What came out = the too-gross-to-share part.
I'm totally fine now though, so let's talk Halloween. We all know how much humans love to dress up dogs up in goofy outfits (especially us pugs) and I'm usually ok with being humiliated that as long as I get cookies. But, if you really really really hate costumes and your human really really really loves making you wear them, there might be a way out.
Here's what you do: promise your human that you'll happily wear a stupid costume - but *only* if your human promises to wears one too. And not just any costume, but one just like yours. I mean, what human is going to walk around dressed up in some goofy outfit?

O Puglet! You are the cutest banana EVER!! I will be dressing Cletus up on Saturday as a bumble bee and I am going to dress up as a lady bug. We are doing a fashion show to benefit an Alzheimers Foundation with our therapy dog group. So if your human is anything like me, your plan to make her dress up may not work. Have a great day! :)
Pug, no offense, but you as a banana is about one of the most funniest things I have ever seen! My mom is rolling on the floor with laughter too! I'm lucky that I don't have to wear a costume this year, but if it stays cold, I have a sinking feeling that my mom may change her mind...and if she does I am totally using your suggestion.
PS. So glad your wood chip finally passed, and even more glad that your human didn't post a picture! Hehee!
Uh, Pug... we have a problem:
My pawpa wants us BOTH to be bananas!!
Hi Puglet,
Your photo .. well *laughter* - you look so sweet! The sweetest little banana ever.
By now I am used to wear pullovers, coats, t-shirts with important political messages (laugh), raincoats and the lot. I know my Mum means good. Sometimes we are dressed alike - color and stuff. She wears blue,I wear blue, nothing dramatic.
But I never had a Halloween costume. It is not fair! I guess I have time until Saturday to work it out with her. Wish me luck!
Sorry about the wood chip, I am glad you are better.
Pug greetings from Berlin
Carlos Santana
Does that mean your human will dress up as a lobster this year?
The banana costume looks more SNL conehead to me than Klan but I still like it- you're such a proud and dignified banana.
You have to break that woodchip habit, not tasty and way too dangerous. I'm happy you're ok, though :)
Dear Puglet,
I agree with Christa, you are the cutest banana ever! I really needed this advice last year. My human made me dress up as Lady Gaga. It wouldn't have been so bad if I'd gotten to wear the meat dress I hear so much about, but mostly I just had to wear this thing on my head. I changed my profile picture so you can see the humiliation I had to endure.
I will definitely put your advice to good use this year. Gotta keep those humans in line!
Lady Coco
You look incredibly adorable, uh, I mean handsome!
Puglet: First let me say that I am very glad you pooped out the wood.
Secondly, I wouldn't leave the house in that outfit if I were you. The neighbor dogs may film you and you will never hear the end of it.
Love Noodles
Humm, we are not dressing up, we are going in our normal attire as society ladies...mink (faux of course) stoles, veiled hats, pearls and brooches. Well, at least that is what our human thinks! The stuffingless fir fox toys make great fur stoles if you connect the tails to mouth. High society all the way.
You do look a little, uh, dorky in that costume...and somewhat like KKK.
Oh Puglet, what a great idea! I am so going to try to convince my human of this...she was trying to decide what to do about a costume, I heard her talking about it and she could dress up like me. Uh, but it won't be so humiliating to her cuz she already told me I am going to be a witch this year and she might look good as a witch so really, she wins and I still have to wear a dumb costume. Oh well, it really all goes back to getting the cookies so I guess I can deal with it no matter what she decides.
And you rock as a banana! Ok, maybe not but wanted to say that cuz, well you looked funny!
Glad you are feeling better and hope your human's neck is too!
you know my feelings about costumes...hate them! I will wear a simple one, but only if food is involved. If you showed up sporting a banana costume, I'd totally bite your back fat! I love banana....
My mom doesn't like banana, but she said she would eat pug-nana (you!)
Bwahahahah a klansman!
We feel your pain Puglet. Too bad she doesn't dress you as the baconator!
Last year Mom dressed us up as butterflies and she dressed like a little girl with a butterfly net. We didn't even make it out the door before face wrestling and Riley's humping caused wings to rip and tear.
This year the three of us will be lobsters and our man is dressing up as a chef, carrying a steamer pot .... no idea what his costume is all about but I think the pot will be to catch and carry our loot.
Have fun everypug at your pugaween parties this w/e.
What's Dutch going to be .... something pink we presume.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Puglet! My father tried that banana costume on at Tagert and Mom got a picture of it!! I should post it for everyone to see! You however look a lot cuter in a banana costume than he does. This year I am going trick-or-treating as Batman and my mom's neice is going as Catwomen!!!
Ok, even though I have a cat ... that's just way too funny!
Hi everyone!
I think my human's warranty thing must be running out or something because as soon as her neck felt better (thanks for the juju!) she had to go back to the dentist for more drilling. Yesterday was tooth #15's big day which meant my human's thumbs were totally off limits. Going to catch up now though...
Christa & Cletus (especially Christa),
That's really cool you're dressing up together - without being blackmailed. Even cooler that being bugs will benefit the Alzheimers people. Very cool.
Hi Payton ~
Yeah, the banana suit was ridiculous. And not in a good way. The lobster suit she got instead wasn't so bad and last year she dressed me up as Dutch. No idea if a costume is going to happen this year but I really hope not.
That video just made my human spew iced tea all over her keyboard. She missed the part about attempt #1 being backwards so the giant hole was very confusing. And funny!
In case you all missed it:
Heloo Carlos ~
I don't have much practice wearing things. Rain things, yes. But it doesn't really get that cold here so naked is usually OK. If it did get cold I would wear my #1 favorite skull+bones sweater 24/7 (Noodle's mom made it for me). It makes me feel even more awesome than usual.
Check it out:
{no idea what's up with the deer ears!}
Heya Ollie,
Dude. I can't help it with the chips. We went to Golden Gate Park for the first time in ages (probably since the last time I ate chips there) and the chips are impossible to resist.
Oh Lady Coco!
That is... uhm... yeah. You should totally get to wear meat this year for having to wear that thing on your head last time!
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