I don't even want to talk about Dutch and his stupid waffles. That's all I have to say. Especially since the closest thing I had to an adventure that day was a walk through Naked Corner.
Naked Corner is this place in our neighborhood where dudes who don't have clothes like to hang out. And I mean HANG OUT. My human says we can only take pictures from far, far away so you can't really see what I mean. So let's just say waffles are tasty and Naked Corner is *not*.
Holey Crapola...what the pug was all that...do they need clothes, or do they just shed them like sam, maybe they rip them off as soon as their moms dress them...yep thats the kind of corner sammer is going to end up on if he doesn't straighten up....oh my eyes are still burning!
stella rose
Ew! Our eyes!
My Mommy #2 and her sister were talking about this very thing in your part of town. Seems one time she was driving through with her 2 daughters and this dude was HANGING OUT NAKED on the street corner! She was immediately flustered but then realized the girls were not even looking at him.
BTW, Naked guys are better to have in your neighborhood than pull-down-your-pants-and poop guys. No one carries poop bags for their piles!
Love Noodles
NAKED CORNER....wow...don't think we have that in Dallas...and not sure I want it either...so sorry you missed out on the waffles!
Pug butt is one thing, but droopy, naked butt is a bummer.
Meredith & Scarlet
I guess living where it snows has its pluses...we don't have a Naked Corner here. We do, however, have corners with really friendly ladies...
Your Pal Guy Noir
Only in SF.... butts are not pretty to look at, small or big, you know?? Waffles sound better than butts.
I'm thinking KIM is like....a tablet, or an ereader, or something similar...and Ipod type thing maybe???? Just my guesses.
saggy butt dudes are allowed to have a public corner?!?!?! What kind of place do you live in PUG?!?!
Kidding. It's strange for sure, but if people are fine with it....no one is making them look. que sera sera
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