But before Superfun Week starts, there's some stuff from last week to fill you in on. Warning: not all of it is Superfun.

Little foster Gracie's c-word has been eating up the juju faster than you can send it. Our favorite PRL (Pug Rescue Lady) has been giving us updates and things don't sound so great for Gracie.
The good news is Gracie's getting tons of love and all sorts of ridiculously eatables at PRL's house, so at least she's happy place. Here she is supermodeling with the Omegas Layfayette Lola donated to her:

Thanks to some rescue connections (thank PRL!) we have an update on last week's lion rescue. The Marine Mammal Center has this really cool online tracking system thing so you can find out how the animals they rescued are doing.

My human found it and it's SUPER embarrassing!! My human's been using it to bribe me into doing stuff I don't really want to do, but as soon as that stops working she'll let you all laugh at it too.
In case you missed it, Ollie the Canadian beagle made an important announcement last week: today is Turkey Day in Canada! I know most of us aren't Canadian, but I'm still going to try and score some turkey or something to celebrate. You should all totally do the same.
Thanks Ollie for the paws up on Turkey Day. If you live in another country and celebrate a food-related holiday we don't, please let us know so we can eat with you :)
- - -
I think that's it from last week. Tomorrow the Superfun begins! Oh, except Dutch still has to tell you about his two #1 favorite things from Canada. But don't worry - he totally won't let me forget about that.
Pug, thanks so much for the update on Gracie. She is super cute with her Omegas. Lola was so nice to give them away. We'll still keep Gracie in our prayers and will be hoping for a miracle! I can't wait to hear about the fun you and Dutch had. And to see that video!
Sending continued prayers and juju to Gracie!
Juju to Gracie. Hang in there. Can't wait to see the video. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Here in Plantation, Fl we were stuck inside, we had major rain!! Don't know about you but this Pug does not like to get wet!
Hey Puglet,
Thanks for the update on Gracie. I feel a MAJOR JUJU release coming as soon as I am done with my blogging. C-word be DAMNED! It will NOT claim another of MY PALS!!!
Happy Turkey Day In Canada - we have lots of Canadian pals in Blogville AND A LOT of my favorite hockey team, San Jose Sharks are from Canada as well.
Love Noodles
PS Are those trolley thingys FUN to ride on?
Dang that's lots of action packed into such a small bit of time! I can't wait to hear about Dutch's favorite Canadian treat.
I'm also sending Ninja juju to Gracie. Even though she shares the name of my arch nemisis (a cat!) I still hope she kicks the C-Words ass right back to he double hockey sticks.
My birthday was on Saturday and my little brother's birthday is this Thursday if you want some more things to celebrate. I turned 4 and my human brother turned 2. Oh and my little human sister turned 3 months on Friday! More cookies!!!!
From: George B.
Poor little Gracie. Glad to hear she is under good care and getting plenty of treats. I'll keep sending all my East Coast good juju her way.
And Puglet, what is this new adventure about?! Did you and Dutch hit the road and become train-hopping hobos?! I can't wait to hear more.
Love, Sid.
PS Happy Birthday to you, George B. as well as your human and pug family members.
Puglet Baconator, we have been away at Pop-Paws house for a week while Mom was on a business trip. We missed your daily posting so much - no thumbs, ya know. We tried to explain this to Pop-Paw but he just got confussed and put Animal Planet on which scares Roxi half to death.
When we looked at your post from Friday, Oct. 7th we thought you maybe ran off and joined the cirus. Loved the pic of you with the ring master.
We were sending serious juju to gracie last week and we will continue to send thoughts and prayers to her for peace and comfort in her days ahead.
We're happy to be back PB. We missed you so much. We can't wait to hear about your adventures with your bro Dutch and to see your video!!
Lea, Riley and Roxi (who is still a bit traumtized from Animal Planet shows.)
~ Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Thank you for the updates. Gracie breaks my heart yet I know she is happy and in good loving hands. I love all the photos of you and Dutch and Frank, when he's around.
I like it best when you have a lot to say and a lot to report on:)
We're so super glad that Gracie loved the Ooomegas. I hope they help to fatten her up a little. We'll keep sending our juju and prayers for her to be comfortable and get all the eatables she wants. She is so lucky to have a PRL that loves her so much. They're the best, aren't they?
We can't wait to hear about your great adventures last week. Wonder if they had anything to do with the special airplanes flying over SF last weekend.
Lafayette Lola
Happy Turkey Day to our Canadian friends!
Sending lots more good healing juju to Gracie.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
We had some chocolate pudding to celebrate Ollie's canadian turkey!!!
But what we do ALL the time is producing and sending our polish juju to Gracie!! So glad she's enjoying every day with all sorts of nice things like love and food! Go Gracie! We love you! Gosia
Gracie looks so cute. Lots of juju coming her way from Big 'ol Texas! We have the State Fair going on right now...the juju I will send is as big as Big Tex..ever seen him Pug? Well, if you haven't he's really big!
Can't wait to see the funny video and hear about Dutch's favorite Candadian thing. SO much is going on right now!
Hey everybody!
Mega-thanks for sending an extra dose of juju for Gracie. It kinda freaked us out to see her looking so skinny all of a sudden. She wasn't like that when we first met her at Dutch's Big 8 beach party - and that was just a month ago. It's especially sad because I know PRL has been giving Gracie all sorts of special eatables :/
Hiya Margie ~
Don't feel too bad, we're stuck inside today because of the dumb rain. The weather people keep promising it will get nice soon, but then it rains anyway.
Soon. Soon. Soon.
Uhm, hello weather people! How soon is NOW??
Hi Noodles ~
Hmmm. Not really sure what the trolleys are like to ride because I've only ever posed on one that's not moving. The trolley dudes are SUPER nice though, so I'm sure we could totally ride one if we wanted.
I'll see if my human will let us next time we go downtown.
Oh Bella-T, you have NO freaking idea how action packed our weekend was! But your mom does... and everyone else will soon :)
Oooh, thanks George B!
Let's all eat load of cookies for George B and his little humans :0
PS: We added you to the special day calendar so next time we'll know when to wish you a happy (and eat cookies).
Heya Sid ~
I'll tell you all about our weekend adventure tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.
Yeah - we did *that* much this weekend.
Very cool stuff too.
Welcome back Jersey Shore Puggles!
Sorry you missed me :/ I know what you mean about Animal Planet. We're not allowed to watch it because I attack the TV whenever it's on. I mean, a pug has to defend his living room, right?
You picked a good time to come back though - is going to be a fun week...
Hi Katainya ~
I wish every day was full of adventure so I'd always have lots to talk about. On rainy days like today, taking a nap is about as much fun as I'm going to have.
Hiya L.L. ~
I know your juju + Omega gift is totally helping Gracie. I mean, can you imagine how skinny she'd be without them??
One thing I can say about our weekend adventures is they definitely did *not* involve those stupid noisy planes. I'm so glad they're gone. They really hurt my ears (and my human's head)!
I forgot to write that in one month time we'll have holiday here in Poland. We'll eat special "thing" that we only eat on this day! I'll send more info later:) and iwe also have rain rain rain all day long here in Poznan
Massive amounts of juju to Gracie. I hope she gains some weight soon.
I want to see the video!
Puglet, you are always caring. That's why we love you so much.
Aw damn, poor Gracie is so skinny. Hope those omegas give her lots of good fat. If love and juju could make her better, she would be cured in an instant. Thanks for your updates on her and the lion.
I am excited to hear about your latest adventure. You always give me a reason to smile!
Hey Pug,
Did you know on April 20th, it is Bacon day! We should SO celebrate here on the DP!
Max, Autumn, Goldie, Pearl, and Autumm
ps. Send a lot of juju to Gracie! Fight that c word!
Hiya Pug,
Thanks for the update on Gracie even though it isn't good news. We've been thinking about her a lot and have been sending her juju EVERY time we think of her. She IS skinny and makes our Gracie look fat......and she's SKINNY. Poor Gracie :(. It is good to see she is still interested in treats. We know she'll have GREAT quality of life since she is with a SUPER DUPER nice lady. Sure wish we could find a magic wand and use it on her........
We are sending c-word killing juju to Gracie and are so grateful for such wonderful humans like the PRL. We send out virtual cuddles to the both of you.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Still keeping our tails curled for Gracie, sending lots and lots of JuJu her way.
Our human got a magnet for the car today, say's Who Rescued Who? We've asking her that all along!
Sending ju-ju to Gracie. This makes us too sad. :(
Hi Puglet,
We are so sad, seeing Gracie so skinny but we know (unfortunately) all about the dreaded C-word, and how skinny it makes sufferers. We shed lots of tears for Gracie and are so happy that she receives good care and food (thanks, Lola and pug rescue people).
Tell me, why can this world not be a good one without "C" and other things and maladies? My Mum cried so much about Gracie.
We enjoyed your report on things to come, cousin Puglet.
It rains here since days. I no longer walk, I let myself being carried through the rain. I guess that is what my Mum owes me on days like this!
Pug greetings, prayers for little Gracie and Happy Pugday to
George B and family
Carlos Santana from Berlin
conscientious objector what rain is concerned!
So nice to see Gracie eating yummy treats!! She looks so sweet.
I am sending tons of juju her way!!
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
We're sending lots of juju to Gracie. Thanks for the update on her and the lion.
Memphis and Missy
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