Just kidding.
But I think we all totally need a break from the 999 pugsanity, right? And Dutch needs a tiny bit of Juju. I guess his birthday bloodwork came back and everything was OK except for something called thyroid and that was low. My human says it's kinda normal for this to happen with "older" dogs, but Google says dogs with low thyroid are slow and fat and Dutch is definitely not slow or fat.
The vet wants to run a few more tests to figure out what's going on. If we can get some juju flowing before the tests, I'm sure Dutch will be totally fine. Or at least as fine as a dog who secretly wears pug jackets on their head can be.

Oh yeah, and today is also the last day to send in your Dutch-style SYOP picture or post a pug one on facebook. I think I should get a cookie for telling you that.
* * *
I'm kinda superexcited about today's Dutch-style entry. Uh huh. Guess which Canadian beagle got to eat pie. And it wasn't even Thanksgiving in Canada. Go Ollie!