Since my name is so lame, I asked my human if she could give me a new one. Not instead of Puglet or Pug or anything, but one that goes after it. Y'know, like a middle name. She said ok so now I'm trying to decide between 'Spam' and 'Bacon'. I kinda like Spam better - but my human says Spam is made up of 'nasty bits'. Everybody (except my human) loves bacon, so maybe I should go with that instead. What do you think?
OK. Now for the TSS. There was filming yesterday and I did get to be there for some of it. Dutch and Frank got baths again (no idea) while I had to wait in the car with the Crazy Labrador Brothers. They were too busy barking their heads off to tell me much, but I do know they killed two Henrietta rubbber chickens at some point during the filming. I don't think that was part of the plan though.
My human always says The Labs kill her head, but until I sat in the car with them I had no idea. Holy Spam do they bark LOUD! It hurt my head after awhile and my head still hurts. My human says I have a Labover, aka Labrador hangover.
Bellatrix's Mom and Man were there yesterday too. Her Mom was in charge of video-ing and her Man was the stuntdriver (no idea) and can tie really good knots. I'm really hoping Bellatrix can find out some more clues because right now all I know is what you know and it isn't much :/
I'm thinking you really ARE the star of the movie. Your human is just filming all the 'extra's' first. You're such a pro that she's saving the easy part for last.
Puglet - everyone knows the Star Scenes are filmed last :-)
My Mommy's say you are more of a Baconator than a Spamoid.
Love Noodles
OOOOH! Maybe my name should be Baconator instead of just plain Bacon?!?
Puglet Baconator!
Had to vote for Spam because you like eating all 'those' nasty bits!! HAHAHA
Oh, Noodles is totally on to something! And Puglet Baconator has a much better ring than plain Puglet Spam or Puglet Bacon. I hope we get to the bottom of the TSS next week...the suspense is killing me! Have a great weekend!
PS. That van 'o dogs picture is just perfect!
I think Baconator is a GREAT name! I can't wait for you to tell us what the TSS is!!
We vote for Baconator too! Hope you're making a new movie - we love to see Puglet pics, but a moving Puglet is even better!
Puglet Baconator for the win!
Here's another clue Puglet for your TSS....I got into my car last night and it smelled funny. I investigated the back of my PugMobile, and it smelled like you and Dutch!! I also noticed another familiar smell, mom said it was Frank?? Whatcha all doing in my sled? I don't mind, but really did you all hang out without me??
Oh I'll share my middle name with you...it's NO! I hear it all the time. Bellatrix NO! I don't like it, and mom uses it a lot! Shesh, Baconater is soooo much better!!
Yep...I like Baconator too! But man, we need to know the final scoop on the TSS! Just can't believe you had to wait it out in the car with the Lab bros..that must've been rough! But that pic of ya'll is the best, even tho Dutch is in the back barely showing...you and Frank are up front pugging it up real good!
I think this is one of the all time best photo's, love it! Even though we voted for Spam, its baconater all the way!
Pearl and Tessa
Take from one "nator" to another, having a name like Baconater is totally awesome. I think you should be "Puganator the Baconator".
Oh hey, Bellatrix has the same middle name as me "NO"! I must hear "Gabby No" a million times a day. Hey a kitty has to do what a kitty has to do!
Love the group shot - your human takes great photos!
Yours in fur!
Gabby "The Gabbinator"
Fabulous Feline
Puglet Baconator, we think your human needs to give you extra cookie treats today to help with your labover.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Hi Puglet! Wesa thinks your mama should give you a middle name that means something to her...like why did she become a photographer? Any names that inspired her...wesa just think Puglet Bacon or Puglet Spam don't have a good ring to them...but Puglet Picasso or Puglet Wegman (for William Wegman)...or Puglet William and then the last name is your hu-moms last name. And...we think the names Manny and Lola for a brother and sister foster pug pair would be cute. Just sayin'.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Noodles is genius!!!! I think you are Puglet Baconator!!! You are!!! I love the pic (as usual) but did Frank have your supercool scull harness??
Today's photo is quite a feat; two labs, two pugs and a dalmation posing long enough for a photo? Your human has some serious dog handling skills to pull it off.
Can't wait to see the the videos!
I voted for Spam but Pug The Baconator is way better.
Puglet J. Spaminator!
Baconator is the perfect middle name. If you promise not to make fun of me, I'll tell you my full name. It's Sgt Floyd Pepper. Daddy thought he was a real comedian when he named me that.
Anyway, I can't wait to see the TSS!!! I'm sure everyone is right, we all know who the real star is around here. ;)
You're killing us all with this suspense, Puglet, I'm on the edge of my dog bed!
I second (or third) the "Baconator" middle name. Although, it might cause your mouth to water when your mom calls you by your full name!
My middle name is "Lamont". That was what my parents wanted to name me when they adopted me, but they also really like Sid, and I was already used to that name, so they made Lamont be my middle name.
-Love, Sid.
Hi Pug,
What a great group photo! I see Frank is wearing your skully harness. Baconator is a perfect name!
Have a great weekend.
Baconator all the way!
We (all 4 of us, including Lucy the house cat) like Baconator as a middle name.
Pug Baconator...yep has a ring to it !!
Our middle names are actually our first names:
Chestnut 'Ellie' Check
Cowboy 'Emmitt' Check
Aloysius Elias 'Eli' Check
Where our mom came up with Aloysius Elias is beyond us, what a handle for a little pug.
3E's from San Antonio
On yea, Labs bark but Emmitt SCREAMS !
Hiya Puglet!
I vote Baconator for a second name but instead of a middle name, maybe it should be your superhero name. As in, Puglet "The Baconator"! Or, "Baconator to the rescue!". You will (of course) need a cape.
Awesome pic, but Dutch needs a double too! Can't you find him a Dalmation bromance?
Or, maybe instead of Baconator is could be Baconeater?!
Puglet, that picture is amazing! How did your human get you all to pay attention at the same time? I'm a supermodel too, and love to pose, but that many dogs at once seems impossible.
I know you're soft-hearted and generous Pug, and I wanted to tell you about a pug in Nevada that needs help. My Mom has been leaking about him a lot.
His name is Bleu and he has had a very hard life before coming in to rescue. Southern Nevada Pug Rescue needs to raise money to help Bleu fix his knees so that he can walk better.
Can you tell other pugs and their people about Bleu?
Yours in peanut butter,
Otis Redding the shop pug in Seattle
What about Puglet Spam Eater? You know, like an Indian name like Dances with Wolves. We are southern pugs so we all three have multiple names, eg. Tallulah Sweet Pea, Petunia Tulip Julep and Isabelle Annabelle Rose.
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