And, uhm, that's all I know.
Except that it will happen this weekend. And there will be rules. Special rules.
Rule #1: I have to sit in a bag.
No idea. But I've been practicing. It's not all that much fun, but it's not hard or anything. And I get cookies for doing it.
Rule #2: I have to be quiet.
No biggie. I bark at animals on TV, when the mail comes, and at the garbage truck on Wednesday mornings - but other than that I'm mostly quiet.
Rule #3: I can't touch, lick, or eat anything.
I'm OK with not touching, but not eating or licking? Seriously? That could be tough. I mean, what if someone offers me a snack? Or wants a kiss?
I asked Dutch if he's ever had to follow these special rules, but he said no (and is also waaay too big to sit in a bag). I'm dying to know where we're going, but my human won't give me any more clues.
Have you ever had rules like this? Any clue where we might be going??
PS: If you haven't told us your Special Day (and have no idea what I'm talking about) read yesterday's post :)
Are you going on a plane???
Hmmm. I don't know! Are you not allowed to lick or eat things on planes??
Hey Suki -- you here today? I know you've been on a plane before. Do they let you eat??
The library?
Austin, MN - SPAM factory tour !!
Sounds like your human is going to smuggle you in somewhere exciting. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Sounds like a plane to me too, except...
When I was looking to take Beulah on a plane in Canada she plus the bag had to weigh no more than 20lbs. I'm not sure if the rules are different for different airlines. Maybe you could ask Google?
Sounds like a plane. I'm going on a plane in 2012 for the Pug Nationals. And those rules sound a lot like my rules for that.
The "no noise" will be hardest. I tend to scream when I don't get my way.
You are giving new meaning to the term "doggy bag". Sounds like a grocery store trip to me...
Kris in Oklahoma
I don't think its a plane. We were on a plane going to Pug Nationals last year, yes I was in a bag (and it was awful), my mom gave me treats so I ate stuff.
My friend Sugar goes on planes all the time with her mom, Sugar is a people helper dog so she doesn't have to be in a bag.
Gee Puglet...no clue where you are going, can't wait to find out.
Hey, brother Emmitt ranked 4th 2010 in the Pug National Rankings, Jumpers w/weaves.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
San Antonio Pugs.
Hmm. Can you go in a plane in a whole foods bag? That bag I'm in is the bag we're going in. I also think I might be too fat for airplanes. I am 25 pounds without the bag :(
Go Emmitt!!!! Those weave things are impossible.
Hey Puglet: Maybe you are going to an indoor movie theater? Dogs are not allowed in movie theaters, so you would have to be quiet and you definitely would not be able to eat since no one can know you are there.
I've been on a plane before. I had to stay in my sherpa bag while we were on the plane, but mom was able to feed me treats and take me out of the bag for a stretch and a drink between flights.
Mom thinks you look pretty cute in that bag!!!
Wherever you are going, mom and I hope you have a wonderful time. We can't wait to hear about this adventure!!!
Your friend Bo from Sacramento.
Hi Puglet,
I bet you're going on a plane. I went on a plane once. I had to sit in a bag, and be quiet. My mom pushed me under a seat, and all I could see were her feet. No fun. But, when we got to Chicago, Wow, what a blast! I was able to go to lots of places with my mom, and I was totally spoiled by my grandma. I hope you get to go on a plane too.
Oh, my mom told me I should have shared my fur siblings birthdays with you. Bummer, why is it never all about me??
Ricky - mini dachshund - 09/29/03
Milla - Am Staffie - gotcha day - 08/11/09
Jack-Jack - gotcha day - 08/13/10
Love ya'
Hmmm... You're going in a shopping bag??! Never heard of that. Are you participating in some sort of green art piece? You know, like reusable shopping bag/recycled doggie thing?! I dunno, but I would NEVER let my humans put me in a baggie!!!
Just adorable, you look cute in that bag.
I don't know where you are going, but if you have to sit in a bag then I am guessing pets are not allowed.
This sounds like a cohort operation, Pug. Like Thumbs is taking you somewhere super top secret.
I'm guessing movie theatre, which sounds *super awesome*.
Congratulations on being back down to 25 lbs!
Molly in PA
Hi Pug,
When I rode on the plane, I had to be in my travel carrier, under the seat, with no food. But I still had an awesome time! So glad your human is on the mend.
I have no clue where you would go in a grocery bag.
I guessed plane too except for the no food thingy. I ALMOST got to ride in a plane to New Mexico but at the last minute Auntie B said she's LOVE to have me over to her place. . . and that is cool cuz we play and walk a lot.
Love Noodles
This is all very mysterious; maybe you're going to a hospital to visit sick people and make them feel happy. Phoebe hopes you're going to the grocery store. We can't wait to find out.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Are you going to a special Farmer's market, Puglet??
Be careful that the bottom of the bag doesn't burst & all of Puglet comes spilling out. That might hurt.
We agree with a few others, we think the movies.
Just think you could watch a movie with 3D glasses on...how cool would that be!!
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
We don't have any ideas but you sure look cute in your bag!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Are you going to a bacon factory?? Probably not, your mom would freak out! Hmmm.....I bet that bacon factory is yummy though..Don't worry, you'll be a hit where ever it is that you are going.
You look adorable in the bag! Could you be going back on the subway?
Ann, Cleo, Frodo & Molly
My friend, Marlowe, gets put in his mom's "contraband bag" all the time to go stores and cafes. When Marlowe is good, he gets cookies so I bet the no barking thing will be totally worth it. Maybe you get to meet someone famous!
I have no idea where you're going but I do know that you'll have a lot of fun and that I want to come.
I'm even more excited about your human feeling so much better, that she's taking you on an this mystery mini-adventure. Yay Amanda!
P.S. I hope you're going to the supermarket. It's been a dream of mine to go there one day...sigh.
Puglet, Remember when you almost had to get in a bag to get on the train? Maybe its like that but its going to take you somewhere really cool and the no snacks/licking etc is just for the bag part and whatever the destination is will probably be an oasis of snacks and treats :)
Paula from DE
Wow, Puglet, that sounds mysterious and exciting! One time when I was little my mom and dad put me in a bag made for puppies and then took me on the New Jersey train. I wasn't supposed to make any noise but I made a total racket, screeching and screaming and scratching at the bag thingy. They couldn't take me back on the train again. But that's ok, because now I go on adventures with my big sister who wouldn't fit in a bag anyway and we get to hog the whole back seat of the car.
I am so curious to hear about your adventure!
Snorts and snarfles,
Only a pug is transportable!
Ooooh, you guys are good at this clue stuff! Here's what I know:
I am not going on a plane.
Or a train.
Or Minnesota (home of SPAM. And Sammy. And others!)
My human says the place we are going is kinda like a cross between a museum, a library, an adventure park and a church.
Hi Pug,
Would you be going to a photo op at Mission San Francisco de Asis?
Wow. I don't have a clue! I thought maybe someplace like the Exploratorium, but a church? And, I don't understand the grocery bag. Boy, you've got my little puggy brain racing! I can't WAIT 'till you find out!!!
Puglet maybe you'll go to Opera?? or Theatre?? and it will be a premiere with banqet after that??? if so you'll nee a bow-tie :) Hugs Gosia
No clue. Maybe a trip to PetSmart? Maybe a day in San Fransico shopping? I did that once. But, why doesn't Dutch have to go in a shopping bag? Maybe its something just for you. I agree with Barbara too. It is possible. You might go on a plane.
ps. Oops. Forget the whole plane thing! :)
My mom's too cheap for an iPhone or Droid. She has a Virgin Mobile wanna-be smart phone. Works fine for her. She even gets Daily Puglet on it.
You're mom doesn't like Steve Jobs? He's my mom's hero. Changed her life. If it wasn't for Macs, she probably wouldn't be a computer graphic artist. Apple made it easy. The rest is history.
Keep us posted on your adventure.
Hello people/pugs! He said "where no pug has set paw" It's obviously not a plane/train/or automobile maybe a museum? haha just kidding
Thank you Puglet for keeping us updated!
Pollie and "M"
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