OK. As of now you can either enjoy the longest post in Daily Puglet history to enjoy everyone's No-Recipes (click on the pictures to biggify)...
You can view + download your very own copy of our book (in PDF thingy form).
Just follow this link then click on my face. It's ridiculously cool:
Seriously. Click on it!
(Thank Caroline for helping this happen :)
Yay! It looks awesome!
It looks great, but I can't seem to download it!
Cool Puglet!!! The book is a real book! Not a -let at all! I've never been in a book before and now there I am! I am really excited to get my mom to make me some of those paw-some treats....those frozen yogurt pops with peanut butter in the middle are right up my alley. DELISH! I have to go now before mom forgets to give me my after dinner treat....now we have sooooooo many to choose from!
Snorts and snarfles,
Awesome! I feel bad because I did not contribute. :(
But all the recipes look dee-lish and I can't wait to start cooking!
I have been following this blog for over a year and this is the first time I comment. I just wanted to say Thank You for bringing a smile to my face everyday and for this wonderful recipe book.
I'll try a few of the recipes, I have a pug and a corgi and I'm sure they will love it...
Just wanted to let the other here know that in order to download the book, I had to create a issu account (it's free)
Hi Puglet,
Ok, mom figured out the issu account and printed our very own cookie book with us in it.
Can't wait to send it to our agility pug pals and our dog cousins in Pennsylvania.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
the Pug Pack
What a fantastic book. I just opened my own issuu account to get it.
Love the cover art and overall design. You're so talented (and your human,too)! You both put in so much time and effort to make this book for all us happy puppies (and kitties). I wish we could do something nice in return for you! How about I send you 80 of my fabulous meat cookies?!
Ugh. SOrry about the issues with Issuu. It didn't used to work that way - where you had to sing up and stuff. I'll tell my human to start working on a Plan C. One with no obstacles or anything.
I don't want anything standing between my friends and (the chance of) cookies!
Awesome! Glad to help!
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! I am sure a lot went into it- it's very generous of you!
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