I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. And if you live in Canada or Poland or Germany, I hope you still got to eat something tasty so your human could take a picture of you for the SYO- contest.
Today's photo is from Shelley (human of Chloe, Camille, Layla, Sugar, and Pill). Since I live in the city with a human who swears carrots are dog treats, I'll let Shelly explain what's going on in the picture:
There's just not enough meat on the turkey neck to cook and pull off for four dogs and a cat, so it goes to the chickens and the dogs are soooo envious.
OK. I don't really know why a chicken would want to eat a turkey neck. I don't even know what a turkey neck is, really. But I'm envious too. Thanks Shelly for sending us your picture!
Dutch will pick his favorite SYO- on Dec 1st, so If you haven't taken your non-pug + holiday food picture yet, don't worry. You have until Nov 30th to email it to us (dailypuglet-at-gmail.com).
If you're in the pug camp, there's already some pretty ridiculous holiday cuteness happening over in the SYOP section of the 1000 Pugs facecbook page (you can see it here). If your human hasn't shot you yet, tell them to hurry up and get on it!
If you have no idea what to do for your SYO-, here's some inspiration for you. I call it 'how to score a snack in 3 easy steps'. I perfected the technique yesterday with a roll, but pretty sure it works with any eatable you can get your mouth on.
Good luck and good eating!
Today's photo is from Shelley (human of Chloe, Camille, Layla, Sugar, and Pill). Since I live in the city with a human who swears carrots are dog treats, I'll let Shelly explain what's going on in the picture:
There's just not enough meat on the turkey neck to cook and pull off for four dogs and a cat, so it goes to the chickens and the dogs are soooo envious.
OK. I don't really know why a chicken would want to eat a turkey neck. I don't even know what a turkey neck is, really. But I'm envious too. Thanks Shelly for sending us your picture!
Dutch will pick his favorite SYO- on Dec 1st, so If you haven't taken your non-pug + holiday food picture yet, don't worry. You have until Nov 30th to email it to us (dailypuglet-at-gmail.com).
If you're in the pug camp, there's already some pretty ridiculous holiday cuteness happening over in the SYOP section of the 1000 Pugs facecbook page (you can see it here). If your human hasn't shot you yet, tell them to hurry up and get on it!
If you have no idea what to do for your SYO-, here's some inspiration for you. I call it 'how to score a snack in 3 easy steps'. I perfected the technique yesterday with a roll, but pretty sure it works with any eatable you can get your mouth on.
Good luck and good eating!
Step 1: grab

* the recover part is crucial. You must be ready for any food that comes your way.
Happy T-day to everypuggie at Casa de Puglet!! Nice walrus lips, buddy. Turns out Mochi has some serious walrus lips too! They're so bad none of us have ever seen her teeth! Hahaha.... Well, the humans were gone all day yesterday. How do you like that?! Our grandmaw came over to feed us, but we didn't get any of this "holiday food" of which you speak! Same ol' dog food. Oh well. Here's hoping you do a SYOP: Sleeping!
Hi Pug!! I love that last set of shots. The first in that series reminds me of one of those nature shows where the great white shark comes out of the water with it's mouth open trying to get its prey, and I can relate to the last two where it looks like you are demanding more roll. I always get huffy like that too! I'm so glad that you and Dutch got some great eatables! I can't wait to see what I get tomorrow during our big feast!
See, Payton beat me to it again, lol. Happy TD ~
Did I tell you I love turkey??
*snorting* the gulp+recover series are great!!!
Loving the SYOP pics!!! :D
Yeah. So I have walrus lips. But they're stronger than my human's thumbs! She totally lost at tug-of-roll and trust me, she *really* tried to win.
I can't believe you didn't get any holiday food. Not even for the SYOP? Not even a piece of wheat/corn/soy-free bread??
Hiya Payton,
My human said I look sharky too. Guess I'd rather look sharky than walrus-y.
There's another series of pictures that show what happened about 20 seconds after I swallowed the roll. My human decided not to post them because they're too gross, but I think puking up a whole entire roll is waaay more impressive than eating one.
I'm glad one of us ate turkey yesterday. All I got was a roll and some pie. And some whipped cream. And some nasty thing called a Brussels sprout that I totally spit out.
Hiya MizzTree,
I can't believe how many pugs in the SYOP got to eat (almost eat? try to eat?) turkey!?!
Pug !!! Thank you for SYOP tips!! My Pucia is also sharky kind of pug, I almost hear that Jaws theme when she's coming:) and you guys didn't score any turkey yestarday? if I didn't know your Human as SUPER nice person, I would think she is mean:) have a super weekend Pug Dutch and Human! Hugs Misiober
Nope. No turkey! For some reason my human gets more excited about stupid stuff like sprouts. Good luck with the SYOP,and remember: grab, snatch, gulp!
Hey, so that's what a chicken looks like before it ends up in a plastic box at the store labeled Whole Roasted Chicken With Savory Seasoning.
And Payton's right, you look like a pug-shark going after that deliscious flaky white roll.
I don't get bread at home but I do eat quite a bit off the sidewalk. Best cement snack ever (in the bread category) was a croissant I scored. Otherwise it's mostly McDonald buns which are also very tasty.
Have a great weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dutch and your Human. You look so cute with the roll. I was able to score a few morsel's of turkey. It wasn't golden like your chicken, but it sure was scrumptious.
This is me Romeo. My mom cooked three turkeys over the past week, and I got to taste all three of them...sadly no pictures as she was too busy.
My mom is giving me birthday cake tomorrow to celebrate my 13th birthday. Can't wait.
Don't feel bad that you didn't get turkey Puglet, I didn't get anything! At least you got pie!
All sorts of gobble gobble going on. I didn't get any turkey, just green beans. Mom tried the roll trick with me too, but she took it away before I could eat it! At least your back fat is still in tact having eaten that roll.
Oh I submitted my pic, but it's not so great. There is a lot of cuteness oh SYOP! I offer right now for Dutch to be my prize if I win. Ho ho!
"Dutch for a prize" ~ LOL!!!!!!
Oh Puglet! Sorry to hear about the whole no turkey thing. You're right about the roll though, yakking it up whole is pretty impressive. All of us out here at this Iowa house got some turkey. Mom liquified some with her ninja then stirred it into our regular kibble. It was awesome. Hope you score some leftover turkey somehow.
Emmett, Rosie, Madgie, Dalia, Quincy and Cody
My mom is leaky now from seeing my picture featured on The Daily Puglet. I guess this is my fifteen minutes of fame. We totally got turkey, skin, and juice from the roasting pan to make up for being tortured by the turkey neck.
Also, having recently moved from trainee to top farm dog, let me explain what chickens eat for all the city dogs who've never had the chance to watch chicken TV. They almost rival dogs in their love of meat plus raw or cooked vegetables, seeds, and any crawling critter that happens to go into the pen. The only items they wouldn't fight you for are hard items like bones or carrots. Good thing they're locked up or we'd never get any dinner.
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