the second time.
Pearl and Tessa
Puglet, you look fabulous in blue! I'll dig out my Christmas sweater but I've packed on some love handles over the winter so it's gonna be a tight squeeze. But to honor Stubby, I'm in!
Hi Puglet,
It's 77 here in San Antonio so we won't be breaking out sweaters, the heat is not on in the house nor the A/C.
But, in honor of your good pal Stubby our mom will light a candle. Mom has this thing about lighting candles to remember people and pets.
So...in honor of Stubby a lovely french vanilla candle will be burning brightly.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from Texas
I'm ashamed to say we had no idea it was Sweater Day here in Canada. But for us, every day is sweater day when its cold; my human can't stand central heating, it makes her feel unwell.
Today it's 44 degress here too, Puglet, and for us that's really warm!
So instead of a sweater, I offered to honor Stubby by having some Popeye Nuggets but my human is not cooperating.
I will honor the Wise Green Pug by sending out some good thoughts and wishes for his friends and family.
GREAT post Puglet!
We think Stubby must be up there playing a joke on all of us to make the temp SIXTY FIVE in Indy today! I was sweating my PugButt off!
Stay warm dude!
Our heater is new energy efficient so they say and yet we hardley use it because we like to cuddle in the blankets! Stubby was an inspiration to us all. Btw you look great in your sweater!!!!
It just so happens that I have a wardrobe full of leftover baby sweaters from Goodwill I've been dying to try out. =) I'd love to help your tribute to Stubby, because a similar thing happened to Marshmallow, an old friend of mine.
I have been at work all day and finally caught up with the big news about sweater day and I am sorry to say that Daisy the coonhound and our cats have not pulled out their sweaters during my absence! Fur shame, fur shame! I plan to add one more day to this holiday so we can play catch up! By the way, your sweater is very spring-like....love it!
Hiya Puglet, me 'n Bear both have lots and lots of fur, especially Mr. Bear. My mom says he has a double coat and he's a winter weather dog. He likes to nap in a snowdrift, no lie. Mom can't get him to come back in the house, he wants to stay outdoors. So no sweaters for us, it makes us pant and drool and then my mom says eewwwww when she sees the drool. Plus it was 70 degrees here, like it was California or something. But we celebrate Sweater Day all winter long. Mom turns the heat down to 60 degrees during the day and wears lots of big sweaters. Which is a pretty big deal when it's -10 degrees outside. She has slippers with feathers in them to keep her feet warm. Plus I lay down on her feet. Mom likes that best.
P.S. Sometimes at night the thermostat is even lower than 60 degrees. Because my mom makes big fat quilts for us to sleep under, and everybody is warm as toast. She even makes quilts from wool, you don't even need a heater if it's wool.
Hi Puglet
I am Stuibbys friend too, and I turned my heat down and put on my sweater.
Your sweater is gorgeous and the way your described why we were doing this, was awsome.
To honor my earth friend Stubby.
Oh yes puglet we canadians know cold. today it was -20....-25 with windchill. its pretty much sweater season from end of october to april/mayish lol.
Maxwell the boston beagle. British Columbia Canada.
Hi Puglet,
That is great that you gots into the sweater day event. Thanks for helping the earth and paying tribute to our friend Stubby.
We have entered yous into our sweater contest.
Puglet, your sweater is AWESOME! It's 65 degrees here today which for NJ in February is, like, totally weird. But, I am NOT complaining and it means we can prolly go on a long walk in the park tomorrow WITHOUT a sweater!
But here's to being green and to remembering good friends like Stubby.
Snorts and snarfles,
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