I got to eat the cookies while we visited the rest of the store. Lots of boxes and cans. Kinda boring, but do you know they make like a gazillion kinds of SPAM? SPAM & Cheese. Hot & Spicy SPAM. SPAM and Baaaacon! I wanted to bring them all home with us, but my human said my bag of 'SPAM for dogs' cookies was all we'd be buying.
The buying part turned out to be pretty funny. We went through this self-checkout thing, but when my human tried to pay for my cookies, it acted like no one's ever tried to buy a half eaten bag of food before. Somehow the stupid machine knew how much a bag of dog cookies is supposed to weigh, but since my bag of cookies was half empty it just kept saying Assistance Needed.
Assistance Needed! Assistance Needed! Assistance Needed!
My human wasn't exactly happy about needing assistance with my half-eaten bag of cookies. But the supermarket lady who helped us was supernice. She thought it was funny that I couldn't wait until we got home to eat my cookies. That's my kind of lady.
I hope everyone enjoyed my adventure in the supermarket as much as I did. Don't feel bad if you never get to go in one though. It was superfun and all, but the closest I came to eating anything was licking the door of the frozen Novelties.
Don't tell my human, but compared to bacon and Golden Chicken, this is what I think about wannabe "SPAM" for dogs.

* * *
Happy gotcha to One-Eyed Jack in Frederick, MD!!
And a big fat Happy born day to Harley and Mimi!
Happy gotcha to One-Eyed Jack in Frederick, MD!!
And a big fat Happy born day to Harley and Mimi!
Umm, Puglet, I see a lot of yellow stickers in the dog section. These mean that the cookies are on sale! Next time you see these in the grocery store you should make your human buy lots and lots of cookies to "save money" in the future (even if they aren't golden chicken or bacon or spam).
BTW, you said that there were lots of other dogs (some not in bags) in the store on Tuesday. Did you mean hot dogs?!
You are just too supercute!!!!
Oh! And Happyhappyhappy to One-Eyed Jack and Harley and Mimi!
Puglet, my mom says you are just too darn cute! The last picture is priceless and says it all.
Mom and I enjoyed reading about this adventure and look forward to hearing about others, and hopefully soon?????
Best wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday today. We hope you get some yummy treats for your special day!!!
Bo (and Bo's mom) from Sacramento.
Seriously...once they feed the human "kibble" then there is no going back to regular "kibble"...Wesa means to keep from starving we do'sa eat our kibbles...but the human kibbles becomes the most treasured bowl or plate in the house!! Puglet...you are living the dream!!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
HI Puglet. If you come to Portland in May for the Pug Crawl you can wander around the downtown Safeway and no one will even blink an eye!
Hi Puglet,
At least you got to see the store and the pup treats with the yellow sale tags.
Our mom got a wild hair and started making our treats..the only thing she will buy now is sweet potato thingies and peanut butter bits from a guy at agility trials. Some nonsense about good for us ingredients and Emmitt's sensitive stomach..what-ev-er !
That easy check out thingie, our mom wouldn't go thru that if she had one item. Something about 'stupid thing never works right' We think its her !!!
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli The Texas Pugs.
Happy Happy Day to One-Eyed Jack, Harli and Mimi many many more !
Dear Puglet,
Bravo to you, your human and the Supermarket adventure! Chili and I loved every minute of it. We also love the pictures and the yummy descriptions.
Happy Birthday to One-Eyed Jack, Harli and Mimi, and Happy Belated Birthday to Pablo from yesterday. Our human was hogging the computer all day yesterday, something about work (blech), so we didn't have a chance to comment.
Have a great weekend!
Coco (and Chili)
HBD2U, Jack, Mimi and Harley ~
oh Puglet, you are so cute, but Why didn't you tell your human to buy more stuff while you were there - getting grocery done at once = saves $ on gas = more money for cookies (and SPAM) Snow tomorrow here in MN, 2 inches : < We want to move to CA
Hi Puglet!
I loved reading about your supermarket adventures, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your tounge sticking out picture :)
You're the coolest!
Molly in PA
Hi Puglet
Me thinks your human would have been better off buying SPAM with BACON (I am salivating just thinking of it) and giving you nibbles than wasting her money on BAD Supermarket cookies you ONLY eat cuz you're a PUG and that's what PUGS do. Harrrummmph!
Love Noodle
Puglet, you should be ashamed of that last picture (my mom said it's too funny though)! I think all of us pugs can agree that bacon and golden chicken would be better, but I'll take dog SPAM over nothing any day.
This was one of the coolest series of posts, so thanks for sharing! One last thing you gotta tell us is what Sabrina asked - what were other dogs doing there? I’m going to have my mom check if there’s a Safeway in our area.
3 cookies today, how great, all thanks to One-Eyed Jack, Harley, and Mimi! YEAH!
Payton from Mascoutah
I loved your whole supermarket saga each day - the pictures are great!
Happy Birthday/Gotcha day to Pablo,One Eyed Jack, Harley & Mimi!!!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
How did you manage a trip INSIDE a market?
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Hi Puglet,
Thanks for your words.We loved! You are the best! The supermarket adventures I never will have...but I love to see all. We loved the last picture rsrsrs, Golden Chicken and bacon, baaaaaacon is soooo better!
Dutch knows about your adventure??? I can imagine the jealous that he is felling...ohh poor Dutch! He is sooo big and cannot enter in a bag, no? (this is the explication for him).
Fred from Rio
Happy Gotcha to One-Eyed Jack and Happy Aniversary to Harley & Mimi
Thanks to Puglet and everyone else for all the well wishes on my special day. I have been with my parents for 10 years today. They aren't sure how old I am but we think about 13 or so. When they found me at an animal shelter I only had one eye, hence my name One-Eye Jack!
LOL I love how everything is "cookies" for you Puglet! You are sooo cute! Oh, a dog's view
Hiya Puglet,
We have surely enjoyed living vicariously through you this week. If we even tried to cross the threshold of a grocery store around here, they'd probably throw us in the klink. Can't wait for your next adventure, and that last pic? Priceless!
Happy,happy one eyed Jack, Mimi and Harley!
Puglet, way to go buddy this adventure was great. Love the last pic.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY one eye Jack, Mimi and Harley.
Hi Everybody!
Now I know how it feels to make a great big long comment -- and have it get eaten by Blogger :(
I don't 100% remember all the awesome thoughts I just had, but here's a few...
Yellow Tags - The SPAM had yellow tags too! Maybe Miss Gimpy didn't know that tags=sale?!?
Dog "SPAM" - Yeah, I guess any food is better than no food. But let's not pretend - there is only *one* SPAM.
Dutch's thoughts - He thinks it kinda sucks that only I got to go in the Supermarket. But he's been tons of places I've never been. Before I came, my human used to take him shopping all the time. He's been in the dressings rooms at places like the Adidas store, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie (he says they have cookies behind the counter). He also got kicked out of a giant shoe warehouse place because some lady was really afraid of dogs and freaked out when she saw him. That would never happen to me though.
I have been unable to comment. I keep getting an "error on this page" message. I wonder if this will get through.
Happy Birthday yesterday to Pablo. Happy Birthday today to One Eyed Jack.
Puglet you have had quiet an adventure. Bummer you couldn't get any of that chicken though.
Sorry,, QUITE an adventure.
Whew! I'm exhausted! What an adventure. It wore me out just reading about your trip to the supermarket!! I think this is my new favorite adventure of yours!! Thanks for givin' us the 411 on the mysterious SUPERmarket.
How did you ever convince your human to let you go to the grocery store?
Oh, I have never been to a grocery store because we are not allowed into most stores in Berlin!
Now I know what I am missing and it makes me sad. Once upon a time when I was a pug puppy my Mom smuggled me into a grocery store, hidden in a huge bag and a small kid cried out "A puppy!!!!" and that was the end of my adventure! We had to leave the store ..
Great story and wonderful photos, Puglet.
Thanks for this wonderful insight into what dogs can do at your side of the pug world!
Happy belated Birthday greetings for One-Eyed Jack, Harley and Mimi!
Carlos from Berlin
That is very funny. You had a great adventure. Feel special, they would never let me in the grocery store.
When we saw the "checking item weight" photo, we cracked up because we thought your mom put you up on the scale to check your weight before you could get the cookies! Good thing she didn't! :)
At our Whole Foods our parents get us Mr. Pugsley's Organic Peanut Butter treats. Mr. Pugsley is on the package, that's why they are pug-tested and pug-approved. We love them.
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