You have no freaking idea.
But you will. Tomorrow. And the next day. And probably the day after that too. But my human says I have to fill you in on the Special Days calendar first. You won't believe how full it is!

My human made bad pictures with Droid and the other moms made snacks (for the humans!?!). Then everyone helped fill our calendar with Special Days so my human's head wouldn't explode. Huge thanks Cyndi + Lisa!!
While me and the humans were busy working, Dutch explored in the kitchen. He found a, quote, "plate of yummy yellow goodness" on the counter. Nice, huh?
Sometimes it really sucks to be a shrimpy little pug -- like when you're too short to reach yummy goodness on counters. But sometimes it's good be a shrimp -- like when a human finds teeth marks in the yummy yellow goodness on the counter. And gets mad.

PS: If you haven't told us your Special Day yet -- check out this post from last week. And please please please add your day to that day's page so my human can keep track of them without exploding her brain.
Oh, I am behind the 8 ball about the Special Day thing and I am going to get right back to that post from last week as soon as I can. I am really intrigued, really! And I am really jealous that I didn't get to bring Daisy (our coon hound) to your little pawty!
Sounds like sooooo much fun!!!!! Wish I could have been there to help you get some yummy yellow goodness. You should see if Dutch can steal some for you! :)
~ Frankie from Seattle
Sounds like a productive Saturday. Too bad you didn't get a little taste of that "plate of yummy yellow goodness".
Can't wait to hear about your Sunday!
Holy Moly, Pug, what a weekend!
Oh, and that yellow stuff? Is BUTTER. And it is like 10x more potent than SPAM.
Molly in PA
Molly - Seriously??
Sometimes you don't need to be tall--you just need to be a cat.
Marble helped herself to a hot cross bun fresh of the pan and cooling from the oven. Once she had eaten half, she sent the rest down to Beulah. Unfortunately Beulah's method of running frantically to her bed with "the precious" is pretty obvious so she had to share with Barney. And Marble got a spray bottle to the face.
Land O'Lakes butter... hmmm another Minnesota product. No wonder we are phat.
Hi Puglet,
I have NEVER had any of that yellow stuff Molly said is called butter. Was it worth the angry words? Did YOU get any?
Love Noodles
Hi Puglet,
I remember your friend Lily because she's really cute. Your human took some great photos of her during a hike you guys went on. I think last year?
I really want to know about your great day. The suspense is unbearable! I think my human should give me extra snacks to calm me down.
And a high five to Dutch! For a sensitive, neutered guy, sinking his chompers into that nice slab of butter on the counter was a pretty ballsy move.
Sounds like a great day for doggies and humans!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Butter is my weakness! I just love it! I once stole 2 pats from the table when my mom and dad let me sit on a chair at the table in a hotel room...what a vacation that was! Anyway, can't wait to hear all about your 'best day' this week.
Payton in Mascoutah
All I'm saying, is Dutch knew where the good stuff was. Sometimes it is worth getting in trouble. It looked so delicious!!!!!
Can't wait to see the calender. The group shot is hilarious. Dutch was making a face at you Pug.
Kitty and Coco
Ok, I used to think I was born/recycled into the wrong house (Carrots vs. Meat) but now I think I might be in the wrong state! I mean, if MN has SPAM and Butter - what am I doing in California?!?!
Good memory, Ollie! Lily is the one who told me about my human's top secret trip to Seattle last summer.
In case you missed it:
Oh. And I did not, for the record, get to eat any butter. Not one single bite, lick or sniff.
Dutch just laughed and said he ate enough for both of us... and then licked his lips for like an hour afterward, probably just to rub it in my face.
Well, he can laugh all he wants. Just wait til he sees where I got to go yesterday. I might not be tall enough to reach stuff on the counter, but I *am* small enough to fit in a shopping bag :)
The only time I hear butter, is when my dad calls me "butter butts". Something about my poop lookin' like butter? That totally makes me not want to ear butter. I'd hit up all that yummy cheese and bread and apples in that bowl.
Butter, Dutch got to eat butter, no freaking way! We would uncurl our tails to get at butter again. We did once only because mom had it on the counter and Eli jumped on a chair, knocked the butter dish on the floor and we went to town.
Tell tale signs of the butter escapde was the slippery floor and greasy faces...not to mention bowl movements that lasted two days.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli, TX pugs
Living in MN doesn't mean you get to eat SPAM and Butter. Our human gives us lots of carrots and recetly switched our treats from real beef stuff to Veggie Life (Pigs ear wanna be, it is actually a sweet potato) ... : < Guess we are on a diet - a month before annual physical...sigh
Dear Puglet and Molly,
Thank you for this post and comments. My humans sometimes call me, Coco "Butter", and I didn't know what it meant. Now that I know it means yummy yellow goodness, and I just have to figure out how to get some of it!
I got to eat oven roasted sweet potatoes over the weekend. Have you ever tried them? They are super yummy too! Oh, and bacon bits. My human and I thought you might be more likely to get cookies made with bacon if your human doesn't have to cook the bacon. It comes conveniently cooked in little bits, perfect for cookies!
Oh, man, I LOVE butter but don't get to have it much because I'm a shrimp too and because mom doesn't leave it in a place where tall Luna dog could get it. Plus Luna is "sensitive" too and never really wants to do anything that will make mom or dad say, "Luuuuuna......were you a naughty girl?" That makes her ears go limp and she looks away like they aren't talking to her. They can say the same thing to me, but I just do the fail safe Pug head tilt and it gets me out of EVERYTHING! I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Soooo excited to hear about your adventure in the bag!
Snorts and snarfles,
"Sensitive" lol that was a good one!
That picture of you looking at the table of yellow yumminess is priceless! I chuckled at that one.
You, Dutch, Lily and Harry mirror each other perfectly in that photo! How ironic!
Hmmm... butter... I'm not sure I've had butter. I think my grandmaw put butter in my Gotcha Day cookies, so it HAS to be good!
We've never actually had butter, however we have had buttered popcorn. It's awesome! Our human cousin spilled all over the floor and being the helpful pugs that we are we ate it all up, despite our human's efforts to stop us.
luv, Zoey & Phoebe
I get a butter coated fried potato chunk when Mom gets crazy with the spatula in the kitchen. She flings the potato on the floor by accident and WHAMO!!!! It's MINE ALL MINE! I don't share the buttery stuff with Mr. Bear. He will have to move faster if he wants it.
Butter coated fried potato chunk?!? Seriously? Arrg. I SO wish my human knew how to use a spatula!!
Sammy, don't feel too bad. I've been on Veggie Life my whole life... except at my house it's called carrots! At least they pretend to give you pig parts. I'm lucky if my human cuts the icky top part off my carrots.
San Antonio Pugs - dying to know how you got your humans to put a chair near the counter!
Hi Pug,
We all are sitting on the edges of our seats waiting to see where you went in a shopping bag.
The picture of the calendar is great! No spreadsheet.
Butter?! Butter is super tasty! I haven't had it in forever though. We only have "Buttery Spread" in our house since dad is vegan and mom doesn't eat enough to warrant getting her own. Umm...hello...I can help you out with that, mom!
Anyhow, that cheese plate looks really delicious! Did you get any cheese? I love cheese! And I must say, Puglet, your teeth look very clean...how do you keep them like that?
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
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