Well, it took my human about 4 million hours to take a decent picture of Meatball. But here he is, in all his Snailiness.
I don't understand why it took so long to take a picture of something that barely moves, but I guess Nikon couldn't handle it and Meatball is kinda like Dutch when it comes to cameras. Except worse because Dutch doesn't have a shell he can hide in.
Apparently this is one of Meatball's favorite poses:

Much specialness going out to Flyer. I don't know where you live Flyer - but I hope it isn't hot hot hot there!
I voted for meatball, so I'm glad that name won. Such bright colors swimming (and crawling) around in the tank. Those pictures were worth the wait. Hope you are having a good day, Pug. Say hi to Dutch for me.
Happy, happy day to Flyer! I'm going to have a snack in your honor now.
Yaay! I voted for meatball too. If your human gets another fish or animal for the tank, she should name it Chef! If her brain is a bit gimpy that day,tell her to go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcn7pFZDmsY
Pretty snail....
Puglet, is that MEETBALL or Meatball?
The tile of today's blog says MEETBALL...
Happy day, Flyer !!
Any updates on Benny?
And Ellie, you doing ok??
I think, Meatball looks more like he should be named Lemon, ain't he? But he is really pretty and seems to be fast for a snail :)
Well! I voted for Meatball too! I would have voted for Yoke but it wasn't on the list!
D from MTL
I voted for Meatball also!!
~ Frankie
Hi Puglet,
Is it the camera angle or does Swedish look smaller than Meatball? Just wondering.
Ellie says thanks for the juju from everyone, she's snoozing now on her favorite blankie and every now and then we hear a snoar.
Do you want to see a pic of her shocking pink cast??
Emmitt, Eli from San Antonio
Wow, Meatball looks really cool! I'm glad we got to meet him. :)
ha I also voted for Meatball :) Both Swedish and Meatball looking good :)
Happy day Flyer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses !
Red fish, yellow snail. All you need is a purple dragon and you're set!
Nice to meet you, Meatball!
EEEEEEK Meatball is beautiful!
Hi Sammy
Ellie is snoozing away snuggled in her blankie.
I've never seen such a handsome Snail before - he's practically glowing! Meatball sounds like a perfect name. Just remember, Puglet, he's not *actually* a meatball (i.e. Don't eat him!). I mean, maybe, um, if you were a Frenchie you'd eat a snail...I don't know... -Love, Sid.
Who knew snails could be so attractive??! The new fishbowl looks very colorful!
Kris in (HOT)Oklahoma
Puglet...love that Meatball! Him and Swedish will be so cool together.
Happy day to Flyer...I'd like to fly out of here to some place cooler, maybe it's cooler where you are!
Good looking snail and fish- I don't know if I want to play with them or eat them!
To all the sweltering puppies and kitties out there (like the 3Es in steamy Texas), I know how you feel; it's 5pm here and with the humidity its 120 DEGREES out there!!
Happy Day Flyer! I'll definitely be having something frozen.
More get better juju to Benny today!
That is one beautiful snail!
Hey Ollie,
Our mom got our swimming pool out, filled it with cold water and ice cubes.
How do you spell H.E.A.V.E.N.
The 3E's in San Antonio
Lucy the cat was the first one in, crazy cat loves water and mom not fast enough with her camera !
Love it! They make such a pefect pair, like you and Dutch! Welcome to the family Meatball!
Hey 3E's,
We're still at work with all blinds shut and the air cranked. AND my human's car (dark blue with black leather) has been sitting out there all day in the sun. So who knows how long we'll have to run the air in order to get into the car to go home.
Sorry environmentalists! What can I do?!
Great pics! Thanks for sharing. Meatball is an a-w-e-s-o-m-e name.
Shadow, the crowntail betta at my house has a gold mystery snail named Goldie.
Happy Day Flyer, wherever you are, and hope the weather is perfect for you.
Good juju to all the Puglet friends out there.
Uhm. My human must be extra gimpy today since she spelled Meatball wrong. I mean, I know she doesn't really eat meatballs but I'm pretty sure she can spell them.
Meetball makes your human more lovable.
Love it.
Hi Puglet,
It's been a CRAZY long day and I am just now able to give an update on Benny. I thought about the "blunt trauma" all night and I have a vague memory of Benny missing the bed a couple of weeks ago when he tried to jump up on it. It sounded like it hurt but he seemed fine so I forgot all about it. Blunt trauma is one of the causes for inflammation in the liver. So I called the vet as soon as they opened today and passed that information along. I am soooooo hoping this is the reason for his liver trouble. I had to call back at 2:00 this afternoon and I was told he did eat some, wasn't acting sad or depressed and the tech even took him outside for a little walk. They didn't say he was any worse and it sounds like he could be a bit better. The other thing they said is the doctor wants me to call back tomorrow afternoon. That means another VERY quiet and lonely night without my little guy. We miss him but I continue to think positive thoughts and am VERY grateful for ALL the good juju being sent his way. THANKS to EVERYONE!!!!
I am with your human on the "Sweedish Meatball" thing. It NVER even clicked until I read it here. I'll blame it on missing Benny. Those are GREAT shots of Sweedish and Meatball that your human was able to get.
A BIG Happy Birthday to Flyer!!!! Since Benny isn't here to have his "celebration" treat Pug you should have two.....one for you and one for my Benny :)
Heya Sammy ~
So nice for you to say MEETball makes my human lovable. That's way better than gimpy!
Megabyte ~
Miss Gimpy totally didn't get the chef thing, but the video explained everything :)
Sue+Romeo ~
Meat/Meetball is a golden mystery snail too! Maybe there could be some snail romance with Goldie?
Whoa Ollie - I thought the Great White North is supposed to be cold. 120 degrees is not cold! That's like Texas hot!!
2/3 E's -
Ice cubes in a pool? Holy hot. If Ellie's up to posing, we'd love to see her new pink leg warmer. Email me a picture and I'll share with everyone -> dailypuglet-at-gmail.
Dear Benny ~
I'm superglad you're feeling better(ish)! Please hurry up and get all the way better so your human doesn't have to miss you so much. Oh, and be careful with those flying couch leaps from now on, ok?
Wonderful !! . AND my human's car (dark blue with black leather) has been sitting out there all day in the sun.Thanks for sharing.
So it is Meatball .. welcome to the family, Mr? Snail. Yes, what is snail? Male or female?
This is one of the issues of life which concern me at the moment, having discovered that there must be two sexes in pugdom. So far I have only had bromances ... and now I have met a huge dogue de bordeaux lady who somehow is a giant pug. I am in love .. therefore, the question related to who snail is came to my slightly confused mind.
Happy Birthday, Flyer and have a nice day with special treats and lots of kuddling.
I also wish Benny well, come home soon and hopefully much better.
Pug greetings from a cold and rainy Berlin
(actually, it rains cats and dogs since days and I am avoiding outings)
Carlos Santana
Meatball is the most adorable thing! His eyes are so cute! And his yellow is such a vibrant color. A fish, a snail, a pug, and a dutch!
LOVE Swedish & Meatball :) What great names!
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