Here's what happened....
Lily's mom made everyone some snacks - and by "everyone" I mean everyone human. Me and Dutch got a few little bites of stuff, but it's not like we got a whole plate full of stuff to eat or anything. Dutch found a piece of rotting turkey or something in a tube to suck on, but I didn't and I was hungry.
So when the humans were done snacking, and Lily's mom put the giant plate of leftovers on the dining room table then went outside, I kinda thought maybe I was free to eat them. So I did.
I ate the cheese. I ate the crackers. And I totally didn't want to be rude, so I even tried to eat the apples. But apples are gross so they mostly got spit out. When there was nothing left in the bowls, I went back outside to play. I didn't think any of this was a problem until I heard Harry's mom yelling, "Uhm, something bad happened on the table."
At first I was just going to pretend I had nothing to do with any of it. Dutch ate butter off the kitchen counter last time we were there, I figured they'd just blame him. But then my human got Droid out to take pictures of the dining room table massacre and I *totally* forgot about pretending to be innocent. My inner supermodel told me it was time to pose, so I got up on the table and posed with my mess.
Not the best idea.
Hint: if you ever do something and don't want anyone to know you're the one who did it, DON'T pose for pictures with the evidence!
My face hurts from laughing so much. Puglet, you had committed the perfect crime until your supermodel took over! I had a dinner party one time and we all went into the living room afterward without clearing the table, at one point I looked through the door way and therewas a little pug face in a tray full of Mexican food. Long night.
I'm very impressed that you were able to jump up on the table. I don't have the best coordination to do that stuff. I did however jump onto a TV tray when I was a puppy. (There was chicken and ice cream on it!) Let's just say I didn't realize that they can fold up.
If I were you I would tell your human that you were showing off your agility skills by jumping up on the table and moving around to get the food.
Pug, I can always count on the DP for a good laugh! And don't worry, we are laughing with you, not at you. So how did you get on that table anyway? I'd blame the person that left their chair out. If you just jumped on top from the ground, you need to start doing agility or something cause that is really impressive!
PS. How come you don't like apples? They are eatable and totally yummy!
Pug you make me smile. You look so slim and agile, you couldn't be the one who ate everything! Didn't Dutch help a little bit?
We are laughing at your story and picture! Only Pug would jump and pose....
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
You really need to start doing agility. My mom WANTS me to get on the (agility) table, and I get all kinds of treats when I do. I've never tried the dining room table, but it would be a built-in excuse. You need to think about it - "I thought you wanted me on the table". I think it would work. Yup, agility is the answer.
Adorable picture, by the way.
BOL! Busted!
Oh Puglet, here I blamed Dutch and it was all YOU! I hope you didn't get constipated from all the cheez!
Oh Puglet...you are too much with your modeling inner self! If you only could resist the camera you could've gotten away with it! Too funny! And totally can relate cuz I love the camera too so can't say I blame ya there! Just hearing the click, click and I start striking a pose, so I know it must've been hard to resist..and still can't understand how you got up there?
Uh Puglet,
I believe a camera TOTALLY permissions us to pose where ever it points and is not necessarily an admission of guilt.
BTW, how did you manage to get on the table? I cannot jump up on the CHAIRS much less the table!
Love Noodles
Sounds like a delicious feast, Puglet!! I did the same thing one time on Christmas. Everyone was opening their gifts in the living room and then I heard my great grandma say to my human - "Marzipan's on the dining room table." Totally busted by the great grandma! Luckily I had managed to eat a bunch of hersheys kisses before being busted. Score! My human was all worried I would get sick from the chocolate (and, um, some tin foil too... I couldn't help it, it smelled sooo gooooood) and called the vet but she said not to worry since I'd only had a few. I was fine and had the best Christmas present a dog could ask for.
Love, Marzipan the Boston terrier (your short-nosed cousin) from NJ
I cant tell u how many times Ive caught my Pug on the table like this. Im a new pug owner.....got 3 yr old Rocke from a rescue - and Ive never had a dog that would eat ANYthing! Pennies, lettuce, tomatoes, rocks......??
Its like having a baby, you really gotta watch what falls on the floor, and what you leave on the table without pushing the chairs in!
You inspire all of us to take risks and try new things, DP.
We guessed it was a gift fruit basket you broke into but cheese & crackers - yummy. That's better than a stupid vegetable platter with brocolli and cauliflower. Was there any kilbassa sausage? Be care eating that stuff tho. You don't want to ruin your supermodel figure.
Roxi, Riley and Lea
~Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Excellent post! Not your fault Pug - whoever left their chair out - it was an invitation for you to dine! Fro is too fat to attempt such a feat.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
PS - Molly & Cleo were sprayed by a skunk the other night - they still stink!! Frodo
Hey Molly & Cleo - did your Mom try Nature's Miracle, Skunk-Out. The man ahead of us in Pet-Smart check out was buying 10 bottles of it for his dogs. He said he "swears by the stuff!" ..... I think that means it works real good.
Roxi, Lea and Riley
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Oh, you totally don't have to be agile to get on a table! Just look for a chair that isn't all the way pushed in :) Maybe I should do a how-to video?? The #1 thing to remember is not to do any posing with the evidence.
Hi Rocke the rescue pug -
I eat everything too. Rocks, sticks, anything in the food category. No lettuce though. That stuff is gross!
Skunk = stinky. Good thing you steered clear, Frodo. Now you'll get all the hugs to yourself :)
Sorry Barbara ~ you weren't right at all. It was all me! Dutch loves apples and totally would have eaten them instead of spitting them out all over the table.
Ooooops!!! If it helps at all, I am impressed of your ability to get on the table without sliding off!
I love you Puglet. This was the best blog post yet. XOXO Meatball
You were so close to getting away with it! Another technique you should try is the I Can't Help It If My Face Bumped Into The Food.
Example: You notice a plate/tray of food in front of a human. Go up to the human for a little cuddle, line yourself up as close to the food as possible without looking at it. While the human is busy giving you a pet, turn your head towards the food and....
Oops! My face just bumped into food! Now I gotta eat it!
Love love love it !! Us pugs usually produce super stinky farts all night long after eating cheese... wonder how your human was dealing with that smell in bed ????hmmmm??
Our snack is either carrots or sliced apple, Payton is right...we think apples are yummy
Sammy da Yummy
LOL way to go Puglet! That picture just makes my whole day. Love it! Glad you aren't suffering any long-term negative reaction to all the snackies!
I think you were framed, Puglet. Just because you jumped on the table to pose for Droid doesn't mean you ate anything, okay? Tell your human that it wasn't you and she will believe you because her brain will tell her to. Don't admit to anything!
Yeah, I've done that a time or two. Now you will never get near the food on the table again. Hope you enjoyed it.
Ooooh, Ollie!
I LOVE your oops-my-face technique. Wondering if it would work for pugs (and other snoutless dogs) though. I mean, we have to get reeeeeeally close to something before our face touches it :(
Tiffy -
Good point. Miss gimpy-brain isn't hard to fool. Except she knows I hate apples and who else would leave half-eaten apples on the table??
You not only scarfed good eats you turned yourself in.
Silly Boy!
The 3E's from San Antonio, laughing our heads off !!
I love, love, love apples.. but they don't love me! They make the wrinkles around my face swell up and then I run around like a madman panting cuz I can't breathe!
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