Thanks sooo much for saying soooo many nice things about me on Friday. It makes me superwarm & fuzzy to know how much everyone likes me. Uhm, I mean likes coming here. Even when I'm boring and/or not talking back.
I'm superexcited to share the first-annual Daily Puglet No-Recipe Cookie (and other edibles ) Book. Kitty-friendly recipes included!!
So freaking cool.
You can enjoy the longest post in Daily Puglet history (and everyone's recipes) by clicking on the pictures to biggify.... AND you can now view + download your very own copy of the book (PDF thingy). Just follow this link then click on my face. It's ridiculously cool:
Like they say in Italy, Chow!

Oh Puglet,
This book is so awesome!!!!
You and your human did a great job and some of these treats are so easy to make and sound so good.
Thank you for featuring us on page 1 - we are so exicited!!!!
Gabby and Gunnie
Hey Puglet!
I need to talk to my human about the SPAM balls, they sound a-mazing. And the not poo! treats sound super tasty too.
Super thanks to your human for putting this all together - so cute :)
Molly in PA
Any chance you can publish this and make $? Maybe donate portion of proceed to pug rescue??
Am just saying..... if this goes to rescue, I would buy lots of them !!
Thank you Puglet, Dutch and Human's thumb, this looks super awesome.
My Benny (cat) may be in need of some of those stinky cat cookies. Thanks for including the felines in the no recipe book!
Puglet - I sent in 2 recipes and don't see them. They went to dailypuglet@gmail.com. Was that wrong?
Love Noodles
I mean NON recipes
Too cool- thanks for sharing these with us Puglet and all who contributed. they look delicious!
Super cute. Why not upload to issuu?
Thanks so much Puglet. These are awesome! Even though my mom didn't get her human rear in gear and send a recipe, I'm sure these are easy enough for her to try. I'm looking forward to all the No Recipe treats I can eat.
Thank you to everyone that sent them in.
Love ya',
The book is cool...SPAM Balls really!!! We will beg our mom to make these. She hates stinky smells so this may take some convincing.
The San Antonio Pack
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
The book looks yummy! We can't wait to try it all. We are totally POed at our human for forgetting to send our picture in. If the books gets published do you think we could send in our picture? Also Zoey would like equal credit for the recipe. It was an equal effort, after all. Thanks for keeping life interesting with all of your great ideas
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
These recipes look wonderful and fairly easy. Looking forward to trying them out on my pack. Thanks Pug & human for all your hard work!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Love, love, love the cookbook!
I just want everyone to know that my recipe makes 80 small cookies, so if you want a smaller batch just cut the recipe in half. But who wouldn't want 80 cookies?
About half the time my comments don't appear, like April 1 whe I told you how much I enjoy reading the posts even if I don't comment all the time. Again, Happy Birthday.
Looking forward to printing the "No Recipes".
puglet! I wish I had submitted a no-recipie! This looks soo cool! Maybe you can do an addendum for those who didn't make it.
Love the idea of a no-recipie (or no mess-ipe, as my human calls them) book!
LOL These are great! Everyone's was so clever. And Fritter's was especially hilarious. Spam balls are awesome!
Yeah, I'm superglad the kitties are represented in the book (thanks G & G and Ernie!). Especially since my human says they're pickier than dogs (technical term: finicky) -- so you KNOW their cookies are going to rock.
You have no idea about the SPAM. Holy yummy. Like, best thing I've ever eaten in my whole entire life kind of yummy. I'll be doing a whole entire post on it soon. In the immortal words of Elisa -- VIVA LA SPAM!
And more hey!
HUGE thanks Caroline. My human couldn't remember the name of issuu. We'll be uploading as soon as we figure out where the heck Noodles' AWOL recipes are. My human said something about a SPAM folder? Hmmm. Sounds yummy.
Sammy - cool idea to use our recipes to make $ for rescue. I think we should do a great big collection that totally kicks Bubba Rose's you-know-what (uh, sorry Bubba Rose. I do love you).
Zoey + Phoebe - no problem, we'll add Zoey's name. My human was going to dig up a picture of them but then spazzed. Sorry :(
Sue VDB - Arrgh! Sorry Blogger keeps eating your comments. My human doesn't filter them or anything, so they *should* show up. Maybe blogger doesn't know the meaning of should.
Ollie, I would definitely like 80 cookies.
Hey Noodles!!!!
Found you/it! Adding your non-recipe to the book now...
What a yummy collection of no-recipes. Thank you for putting this together.
thank you puglet, and THANK YOU HUMAN for putting us in your book. i can't wait to tell all my friends!!! i'm even going to tell the vet on thursday. maybe i'll even sign a copy for her.
pepper the (famous) pugalier
PS - i hate to be a debbie downer, but page four should say pepper THE pugalier, not &.
Oh boy! This looks awesome! You've done a lot of great things, Puglet, but a collection of cookie no-recipes?! Brilliant. Thanks dude.
debbie downer here again. daisy just told me she doesn't think it's fair that she's not in the title. *sigh* sisters. anyway, i guess it should be daisy and pepper, instead of pepper & pugalier.
thanks again puglet. i know i'm a real pain in the curly tail...
pepper the pugalier
Pepper the pugalier ~
Duh. Sorry. I meant to warn everyone that some of my human's gimpiness might show. We'll fix it before putting the booklet online to download! Soooon....
Puglet and Human (Amanda)
Thanks for finding my missing no-recipes. BTW, the cheese one is more like a cheeseball for dogs! I get a slice when I am really super duper definitely GOOD.
Love Noodles <3
Awesome... Thank you.. these are great!
Wow! Spam balls, get into my belly meat treats! These all sound delicious! I guess I should relent and say I am proud of Brigitte for making a name for herself in poo? Hmmmm. Listen, I am all for contributing my own no recipe recipe and Sluggo too, if you go forward with a fundraising book. In the meantime, a little something went to the Rocket Dog in your name.
Hi Puglet & Friends!
The book is fantastic! Love, love, love the cover photo! All of these recipes sound amazing. I especially like Bella's...brilliant! Haha
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
Fantastic Book! I hope that my mom make to me. The pictures...aown..... own.... beautiful. All is fantastic, amazing and I can imagine, so delicious!!!!hummm.
Fred and mom human
Awww, WIlma - you're so awesome for doing that. We <3 Rocket Dog. Big time!
I hope your days (and belly) are full of Spam Balls.
Puglet, When you check your spam folder again look for my g-daughter's no-recipe. It's called OatCaCheeseBooty. She couldn't find it in the book. She is 16 and a devoted fan of you and Dutch. She has her own blog because of you. It's called luck of a pug. :-)
Phoebe's humom in Gladstone, OR
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