My human pulled a tick off my head, cleaned out my fold and put goo in my eye to make the gunk go away. She said that was love. I guess it could be, but I would rather have had food.
Anyway. A total of 113 comments came in before San Francisco midnight last night so I fed the number into the randomizer:
And the randomizer said the winner of their very own Bubba Rose cookie book is... commentor #17.
My human counted and acounted and counted again, and it looks like comment #17 was from a ridiculously cute pug named Bella Mia. Congrats Bella! Please email me dailypuglet[at]gmail.com so we'll know where to send your cookie book.
Oh yeah. Now get this, Bella Mia's profile thingy says she lives right here in the Bay area. I don't think we've never met, but after seeing her cuteness I think maybe we should!
Maybe Love Day really is about love???
Heya Puglet,
Sucks I didn't win, but I'm happy that you found a new pug to love in the Bay Area :)
And, a *TICK*!!?!?!? It's getting to almost be that time here too, snouts are on the watch!
Molly in PA
Yay Bella!!! You will love the book! It's awesome!
Oh, Bella Mia IS a cutie pie! But Puglet...what about JENNY???
Congratulations Bella Mia. I hope you get tons of goodies from the Bubba Rose cookie book. I'm trying to guilt my mom into getting one for me, but she doesn't like to cook. What the heck is food for if you don't like to cook? I don't get humans.
Love ya'
Congratulations Bella Mia. Here's hoping for a wide world of yummy treats, and since you live in the same area, I think you and Puglet should meet. He sounds smitten.
I'm totally bummed out that I didn't win the cookie book :(
But I'm really excited that the Radomizer picked a potential love match :)
Bella's a hottie. Maybe include one of your Haiku poems with the book. Paws crossed, Puglet, that this leads to romantic walks on the beach.
Woo hoo Bella Mia! I totally love the first part of your name. Seriously Pug, I know your mom shows you (and Dutch) tons of love everyday. Did you show your mom any extra love? Hmmm???
Oh darn I didn't win but yay for Bella Mia! She's a cutie Puglet and will love those treats... Maybe your human is trying something called Tough Love? My human says Tough Love may be what you're getting... It's not as tasty as food love but is just as important for those of us Pugs on diets...
I knew, even if I win, my human won't be baking anything for us anyway.
By the way... what about this? Are those AKC people nuts? I am 13 lbs, my brother is... you know... tubier than 18 lbs.And the pug on Westminster show last night looked a LOT tubier than 18 lbs !!
Pug: Size, Proportion, Substance
The Pug should be multum in parvo, and this condensation (if the word may be used) is shown by compactness of form, well knit proportions, and hardness of developed muscle. Weight from 14 to 18 pounds (dog or bitch) desirable. Proportion square.
We totally missed the contest. Oh well, maybe next time.
BTW, we got buffalo ribs for Pugentine's Day. From a real buffalo. With meat and everything. They were AWESOME! Hope you can get some soon.
Congratulations, Bella Mia!!
Puglet, if you need a "wing man" in the love department, I've got your back!!
Oh I almost went poodle cause I saw "Bella" and thought I won! But then I saw the "Mia" part and realized it wasn't me. ): I guess I'll have to give my mom the sad eyes (I know you know what those are, Puglet...we Pugs are masters of the sad eyes) so she'll buy me a copy of that cookie book. But I'm happy you made a new friend cause I think I'm learning that that's what love day is all about. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE food but (shhhhh, don't tell anyone) I think I love the love more.
Snorts and snarfles,
Puglet - I have sent off my e-mail to you with my address. We did meet once at the Pug meetup at Point Isabel...there's another one coming up this coming Saturday. Not sure we'll be there, as it may rain. Hope to see you sometime soon. Thank you for being such a generous Pug, but then I'm not surprised. Pugs have many wonderful qualities and being generous is one of them...
Oh, one more thing....Thank you to all of you well-wishers...I appreciate your kind comments...
We did meet once at the Pug meetup at Point Isabel...there's another one coming up this coming Saturday. Not sure we'll be there, as it may rain. Hope to see you sometime soon. Thank you for being such a generous Pug, but then I'm not surprised.
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