I'm so glad everyone liked the cookie (and other stuff) recipes. Huge thanks to everyone who sent one in. We're totally going to do a 2nd edition, so don't worry if you're not in this one. There will be another chance :)
I've learned a lot in the last 2 years from everyone here. The #1 thing (other than bacon) is that even though the Daily Puglet is mostly all about me, it's also about all of you. So when I read a comment from Sammy last week asking about our birthdays here at Casa de Puglet, I got the most genius idea ever.
Wouldn't it be kinda cool if everyone knew everyone's birthday - not just mine and Dutch's and my humans? I figure with 448 Daily Puglet followers, we could probably celebrate someone's birthday every single day. And you know what birthdays mean: birthday cookies! Cookies for all!
How cool would that be??
Now. I know sometimes when you get recycled, nobody tells your new people when you were born. So if you don't know your birthday, that's cool. Gotcha Days (the day your people got ya) are just like birthdays. Sometimes they're even better.
So. Today I want to know your name and your birth or gotcha day (+/- where you live). My human will put everybody's special day on a special calendar and when your day comes around, I'll wish you a happy one here on the DP. And we will all have a reason to eat cookies.
Uhm, y'know, in your honor.
Puglet, June 25 (San Francisco)
Dutch, Sept 3 (San Francisco) CORRECTION: Sept 17th!
PPS: HAPPY DAY to Gracie!!
Gromit 7/1 East Lansing MI
Tallulah 12/17 EL MI
Lucy 10/22 EL MI
I always love a reason to eat cookies....
Sabrina, Oct 30 (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
Awesome idea Puglet!
Lando, July 15 (Cleveland, OH)
Harvey, December 26 (Cleveland, OH)
Awesome idea Puglet!! I came from a puppy mill so can you believe I didn't even know what cookies WERE until about a month ago?? Now I look for just about any excuse to have some.
Riley, Sept 15 - Toronto, Ontario
Great idea !!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhh!!!! 2 of my 3 babies are recycled so
Zuzia G-Day is June 2 (Poznan, Poland)
Pucia G-Day is February 13 (P.P.)
and my boy Fredzio, he's B-day is October 4 (P.P.)
P.S. I was born on June 27, just two days after Puglet (lol)
P.S. 2 I must try to send a recipe for the 2nd edition, 1st one is just awesome !!!!
Scarlet's gotcha day is May 11th - we're coming up on 1 year.
On May 11, 2010 I met Scarlet at the airport and she was a mere 11 pounds from livin' on the streets in LA. Thanks to cookies and love she's 22!
Love to you Puglet!
Meredith & Scarlet
Oh boy!
Trixie's Gotcha day was June 4, 2004.
Minnie's was June 19, 2010!
I'm assuming both were born sometime in April...but who knows!
Great idea. Because TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Not sure what mom has planned for me, but it better be big. I'm a rescue, but I came with papers. So mom always remembers my birthday is 4-5-6.
Gracie the agility pug
We love this idea!!
P.Tuna (April 27)Orange County,CA
Great idea! My name is Nugget and my birthday is July 24th.
Sarge (Dec 21) Cupertino, CA
Noodles aka Wee Bits Fiona Lady Liberty
July 4, 2009
Puglet this is a GREAT IDEA.
You have so many.
Love Noodles
Oh yeah,
San Jose, CA
January 2nd! (Portland, OR)
Can't have too many cookies, I always say!
Fuji: 11/9/99
Fuji: Day after-Thanksgiving 2008 - gotcha
Gen: June 3, 2005
we celbrate them ALL.
Our Mom isn't really sure what day we were born, but she knows we were both born in April 2003. Mom says she can't remember our 'gotcha' days cuz she can't remember a day when we weren't in her life. She says that everybody feels blue on April 15th, so she celebrates our birthdays on that day. My name is Harley, I'm a pug and my sister is a very snooty cocker spaniel named Mimi. (I think her name is perfect for her because she thinks, "Me! Me!" all the time!)
My gotcha day is Sept 18 (Denver, CO). I can't wait until I hit the one year mark with my new human, I've already heard rumors of a delicious, I mean fun, party!!!
What a great way to get extra cookies!
Minnie Moo - October 25th Birthday
Lincoln - August 3rd - Gotcha Day
You come up with the best ideas, Puglet!
My birthday is May 6, 2002 (Toronto, Canada).
I can see from the other posts, that there's another dog here from my city. Hi, Riley!
Cool. I'm glad everyone is filling up the Official Calendar of Special Days. Keep 'em coming!
It's also superawesome that we're finding out where everyone is from. Maybe there will even be a love connection like on those match.com commercials :)
PS: My human screwed up on Dutch's day. She looked on his paperwork and it's not September 3. Even though we've celebrated his birthday on that day for the past 4 years.
Miss Gimpybrain says all his papers are in Dutch and she doesn't read Dutch. He was really born Sept 17. Ooops!
Great idea, Puglet!
Lola, B-day 9/1/2006
G-Day 11/1/2006
Awww, Pug you are so sweet!
Izzy's birthday is June 10th, and she lives in Renton, Washington
Klaus's birthday (the real deal) is October 28! Natty's gotcha day is February 22. :) Both are in Chicago!
OH, you've read my post !! Yay !!
Samantha (AKA Sammy) 5/22/04 the paper says, but my human doesn't trust any paperwork from mills. So my G-day is 8/14/10 -originally from some puppy mill in MO
My brothe: Neko (means cat in Japanese) 1/19/09
We both live in Twincities, MN
My human should not be posting on your blog while she is supposedly working....just don't tell her boss, shhh.
what a great idea, puglet!!!
pepper's birthday (me) - 10 december 2007
daisy's birthday - 2 january 2005
we both live in calgary, alberta, canada.
Yeah Puglet! I love happy cookie day. My birthday is 6-10-08. Love, Las Vegas Lola... Except now I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba... Canada is cold!!
I love cookies, so I can't wait to celebrate everyones special days!! My gotcha day is:
Chaz: August 28 (Hoboken,NJ)
Puglet, you truly are a genius.
My birthday is January 18, 2007. I live in Lakewood.
Love ya',
It's cookie day every day in San Diego.
Love from Lily Pai, born May 16 1996*, San Diego.
*Yes, I am a mature girl.
Another great idea!! I'll have to get working on a dog recipe for the next cookbook.
Cleo 12/5/01 (Brick, NJ)
Molly 9/1/04 (Brick, NJ)
Frodo 10/21/07 (Brick, NJ)
Oh this is so much fun! BTW loved the cookie book, I just know we can talk our human into making one of these for us since they are so easy.
Here is our special days, notice mine is tomorrow!
Skipper 4/6/2008 Belle Plaine, MN
Mae Ling 11/23/2002 Belle Plaine, MN
Paws up!
I know both for Mimi. She was born on January 26th and I got her on march 18th. we live in Greensboro, North Carolina
Happy Birthday Gracie <3
We love this idea too.
Mochi June 14, 2006
Macho November 18, 2006
Marshmallow March 6, 2009
We're from Roslyn Heights, NY
Puglet: Another pawsome idea - you guys rock!!!
My mom gives me Dogpaws ice cream with a special doggie cake when it's my birthday!!
Bo - 2/9/2005
Sacramento, CA
Zoe - 4/4/2006 (yesterday was her 5th!)
Tobee - 3/4/2009
French Bulldogs in the Bay Area, CA!
This is very cool. I am Spencer Bartholomew and my birthday is 10/6/08. I live in Pittsburg, CA.
Myko the Pug from San Francisco, CA
Born on April 26, 2003! A special request for Holy Spam Balls has been made, and steak, oh and of course bacon:)
Also we are totally on board to purchase lots of the No Recipe Books so keep us posted
Miss Pearl - March 14
Miss Moxie - Feb 14 (we totally had to make that up, she was a rescue about 2 yrs old so we gave her Valentine's day for LOVE)
Miss Moxie's Gotcha day - Dec 16th
We're from Wentzville MO
Lucy's bday is May 1st (May Day) but pugs are Chinese so it makes sense she's a communist that believes all food is hers.
We reside in Walnut Creek, CA!
Thanks for the shout out, Pug.
I thought I'd add the rest of the Screaming K9s
Puck - April 1 (mom picked it because he's a fool)
Levi - October 11
Snap (the Boxer) - January 19 (don't know for sure)
Arnie - March 1 (don't know for sure)
Hurst, Texas
Ellie - aka Chestnut Ellie 4/12, San Antonio,TX
Emmitt - aka Cowboy Emmitt 11/30, San Antonio,TX
Eli - aka Aloysius Elias 3/5, San Antonio,TX
The world came to a screeching halt on August 27th, 2009. That's when I burst forth and evryone stood back in awe of my rockin' awesomeness! "Wait what's that?" Hehe. I now cause major earth shattering ruckus in The East Bay...AKA Concord CA.
This is such a great idea Pug!!!
Hi Puglet!!! You are always coming up with GREAT ideas!! My human is the one who has been gimpy lately so she is really glad there will be another chance to send in a recipe. I don't want her to know I'm a little glad she is gimpy (literally) since it means she has been home with me :) Anyhow.......here are our BD's:
Gracie 9/12/08
Benny (me) 10/23/09 but since I am recycled my human also celebrates my Gotcha Date too 3/14/10. We live in South Glens Falls, NY
P.S. Happy Birthday Gracie!!! Our Gracie is also a SUPER agility pug (and SKINNY). Must be in the name.......
Hi Pug! My Gotcha Day is February 20th! (My human says I should tell you that my cat-brother Jake's Gotcha Day is June 21st.) We live in Pebble Beach. Come down and see us sometime!! :)
Penny the pug -- June 3rd, San Francisco! Great idea, Puglet!
Hi Graci.. Happy Birthday
We're agility pugs too and we are thin. Phat pugs can't run fast enough so we eat good and only get home made treats.
The San Antonio Agility Pugs
Ellie (agility retired) Emmitt and Eli
Hey, have you ever gone to Pug Nationals to compete in Agility???
Hi Puglet,
Great idea! Me(Pug Fred), my sister (human Madeleine) and my Mom(human Estelita), loves to be here every days, and I wish all cookies!!! Also I have brothers and sisters cats (6 recycled cats). They also wants the cookies!
Fred - Sep.11.2009.
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Holy moly, Pug! Thumbs is going to be bussssy :)
I just celebrated my 2nd gotcha birthday (I am somewhere around 4 wise years old).
Anyway - my Special Day is April 1st :)
Oh and I am from boring Doylestown, Pennsylvania!
Molly in PA
Ps - awesome idea!
Hi Puglet! We love all your stories and great ideas. Our mom knows our birthdays AND gotcha days so we feel pretty special. One of us came from a breeder and then mom and dad learned about rescue so the other one came from rescue (was born into rescue!)Mom and dad always say they were crazy for having essentially two puppies at once, but they keep laughing and smiling at us so we're pretty sure they're going to keep us (even if one of us eats poop).
Chewie - 5-11-09 (Minnesota)
Penny - 3-30-10 (Minnesota)
Yeah, we're 10 months apart and so that means we play really hard all day together and then crash and sleep together super hard at night!
My bday is 11/1 and I'm from San Jose, Ca!
I still haven't had the chance to find you guys during those monthly pug meet :(
Marty (rescued 11/06) - 5-5-99
Chloe - 11-12-02
Zoey - 3-18-04
Rosie - 12-31-05
Kiki (born in rescue)- 6-5-10
Webster, NY
Kitty, April 9 (Randers, Denmark)
Coco, December 27 (Randers, Denmark)
Both pugs :)
Our humans are going to San Francisco later this month......all the way from Denmark and they would love to meet you :)
Are you going to BOYBW..?
Romeo the pug - November 26 (will be 13)
Minnie the minpin/chi - born sometime in January, celebreted January 30, my dad's birthday (was 11,
Missy the chinese crested - also celebrated January 30 for same reason (was 9)
Frankie the cat - gotcha day July 17 (will be 4)
Trunks 11/25/01 from Sunny South Florida
Love the Daily Puglet!!
Payton was born on March 21st, 2003. She lives in Mascoutah, IL (a small town next to Scott Air Force Base, about 30 minutes from St. Louis, MO). She is a Pug Dog Encephalitis survivor (4 1/2 years since diagnosis), which makes birthdays around our house extra special! There aren’t very many hopeful stories on-line and not much information for that matter, so if anyone has questions, please feel free to email us: boostrom1 'at' charter 'dot' net.
Christy and Payton
Spike: November 1, I live in Denver. My human and the man only lets me have popcorn. Eat lots of cookies for me!
Thanks, Puglet!
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
I've been to 1 Nationals (with Arnie), Levi's been to 2, and my mom's been (co)-in charge for 3. She's (co)-in charge for 2012 in CA, too!
Yeah, I'm skinny. But given a choice, I'd be HUGE. I could eat and eat and eat.
Thanks to all the B-day wishes. I'm loving seeing everybody's "days".
Puglet! You are genious (coming up with reasons for cookie days ;)!
Thank you so much for bringing us all together.
I'm Kahlua the Pug, and I was born October 23, 2006, which makes me 4 and a half. I am currently living with my [grand] human in Cincinnati, Ohio, but was a sunny california beach dog in Los Angeles for my first 4 years. So I've just endured my first winter + snow. My mommy human is in Stockholm as of the moment and I hope to be joining her soon. So it's not like I'm being recycled with my [grand] human, I'm just being completely spoiled, with cookies & cuddles, like every day.
This is a super idea, Puglet! Some more cookies every day would be great. I have just lost one kilo, so I can sort of afford it. Sort of ..
My birthday is 13th June, I will be two years old. Last year we celebrated with my pug girlfriend Trudy and we made a boat trip. Very exciting! I tried to jump from the boat but luckily Mom saved me. Next time I won't try .. or may be just a little.
Love from Carlos "I am a Berliner", livig just around the corner from the place where JFK gave his famous speech.
Super cool!
Mei Mei and Cho Cho of Melbourne, Australia. 15th Oct. Brother and sister.
Never get to eat cookies or Nathan. We will look forward to this B'day and Gotcha Day of everyone here.
Meatball's birthday, September 25th
Winston-Salem, NC
He will be 2
Chang was born on December 15, 2003 in Mount Pleasant, Iowa and adopted on March 7, 2004. We live in Chicago, Illinois.
Paco (Black Pug) June 20, 2004
Paxton (Fawn Pug) July 25, 2004
We're both from Oakland, CA. Woof!
Dear Puglet,
You always have the best ideas! You're one genius pug!
Coco's birthday (that's me) is 2/2. My human calls me her groundhog, whatever that means.
Chili's Gotcha Day is 12/12.
We're both in Denver, CO.
I just noticed we kinda have easy to remember days. :)
Cookies? Cookies?
Jackson August 28, 2009, Allentown, PA
forever home March 13, 2010
What's a day without a pug?!
Puglet + Human = Genius!
Gabby - 2/27 Edgewood MD adopted
Gunnie - 5/26 Edgewood MD recycled/rescued
Great idea...
Rambo March 30
Miss Ellie Gotcha Day October 16
we are from Cheraw, South Carolina
Happy Day Gracie!!!!!!!
Love ya
great idea!
Bouncer 1/16/2005
Chaos 3/16/2006
Fort Lauderdale, FL
George Brown October 9, 2007 Madison, WI. I was recycled on August 8, 2008.
Atticus Monster
May 1, 2010
Martinez, CA
Thank you Puglet, you are always such a great guy. Birthdays are lots of fun.
Barney's gotcha day is Mar 3rd
Vinnie' Birthday is Nov 7th
Scout's Birthday is May 7th
Hanna's gotcha day is Mar 11
Simon's gotcha day is Feb 14
Sammy's gotcha day is Jun 6th
Scamper - 5/31/1998 - Wheaton IL
What a cool idea!
Fabulous idea Puglet! My mom has been a bit sad that she does not know my "real" birthday... a gotcha day is perfect.
My Gotcha Day is 8/2, thanks!
Mariah in Portland, OR
Hi Pug,
What a spectacular-stellar idea!
My birthday is 12/5/2007. Austin, TX.
Hi Puglet, this is genius. We are feral cats and after 10 years of indoor living, we are finally getting to be friendly with our humans. This is Chloe, Amelia and Booker from Irondequoit New York. Birthday April 1st we think (the vet picked it) :-)
Great idea, puglet. Megans gotcha day is November 10th. Jasper's birthday is January 10th and his gotcha day is October 4th, which is also their human's birthday (best present ever). Megan (fawn pug) and Jasper (black pug) live on a small island off the coast of Maine (North Haven). It's the best place in the world for dogs. There are only 350 people so they all know Jasper and Megan by name and always stop for a pat and a hello.
Good Idea! My birthday is on Thanksgiving. Pretty lucky, huh?
Petey Paul's birthday is August 23
Daisy Jane's Gotcha Day is January 23
They both live in Austin, Texas
This is a fabulous idea! :) So excited to see the list of pug birthdays from across the country! :)
Edward, April 25th (will be 10 this year) And we are having a pirate pug birthday party for him since he only has one eye!
Gweneth, September 25th (will be one this year)! :)
I love you Puglet. Will you marry me? I'm a feisty pug from Michigan and love chasing ducks. I'll bet you'd love me too. Anyway my birthday is May 22nd (I'll be 3). Hope you and Dutch and you hoomin are happy.
Love Frankie.
This is fun. It looks like were going birthday cake everyday! Zoey's birthday is April 20, 2003 and we're still recovering from the day she gave birth to Phoebe on July 27, 2005. Phoebe was an only pug and her mind still is.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Well pug,
I am all about the celebrations and cookies, so without further adieu...
Me Wilma 3/25/2001
Brigitte 8/1/2000
Sluggo 2/2/2007 ground pug Day!
Love this idea!
Paco - Born'd March 13, 2006
Honey - Gotcha'd July 6, 2007
Hey Puglet, that's a super swell idea! Thanks
LittleDog aka Boomer, gotcha day May 13 and I'm 5yrs old
Oh, sorry, and I live in Grand Rapids, MI
Dexter (May 2) Spokane WA ... I will be 4
Milton (July 30) Spokane Wa ... I will be 2
I'm still waiting for my pug that's brewin in his mama!
But the vet says Miss Chloe should be here April 13th, as soon as she is. I will be making her blog spot and following. <3
Great idea!
My birthday is 10/16/2005
Ranger's birthday is 12/29/2006
Flyer's birthday is 7/21/2007
A Birthday Post:
The Michigan Pugie : July 15
Carry on!
More cookies is a fabulous idea of course!
I have a gotcha day: February 27th!
Looking forward to the celebrations!
Benny the Dachshund
COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!! BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any excuse to eat is good for us......
Buford T. Justice Gotcha day - July 13
Bambi Birthday - October 19, 2007
Peg Gotcha day - December 7, 2008 but she's old as dirt.....like 100 I think
Per-Li-Mae Birthday - May 28, 2000
Lacy Birthday - September 25, 2000
Dave's B-Day is March 23 2001
My B Day is November 7, 2007...I live in Hayward, CA.
My b day is April 22nd
Oops my name didn't show up^ im Jasmine
Woo hoo! The Special Day calendar is totally going to be full.
I love that you all love this idea as much as me :)
PS: Uhm. Who are you, Mr/Miss April 22nd??
Ahhh - got it Jasmine!
Happy almost birthday :P
Hi Pug,
LOVE the idea! I don't know when Rodney (the Boston Terrier and love of my life)was born, it was sometime in July 2002. I don't remember his gotcha date either but it was sometime in the Fall of 2002 during law school finals! So, we'll celebrate his birthday as July 4th! Lucky (the Pug and most loving dog who has owned me) was born sometime in July as well but in 2007, I think July 16th.
Hi Puglet!!! Love your idea and I love cookies too!! Dusty Rose The Pug June 26th Hillsboro Oregon!!!
Hi Puglet! You're so nice to think of everyone! Here are our birthdays (we're cats, but we know your blog makes our human happy every day!)
Murphy: 2/14 (That's what they said in the shelter. Maybe they picked Valentine's day because I have white patches on each front paw, and when I put my paws together, the white patches form a heart.)
Mishka and Tuzik: 3/18
Hi Puglet. That's a good idea! Thanks for thinking of us readers! ok,
I'm Wilma Penelope: march 28th 2010. I lives in Maryland. :) bye bye now!
Haha! Casa de Puglet! Good to know you're running the show at home.
I'm not sure if you are doing cat birthdays, but I'll send Marble's too (I wasn't sure of her exact birthday but since she was born in June, I just made it the same as Beulah's). We're all in Ottawa!
Beulah: June 28, 2007
Barney: May 6, 2005
Marble: June 28, 2004
Great idea, Puglet!
Hi :)
This is such a cute idea!
My name is Kaos and I'm from across the "pond", more specifically Odense in Denmark! ;)
I was born on May 23rd 2010.
- Kaos
Pablo's birthday is coming up next week. It's April 14. He was born in 2001, so this year he'll be 10, quite a milestone. The event will be covered in my blog: Confessions of a Pugophile.
Great Idea:
Fergie- Birthday 10/1/2009 Carrollton, TX
Puff- Gotcha day 3/1/2007- Carrollton, TX
Great idea! My mom was a recycled pug, and I was born a few days after she was rescued then my human adopted me once I was big enough to be on my own.
Pudge - June 7th, 2005 (Avon Lake, OH)
Gotcha dates for pugs in Dallas:
Ziggy 12/6/03
Lola 3/7/09
Snookie (cat) 4/26/01
Absolutely adore this idea! My fur children's birthdays:
Napoleon Bonapug or Mr. Po is 9-28-08 (we think)
Calamity Jane or Ms. Janey is 1-14-2007
Sorry it took me so long puglet, I had to bug my mom forever!!
My birthday is 12/6- that is the day I was found abandoned in a snow drift. My name is Prancer; My older pug sister Prunie was adopted on 10/17! My mommy rescued her from mean people!!
Puglet you just make a whole lot of work for your human!
Daisy Mae Sarah May 3, 2000
Thanks, Pug!
One-Eye Jack gotcha day 4-15-01 approx. 13 years old Black Pug
Jelly Bean dob 11-1-97 adopted 6 years ago Fawn Pug
Tia dob 9-16-04 Adopted 2 years ago Boxer
Coco 12-24-07 Adopted 2 years ago Fawn Pug
Bubba 12-8-10 Brindle Pug Puppy
Loving life in Frederick, MD
Mushu's "gotcha" day is November 5, 2010. He was approximately 6 years old at the time, but we're really not sure.
Reggie Pug
Birthday: 09/04/2004
Gotcha Day: 06/25/2009
Great idea Pug! I'm happy to see other pugs from NJ! One even lives in my town!!! I have to convince my human to find Chaz!!
Mookie - Hoboken, NJ
Birthday - 7/20/09
Gotcha day - 11/22/09
Just reading all the birthdays and gotcha days is awsome! PUGLET, you even got proposed to!!!!! So many days; how will you ever keep up with it? If anyone can it's you and your mom and Dutch.
I'm in for ANY excuse for a treat.
Phoebe July 1
Kizzy March 17
Olita January 23
Dutchy January 13
We all live in Gladstone, Oregon
YAY! There's two of us down in San Diego who Follow your thread... and LOVE YOU!
Bella "DinDong" Morkovic (Los Angeles) Gotcha Day: February 14th
"Dahlia Llama" Cookie Monster Morkovic (San Diego) Gotcha Day: October 31st
This is the best idea ever!
My Birthday is May 14th, 2009. I'll be two this year! My gotcha day is July 5th, 2009. I was born in Michigan, but I currently live in Oak Park, IL
Great idea Puglet!!!
We have lots of pugs ...
Zoe's birthday is 01/08/08
Zoe's Gotcha Day is 03/09/08
Peyton's birthday is 07/08/08
Peyton's Gotcha Day is 01/10/09
Webster's birthday is 04/07/09
Webster's Gotcha Day is 05/31/09
(big party planned)
Liberty's birthday is 08/01/10
Liberty's Gotcha Day is 11/06/10
We live in Villa Grove, Illinois
Pug Hugs, Ellen
Hi Puglet!
Wow...another fantastic idea! I don't know when my real birthday is. I found my dad in the Spring of 2003. We don't remember the exact day so we celebrate on May 17th every year...Norwegian Constitution Day. Aka...the biggest party day of the year in Norway! We thought that was a good fit since that's where my ancestors are from :)
Looking forward to eating lots of cookies in celebration of all these special days! I live in Vancouver, BC!
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
My name is Buddy Wackwitz and I live in Houston, Texas. My birthday is May 5. My Mommy makes liver brownies for me and my neighborhood friends (YUUUUUUMM!)
You need to come to Houston in March. We host the biggest rodeo in the U.S. I'm not much on the rodeo part, but it is a TOTAL barbeque meat fest.
Lots of licks!
Great idea, Puglet!
Bella: January 25th
Luna: August 7th
My Gotcha Day is October 7! Thanks, Pug!
Rosie the Party Pug's b-day is 12/17/11. She will be 3 this year!!
Me too, Rosie! I remember when you got your parts out :)
Chubby's birthday is 06/03/01 10years old this year!
Matilda's birthday is 12/15/02 and Oliver's is 01/26/06
Great idea Puglet!!
My birthday is 6/30/09 and my gotcha day is 3/6/10!! I cant believe that I will be 2 this year!
~ Frankie in Seattle
P.S. My humans absolutely ADORE you and your blog!! Thanks for being awesome!
Maxwell the brindle beagle from prince george british columbia canada i was born may 10 2004 :)
Pearl,gotya day October 15, 2008,rescued from Juarez,Mexico,lives in Lincoln CA
Tessa, September 1, 2001, born in Grass Valley Ca, Lives in Lincoln, recycled June 2009.
My name is Pearl and I was born October 31, 2004. I'm a pug and I live in El Segundo, California.
Hey Pug Our Gotcha days are
Packer, December 21, Kennesaw, Ga
Gumbo, December 21, Kennesaw, Ga
Great idea, we appreciate what you are do'in!
Annabelle: 10/17
Buffalo, NY
Hi Pug -
Our names are Kermit and Gino, and our birthday day is TODAY!! April 8th!! We are 4 years old today! Our humans are throwing us a party with our Grammy, Grampy, and pug sister, AnnaBelle. There's always special goodies at these parties. Can't wait!
-Kermit & Gino
Oh Puglet- We're from Buffalo, NY. We forgot to mention that in the previous post.
- Kermit & Gino
Puggy 12/17/2010 - Switzerland
You have the best ideas, Puglet. We love to celebrate Sid's special day with extra treats!
Sid was born on October 4th, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA but now lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Great idea, Puglet! My birthday is on May 30, 2009, but my new humans aren't so sure because my adoption agency lady didn't have my records from my mean former owner who left me in the woods after I showed him I wasn't very good at treeing a coon!
Do we all get a copy of this calendar, by the way? Or do we download it? I'd love to send cookies to as many b-day pals as pawsible, you know!
xoxo...Daisy the Treeing Walker Coon Hound
HAPPY DAY Kermit & Gino!!!!!!
Oh, good idea Daisy. I like it! I'll talk to The Thumbs about making that happen...
Roxy Roo Pug - June 7, 2010
Otis the Pug -- August 14, 2009
I don't know how we missed this post...
Minnie Sept 12, 2005
Mack Dec 15, 2002
There you go!
Thanks, Puglet
Minnie and Mack
My special day is March 1. "M"'s special day is April 1st. Thanks, Pollie and "M"
Hi Puglet! I think we are twins - or at least brothas from anotha motha. We look a lot alike which means you are very handsome, just like me. My Special Day is on July 7 and I was born in 2005 in Portland, Oregon.
We forgot to tell you where we are from. Duh.
Kitty (June 1, 2006)
Coco (Feb. 14, 2009)
We are from sweet home Alabama! (Birmingham, to be exact).
I love this idea! We are all Bay Area pups.
Petunia 4/19
Meatball 5/23
Harriet 9/15
Could you add us? We're five years apart but celebrate the same gotcha day!
Leroy 11/1 (male, fawn)
George 11/1 (female, black)
Hi, Stan Milhous here. my birthday is 12/24/08 and I live in New Castle, Delaware.
Pugsley - April 19th - Oak Park, CA
Chloe April 9th, 2011 - Portland OR :)
HAPPY DAY Chloe!!!!!
Hey Petunia + Pugsley - your Special Days are the same and you both live in CA. Are you related???
Myles in Palo Alto, CA - Gotcha Day is March 7, 2011
I'm deaf, so i can't talk with the other dogs when my human takes me out; thanks Pug for putting your adventures in writing!
so, we are way late. But...
Guy Noir (pug) 5/31/2006
Chelu (mini poodle) 10/3/2005
oooh Ready for this?! I have had 7 pugs! ALL pugs! :-) Many were rescues that I have since found homes for, and now I have 4 of them, but we still keep in touch and celebrate their special days! :-)
Holly Madison: April 18, 2007
Hef: December 28, 2008
Bridget Marie: October 11, 2003
Bruiser: March 22, 2007
Fawn: August 28, 2009
Louie: August 28, 2009
Rucker: May 14, 2009
Lola Bean. September 14, 2009. Naples, NY.
George Pooh: Sept 2nd, 2005
Gracie Lynn: Sept 12th, 2005
Toby Moses: May 19th, 2006
Lily Jayne: January 22nd, 2009
Mimi Roo: December 9th, 2009
Augusta, Kansas
The Slimmer Puggums
Lola Belle Pearson (Pug)
October 19, 2002
Seattle, WA
Toki's birthday is Feb. 1 (White shepherd/husky rescue from Venice, California)!
Ube ("ooh-bay") the pug: Dec. 1, 2010.
San Francisco (I think I'm related to Noodles)
Jack (Bernese Mountain Dog) Mar. 18/05, Trail, BC Canada
Rosie (Pu-huahua we think) we don't know her birthday because she was rescued from Tijuana...she joined our family on Mar. 26 this year and we think she is around 3. Now she lives in Trail, BC Canada
Brainstorm level genius! You have to change the name of the blog to the Daily Cookie though. My birthday is June 18 and my Gotcha Day is August 14 so I totally think I need 2 extrasuperspecial canine party days. Mr. Bear doesn't know his birthday exactly but Mom picked October 31, because that was "in the neighborhood". Whatevertheheck that means. Mr. Bear's Gotcha Day was Jan. 1. Mom calls him her Holiday Mutt. If there's cookies involved, I'm in it with all 4 feet.
Lincoln, NE
James, Ontario Canada, May 13th
Puglet ur awesome :)
I am a Las Vegas pug named Dolly, and my birthday is 10/31/09.
I am a Memphis TN Pug named Cletus and my birthday is 3/13/09. :)
Annie, Reston VA, gotcha day 5/31/08
Oh yeah - I'm a pug and I love cookies, too. (Annie)
Chubby, Matilda and Oliver forgot to tell you where we're from...SEATTLE (not too far from you Puglet) :)
Katie said...
Puglet, can you add our birthdays to the callender Mochas is 3/12/08 and lattes is 5/18/09 thanks!!! Our mom would never take us to a supermarket! How did you convince her to do that??
My face is covered in dirt right now because I've been trying to convince my human just how good it tastes.
I was born on June 21 2010 and my name is Zoe. I live in Toronto (Mississauga) Canada.
I'm Worsham from Richmond Va. My birthday is 11/21/08
Dear Puglet & Dutch,
My name is Isabelle, according to my people dad, I'm the prettiest pug on earth. My birthday is August 25. My sister is not a pug and she is also dumb, Poo Poo's birthday is April 15.
Love, Isabelle (Spring Valley Lake CA)
What a great idea Puglet!!
Our birthdays are as follows:
Yoda - February 8
Brutus - March 18
Ellie - October 13
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Hi Puglet!
My doctor records say that I was born on November 1, 2009, but my people didn't get me until February 13, 2010 (daddy gave me to mommy for Valentime's Day). Whatever day your human wants to put on the calender is cool with me.
Your bro,
(Austin, Texas)
Hi Puglet,
My name is Izzy and my birthday is 06/10/2010. I live in Rainy Renton, WA.
My name is Pancake and my birthday is November 11. I live in New Haven, CT, and guess what? My humans call me "puglet" all the time! But there's no mistaking the real deal.
Hi Puglet, my name is Ajax I live in Arlington, Virginia. I'm a devil pug, but only because I was born 6-6-06! My Mommy got me slightly used, but when she adopted me my first mom gave her my puppy pictures and papers... I heart cookies too!
Our birthday is 4/12/08. We just had a HUGE pool party with all our local friends. Mom says we can now legally drink but she only gave us water and we have been drinking that for years so who know what that means. We are so lucky cause our Mom LOVES to cook so we had a bacon, carrot, and peanut butter cake with peanut butter and cream cheese icing. It was AWESOME! We also ate tons of watermelon and nibbled on people's ribs. Next year you will have to come, but sadly mom requires all pugs to wear life jackets during the party. Love, Tiger & Tallulah
My name is Izzie and my birthday is July 31st, 2008
Feel free to read about me at my own blog that my food lady writes for me:
Just catching up on my Daily Puglet and saw this post! My name is Marzipan and my birthday is March 20. My stinky brother Double Stuff aka Dubs just celebrated his birthday on April 12. We're both Boston terriers and love our fellow short nosed brothers, pugs (and puglets).
Oh hi, Marzipan again! We're from Hawthorne, NJ. My full birthday is March 20, 2008, and my brother Double Stuff's is April 12, 2009. Sorry I'm not great at following directions. We also live in a house of carrots by the way... wish I knew someone with a house of meat! Sounds great!
Hi Puglet, my name is Rocky and I live in England. My birthday is May 12, 2009; my human says I'll be 2 soon and I have to start acting grown up. Hmm.
Hiya Marzipan ~
No problemo on the direction thing. Happy late Whelp Day to Dubs! I'll see if I can score an extra cookie in his honor :)
Rocky -
Tell your human that grown-up-ness doesn't really happen until a pug turns 3. Or five. Or never.
I'm about a month late, so hopefully we'll still get added to calendar. :-)
My boy is Memphis and his gotcha day is October 31
My girl is Missy and her gotcha day is July 22
We're from Oswego, IL
Hello Puglet -
Puck 09/13/05
Toast 11/25/08
We live in Columbus OH and are friends with Prunie and Prancer :)
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