But not today. Today she just called me fat and gave me nothing but a pet on the head.
And I wasn't even there to get weighed! One of my eyes has been gunky and when the gunk turned green, my human said it was vet time. My eyes have NOTHING to do with how much I do or don't weigh, so I have no idea why they even made me get on the stupid scale. I mean, what does being fat have to do with green eye gunk??
Still, when the vet was checking me out with the scopey thing, she looked me straight in the eye and said (to my human, like I wasn't even there): Puglet's looking a little chunky these days. Might want to cut back on the treats a little.
Huh what? Cut back on what treats? The only treat left is poop and I have to sneak out into the bushes in the middle of the night to get that. Why can't humans just accept that pugs like food? Because if it was up to me, I wouldn't be a little chunky. I'd be a lot chunky.
Oh man, no treats? I can see why you go looking for poop! NOT FAIR. I don't think you look fat at all!
But Puglet, if you were "a lot chunky" you wouldn't be healthy, and if you weren't healthy you wouldn't feel good. We want you around for a lonnnng time, so reduce the chunky.
Puglet.. Chunky the vet called you chunky now that hurts! Especially when you have an eye problem who cares about having or not having a waist line. Sheese..what do these humans expect from us pugs it's not like we're skinny like grey hounds, crap those dogs look skin bones, pugs are cuddly soft warm hunks of burning love! Right Puglet..tell your mom you are a hunk of burning love just the way you are!
Ellie, Emmitt and (Eli - the bag of bones pug) from San Antonio
PS.. hope the eye gets better nobody needs green goop in their eye.
Oh Puglet! I'm afraid that's what all the vets do. Apparently, the human-vet's do it to the humans too! My human gets mad because there is an evil people-vet she has to see once a year for her work. Like you, she doesn't go there to be weighed, but very year the woman tells my human how much weight she's gained and how she should exercise more, blah, blah, blah... If only we held the power of the people treats! See how the humans like it!!
I hope your eye is okay. Mine have been very dry and itchy because we've had a lot of wind!!
You look studly to me - not at all fat.
Love Noodles
the last time i was at the vet, she looked me in the eye, told me i was fat AND THEN PUT HER FINGER IN MY BUM!!! vets can be soooo mean. :(
i hope your eye is okay. especially after the blow to your pride.
If only we were as thin as you Puglet? Ahhh!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
Maybe you can make a fitness video!
You're a pug, not a whippet. You're suppose to have a little extra meat on you.
I just remembered one really big reason why snow sucks: all the poo is buried or frozen in ice!! I'm going through major withdrawl and I probably won't be snacking again until spring thaw because it's such slim pickings out there.
So don't take your poo stash for granted and remember those like me, who are poo-less right now, when you're doing your midnight munching.
We need Wii fit for Pugs! We feel your pain, including our human...we are all rather tubby right now, all three of us are working on it. Hope your eye bugurs are ok
Pearl and Tessa
I am sure you will burn it all off in the spring. Getting a pet cat also might work. They are so fun to chase around the house (you have to watch out for those pointy claws, though).
Good luck on the poo-problem. I am not allowed to roam off-leash beacause I can't handle the poop. I think it is in our genetic code...
Well! That's just ridiculous! We've built up quite a Human Vocabulary Recognizer System. For instance we go all squirrel when we hear the following words, listed in order of Squirrel-level excitement:
***** Steak
***** Pizza
*** Treat
*** Cookie
*** Foooooood
** Popcorn
** Turkey
* Potato Chip
We would have a collective meltdown if these important words were not followed up with concrete delivery of said items. If we had to diet, would these words go away? Except maybe food? Scary stuff, man. Scary.
Aww Puglet, don't let the meany vet make you feel insecure about your body. You are adorable! Just don't get diabetes, that's scary.
<3 Kirbie & Izzy
Bella Mia here from http://bellamiapug.blogspot.com/
It's a conspiracy, all this "we're too fat" stuff. About a year ago, the Vet slapped my human's hand and told her that I had to get from 20lbs to 16lbs. I didn't think I'd ever make it, but my human cut out treats and put me on "lite" dog food 1/2C twice a day. That was hard. I whimpered and whimpered, but my Vet had made it clear to my human that my life was in danger, that fat causes me to not be able to breath very well. Anyway, she got on a crusade to trim me down. It was hard at first, but in January, when I went to the Vet, I weighed 16 lbs. I also have more energy. I still beg for food, but I did that even when I was fat.
I hope my story helps you and that your eye gets better real soon. As for poo, bring it on. I eat it every chance I get....
Hello Puglet! I know how you feel. I'm a whopping 23 pounds. Since my last visit to the vet, my human put me on a terrible diet. No treats unless I'm under 25 pounds. I hope that doesn't happen to you!
We're sorry your vet was so harsh on you. Our vet always tells our human that we need to watch our waistlines and we're not even that into treats like most pugs. In fact we're on a bit of a hunger strike right now because our human has been busy at school. We guess vets will never understand us pugs.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
I'm with you, Puglet....a skinny Pug is a contradiction of terms...not just that, it's a sin, if you will...An utter abomination! You know, it's got me thinking...maybe poop is really fattening! Maybe if you cut down on the poop pops you could have OTHER treats. Just an idea, but what do I know, I don't really like the poop pops. That's prolly because of that time when I was a puppy and I came to give my mom a lick and she saw the kitty litter on my lips. She FREAKED and put a gate up so I couldn't get to the poop pops anymore. I guess I just lost my taste for them....but now you've got me thinkin'.......
Snorts and snarfles,
well how chunky are we talkin here puglet? is it 28 like when you went to the HOM? i was 24 for a bit but now i'm down to between 18 and 19lbs. at 20lb, my usual vet was thrilled! she said i was 'perfect' but we saw a different vet who said i needed to lose 5lbs. i'd be a skeleton at 15lbs! see, vets go by something called 'breed standard' which says pugs should be 18 or under (for girl pugs) but what most vets fail to acknowledge is thats for show dogs. usother pugs are not 'to breed standard', some are taller, some are longer. so our weights can be different! tell your human(and the vet) that as long as you can see a waist, like the fa left in this diagram, then you are fine
my vet gave me pills and told my human they would make me hungry (they really really do) then said I was getting a little chunky! Well, whose fault is that?! I get so impatient in the morning that I bark at my human while she's getting my breakfast ready...luckily she thinks I have a cute bark! You're super handsome, puglet, no matter how much you weigh. Just try to stay healthy, o.k.?
Blame it on the House of Ham! It's not your fault. A pug will eat whatever's handed to him. It's not like you can open cupboards and feed yourself--next time you're at the vet, tell her that!
If it makes you feel any better=-- the only person in the world that tells me I'm in good shape is the vet (well.. and my mom). Everyone else in the world tells me how fat I look-- like they have never seen a pug before. :(
Eat on Puglet!
Oh Puglet I understand but trust me you aren't truly chubby... yet. Before I was recycled I was the world's fattest pug weighing in at 50lbs. It was horrible being that big, I couldn't even walk one block! Once I was recycled, my humans had me on a BORING diet but even when I was 38lbs strangers would make fun of me. Sure it was great when my first family fed me cheeseburgers and snack foods but once I was recycled I realized how bad that made my life. I had no friends, no love interests, and even almost went to rainbow bridge at only 4 years old! Now I am 25lbs and happy and healthy. Treats are a pugs best friend but trust me Puglet you don't want to get fat like I was... It's not fun and it's lonely. Thank goodness for being recycled. Our hamuns love us so much that's why they take away the treats. Good luck man. If you need support while on the diet, I've been there and hang in there!
What!? No way! You look great, Puglet! You're a tall pug so you could never look pudgy or chunky. Whatever. You're not a stubby pug at all.
You should try apples and green beans. They make you feel full so you don't feel like you are on a diet. And you can eat more apples and green beans and peas and stuff and less kibble while still having some treats!
And dried apples make awesome treats. Mom does it every other month or so for us. Don't even have to cook, so your mom could totally do it! Just slice the apples, stick them in the oven on 200 degrees or so for a few hours and voila!
you had me at "look".
I am so in love with you, Puglet....
Drs and Vets go through intensive training in med school to learn to tell EVERYONE that "If it tastes good spit it out and if it feels good for heaven's sake stop it" That nugget of knowledge under my hat I tell my vet that round is a shape - get over it. :) Good luck Puglet. Vets are mean.
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