On Monday I'll let Dutch tell you all about his birthday, so today let's just talk about me. Because I think my human has forgotten how awesome I am in front of the camera. I've barely gotten to do any of the Top Secret Stuff and I can't tell you the last time we played with Nikon. She's been supergimpy lately, so I think we just need to remind her.
And by we, I guess I mean you.
In case you need a reminder of just how awesome I am at being videoed, here's a Droid clip from our trip to Truckee:
Seriously? How could my human not give me the starring role in all her Top Secret Stuff? Please help her realize how talented I am. And how wrong she is.
* * *
I hope everyone's hungry - we've got a lot of eating to do...
Today is Tia's Gotcha Day way over in Fredrick, MD.
Tomorrow is Dutch's Big 8.
Sunday is Barneys Gotcha Day in Denver, CO
Happy days everyone!
Hi Pug!! This post made my day in so many ways. First, that picture of you with your mouth open is awesome! Second, that video is great! I loved the part where you portrayed a statue mid-chew. If that's not talent, I don't know what it's going to take to get in that top secret stuff! Make sure to tell your human that Payton said you should be the take top billing in that adventure for sure! Lastly, with 3 special days, that means 3 treats and my stomach has been dying for more food all day! Have a great weekend, Pug!
Tia, I hope you get to celebrate today with lots of treats and kisses!
Dutch, happy birthday! I hope that you get to do a lot of fun stuff that doesn't even resemble camping! Go get your nails done!
Barney, have a wonderful day! Snuggle with your family and get some cookies!
Uh...that was one of the best videos I've seen lately Pug. You need to make sure that gimpy human reads all the posts you will get on this cuz Nikon needs to be out more and focused on you! I mean I think I have a major crush on Dutch but let's face it..you are so dang cute it is hard not to drool when you are being photographed or videod so let's get to it! Not even sure why you are not involved more with the TSS...really!
Happy day to everyone and a very special happy day to Dutch...I just know tomorrow is going to be great! Have fun with your bro no matter what he wants to do...it is his day ya know!
Puglet - A Star is BORN!!!
Dutch - Happy Barkday!!! 8! That's OCHO in Spanish!
Love Noodles
You're acting skills are awesome, Puglet. I swear I can see you "thinking".
Happy day to Tia and Barney. Hope Dutch's day is full of tastiness and fun and all things pink.
Hi everybody!
I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who thinks I'm awesome. Hopefully my human will remember it soon. I hear there's more TSS happening this weekend.
Oh yeah - and it's been confirmed that the TSS is a video. And not just ONE video -- a whole bunch of them... like 5 or six.
Hi Puglet, you are so awesome! The foto of yours is absolutely great and the video ... I have never eaten a tree, I should try.
I had two wonderful days with my pug friends from all over Germany and tomorrow we are all going away to meet some more in a very pitoresque area outside Berlin at the waterfront (no tents allowed, we sleep in a Hotel!).
I fell in love with a new pug friend, he is so cute. Let`s see how this will develop!
Lovely greetings to Tia and Barney and my best wishes.
Happy Birthday, dear Dutch. I hope you have a nice celebration, lots of treats and fun.
Pug greetings from Berlin
Carlos Santana
Hi Puglet
Yes you are A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
We know you like talking about yourself... so we want to know if you ever heard the Toby Keith song about "ME". We think he wrote that song with you in mind.
You are a Hoot Pugelet.
Happy Day to Dutch, Tia and Barney
From The 3E's In San Antonio
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
Ok and Lucy the house cat too !
You are super awesome! How can you not be, you are a Pug, and that itself is awesome! We cant wait to see all the TSS. :)
Dutch, we hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are! :)
The 3 C's from Memphis TN
We just wanted to wish Dutch the happiest of birthdays, you are the best! May there be many tasty eatables coming your way.
A Big Gotcha toast (is there toast?) to Tia and Barney!
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Hi Pug,
Watching your tree eating video, I thought your Human said "Treat" instead of Tree. So what did I do? I jumped off the couched, raced into the kitchen & waited for my treat. Thank you Pug's Human, score extra treats!
Dutchie Boy...you are so handsome! Here's hopin' you get amazing treats for your Whelp Day and something extraaaa special from the HOM! Will you please share with Puglet because he has been so stressed about the TSS?
Drools of anticipation,
Eddie the Pug
Puglet you are great at Niconing! If that is a word. Have a wonderful TSS weekend and I am sure Dutch will share his treats with you! We love your posts!
Happy days all around!
Tia here, thanks to everyone for all the good wishes. My best to Dutch and Barney. I just turned 7 years old. I was a puppy mill mama, kept in a cage never knew the feel of grass on my paws until my new mama and dad rescued me. Now I get to play with my four pug brothers and sisters and run and run. I am a boxer but I fit in great with the pugs!
Forgot to say can't wait to see Puglet and the others in the new videos!
Happy birthday Dutch, 4 of us here in Poland love you:))) and happy G-day to Barney, hava a great day tommorow!!!
Puglet, you are totally awesome! That tree was just WAITING to be eaten. That little branch sticking out at perfect height level! You rock! Um, I mean don't each rocks! You branch!
I love how you freeze when your human asks that question!! so funny!
You can see the intelligence behind those eyes!
Hi Puglet and Dutch!!!
This message today is specially for Dutch!
So...DUTCH!!!happy birthday!!!!(sorry because yesterday I was with my computer bad...).
I hope that you have more 8 years of adventures and carefull, love and all the best to your beautiful life!
You are soooo beautiful.
We loves you!
Fred and Estelita
You are the most awesome dog that I saw in my life!!!!!!
Look, I was imagining you, yesterday, with Dutch, in a lot of fun stuff and eating sooo delicious cookies!
Happy Birthday Dutch.
Luv, Meatball XOXO
Happy Birthdays to Tia, Dutch & Barney!!!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Listen, I think we need to have a talk with your human...she just isn't feeding you enough if you have to eat trees. You must just be starving! Although many parts are edible!
Pearl and Tessa
Puglet you are so awesome that I tell everyone to go to your blog whether they have a Pug or not. Your videos are too funny, especially when you make funny noises. My human says I do that too. Can't wait for Monday's post!
Thanks for reminding a certain-someone-with-thumbs-and-a-camera how awesome I am. I seriously don't know how she forgot. Seriously.
Dutch has the blog today, so please be extra nice to him. I kinda sort of forgot not to laugh at all the pink stuff he got for his Big 8 so now I'm trying to make up for it. Maybe you can help?
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