Pug is feeling a lot better, but he said I could have the blog today if I promised not to tell my human where he keeps his secret poop stash. He's worried she might put him on lockdown for eating bad things and says he needs a plan B.
The truth is, I don't know where Pug keeps his secret poop. But I do know some other secrets you might be interested in. I can think of at least 12 without even thinking.
Like Secret #9: Pug really isn't all that brave. He might not be afraid of angry cows or mountain lions, but he is afraid of this:

Not exactly brave if you ask me.
Wow, wearing his badass harness and everything. That's a little embarrassing, thanks for the inside poop Dutch!
Hahahahahha! Aren't pugs silly?
That thingy does look a little intimidating, Dutch. Thanks for sharing, though. It makes Puglet a little more Puglike and a little less godlike.
Love Noodles
Thanks for sharing,Dutch! Pug always seems so fearless- ya know, scaring away mountain lions and stuff. Glad to know I'm not the only scaredy-pug.
Lafayette Lola
Hilarious!!! LOL!! HAHAHAHAHA! Don't be such a "scaredy-pug"!! LOL
OH my god, how hilarious! totally lost his mojo! We love Puglet!
Good to hear from you, Dutch. Your, um, European perspective is appreciated.
Hi Dutch, what a great post. I hope Puglet is feeling better. I also hope he doesn't get to heated about you sharing his secret fears. I tell you, I wouldn't mind you sharing us some additional scary things with us in the future.
One of the cutest blog posts ive EVER read. :D Lovin this.
You rock Dutch and so does your human who allows you and Pug to share aalllll your exciting adventures. We love 'ya!
Michigan Puggy
People here posting a comment makes this blog complete. I love you guys too! By the way, Puglet. I want to see a full shot of ur curly tail. My human says curly tail makes her smile, not sure why, but she says so.
Thanks for posting Dutch. That was really funny.
Nice to hear your voice Dutch! I hope Puglet is better today. You can think of 12 things he is scared of? We would love to hear of the other ones! Daisy is scared of riding in elevators. Something about a moving floor gets her putting the brakes on. Good thing mommy picks her up!
Pug to receive Red Cross Award for saving lives during Denver apartment fire
Pugs rule !!
Hi Dutch! Wow, your good at posting! Maybe you should have something called The Daily Dutch or The Daily Dalmatian. Then you wouldn't have to hijack Pug's blog. =) I would read it, especially if there were lots and lots of pictures! Anyways, if you do end up in the blogging business, remember WE gave you the idea.
Good Luck!
Isabella the pug and Franklin the lab
Puglet, on another note, I think the end is near. Lots of crazy storms across the nation...just sayin'
Love hearing from you Dutch, it's nice to get the inside scoop on Puglet! Maybe Pug can give you a day each week to blog.
So did you guys get any SNOW in San Fran?
Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo
Heya Dutchman!
Happy that you made another guest appearance, I love when you show behind the scenes footage of Puglet :)
Even though he's all tough on the outside, and really a big scaredy pug on the inside, I still love him!
Molly in PA
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