My human's gimpy brain is tired and needs oxygen, so we're heading over to hike with cows this morning. It's baby-cow season so I'm excited about pies, and extra-excited because we recently got this email update from the awesome Bill+Susan who posted signs to help Daisy the stray white boxer.
...I saw the white boxer meander up to the top of the ridge and then over and off into the trees. The names may need to change because I saw the white boxer who we call Daisy left his/her leg to give a quick squirt onto some scrub bushes and he passed by. They didn’t look hurt or infirm but I only saw them for a minute or two. But they are together and doing ok up there.
A small group of humans were leaving food out for Daisy and her friend, but stopped after awhile because nobody had seen them. I think the slugs ate most of the food we left, but Daisy + friend must be eating something because they've been living with the cows since at least September.
Maybe they like cow pies too?
We've never seen Daisy or his friend, but we always look. Today we will look and leave some snacks. Hopefully the slugs won't eat them all.

Pug, Dutch and Thumbs,
Glad yall got to get out and enjoy some beautiful weather. That is awesome! Sunshine makes my pups and I happy too. We woke up to snow here in Memphis. Snow is great and all and Cletus and Callie love it. But Callie just got spayed yesterday and keeping a 6 month old Catahoula on a leash in her first snow is exhausting.
Glad they saw the dogs and they have been eating and seem to be okay. I hope they find the snacks yall leave them today.
Pug size trees are awesome. I think if I got one, Cletus would think I bought him an indoor tree so he would never have to pee outside in the rain again. Hope you have had a talk with Puglet about that. ;)
Have a great day!
Christa, Cletus and Callie
Pug! Oh, I am just in love with the picture of you and Dutch looking at the hills. Glad to hear those boxers are doing ok on their own. I can't wait to see your pug tree with eatables!!!
We wish we were with you on your hike. All we have here in NY is gray wet weather.
Missing the Sun
We concur with Miss P, that picture of you and Dutch is positively dreamy!
Godd luck, we hope you get a pug tree...
Meredith & Scarlet
So glad to get that update...maybe they are loving where they are and don't want to be found. Uh, your view to hiking is not that great umtil you get past Dutch! And the pic of ya'll sitting there, well, it's awesome! Very peaceful...and hope the oxygen helped your human's brain and you get that pug size tree.
So jealous... sunny CA !! Happy Cows!! I heard we will have single digits low, high in mid teens next few days. This is the time we Minnesotapugs b*tch about our temp.
I love Doutch's tail...
You guys are so lucky! We haven't seen the sun for a while. Lately it's just been dark and then darker here. Waaaaah!!
I'm glad Daisy and friend are doing well but I hope they make contact soon and get into a home.
Looking forward to seeing the pug tree. But put some pink stuff on it to make brother Dutch happy.
You are such a good boys!!! Fredzik isn't that good !!! I hope Daisy is doing fine with her friend and cows. Pucia says she want to move to your place, even tomorrow. Just like in Canada we have darkness and snow/rain from dark sky! Not funny:( our mom just came back from some place she calls aqua aerobic, I don't know what is this place but, but she brought a cat. I know him, and told mom I hate him, but she said the weather is so nasty and he cannot stay outside. Nice! so we have a cat nowe?? Thank you stupid weather!! Kisse Pug and Dutch! Zuzia
Puglet, so glad you and Dutch always look. As long as they are together, at least they have each other!
Hi Pug,
I felt like I was in the field with you & Dutch. Get ready, set, Go! I can just imagine the three of us running over the hills.
That is a great picture of you and Dutch on the lookout for the dogs!!
Paula from DE
My mama just came home with something she calls a pug tree, and boy was she excited! She said she found it at someplace called trader Joe's....she pretty much goes nuts there. She says they have rosemary and European pine. She says she saw some at Walgreen's too.We did our happy dance just to make her smile. Now if only she can find a way to attach the turkey bacon....My sissie and I are watching our weight.
Puglet, we check in on you every day ! Keep up the good work.
ps....tell your mom to check on the cookies for you at Trader Joe!
Good Luck with yoru tree,
Max and Grace
Puglet, if you ever need a sweater, I found a totally non-dorky sweater for you! squee.icanhascheezburger.com/2011/12/07/cute-animals-bad-to-the-milkbone
'The hills are aliiiiiiive with the sound of Pug snorts' LOVE that photo. And love you Puglet.
From Kirstyn and Hank (the pug) in Australia xx
Hi Pug! I love the photo of Dutch's behind walking through the grass, I love walks in the feilds and Oh the photo of you and Dutch looking at the hills is so beautiful, I love the contryside! Lots of Cow pies and Sheep piles where I live! Love, Phugs and Licks Frank xxxxx
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