Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sorry I left you kinda hanging on the whole cliff story. Here goes...

It was Dutch's birthday. We hadn't been hiking or done anything fun in like FOREVER so I figured I might have a chance at guilting my human into taking us somewhere. Y'know, since it was Dutch's special day and all. 

I knew she'd say all our usual hike-hikes are too long so I guilted suggested we take a short stroll at beach. I didn't think she'd go for it, but never hurts to try. Right? Well, my plan worked. After snarfing down our birthday cupcakes, my human surprised us with a trip to the harbor near Half Moon Bay. We used to go there all the time with the crazy labrador brothers and it's one of Dutch's favorite places on earth. 

Mission accomplished. Go me.

So we go for our walk. Dutch runs around, I sneak a snack of poop, my human relaxes in the sun. Everybody's happy. And then... I kinda fall off a cliff. Yeah. Just like that. One minute I'm walking along a trail, next thing you know I'm... well... doing this:

Yeah. Remember that sign from yesterday? The one about unstable cliffs and people and dogs falling off them? Well, it wasn't anywhere near where we were, but it was still right.  

Ok. So there I am on the side of this cliff. The ocean is waaaaay down at the bottom and Dutch and my human are still up at the top. My human does not look happy anymore. Or relaxed. Definitely not relaxed.  It's kinda windy (and I'm down a cliff) so even though she's obviously yelling, I can't hear a single word she is saying. 

Does she want me to stay? Come? Sit?? I try to do all of those things but none of them work because every time I move, the cliff falls apart and I fall down. By now, I'm starting to get kinda freaked out and I'm pretty sure my human is too. She's still yelling things I can't hear so I pretend she's saying things like fresh hot bacon!! and lots of cookies!! because it makes me feel better about the whole cliff thing. I close my eyes and think about the bacon and the cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.

When I open my eyes, my human is gone.

Yup. Gone. I can't see her or not-hear or anything. Being stuck on the side of a big scary cliff is bad enough, but being stuck on the side of a big scary cliff ALONE? Not good. So I start cackling. Still no human. Cackle some more, nothing. Not even Dutch. Just me, the scary cliff and the ocean waaaay down below.

Cackle cackle cackle...

Now, I hate to do this to you two days in a row but you'll have to wait til tomorrow for the rest of the story. My human promised Dutch he could tell this part since he was on top of the cliff and where it all happened. Unfortunately His Princess is too busy napping right now to tell you about anything. But here's a hint:

See you tomorrow!


Butch and Sundance said...

How scary for you Puglet....We are so glad you are okay. We never fell off a cliff, but, where we are we don't see cliffs, just isicles lately....man, is it COLD outside...-45 below with windchill...our Mommy carries us back in the house cause our little paws get way cold...

Anonymous said...

Oh My Pug...an honest to goodness "cliff hanger" I will not sleep until I know how this turns out...as I bite my nails!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Pug...an honest to goodness "cliff hanger" I will not sleep until I know how this turns out...as I bite my nails.

Anonymous said...

Oh my PUG!!! That photo of you on the cliff edge/ side is heart stopping! Can't wait to hear more tomorrow... Your poor human, I bet she is still trying to calm her heart! Pug Hugs, Megan F. & Lola the Pug

Beatrix's Mom said...

Oh Puglet! So scary! So heart stoppingly scary. Amanda must have been beside herself!

Since you're writing a tense and well plotted tale of falling off a cliff, you clearly survived. PHEW! But still... SO scary!

Be safe

Sorry Gnat said...

good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

OMP That is scary. I am worried just reading your post. Biker Dude looks prepared to step in and save the day!!!

Barbara said...


Were there any hot firemen involved?

Meredith LeBlanc said...


Wait, were you trying out for an action movie?

Meredith & Scarlet

Noodles said...

Oh Puglet! Oh Puglet! Oh Puglet!!!! I am so freaking out like RIGHT NOW!!!
Love Noodles

Jaco said...

Puglet! Jaco and I are so scared seeing you down that cliff - the only thing that makes us feel okay is that you and Dutch are here telling the tale! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story - and it's a great New Year's pleasure to have you back, we've missed you very much!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Holy OMG!!!!!!! That makes me sick to my tummy!!!!

Idaho PugRanch said...


Idaho PugRanch said...


Frauntene McLarney said...

And so far, the best part is that you human, again, stopped to take a critical picture in storytelling. Thank you, Amanda;) Puglet, we know you are ok, as traumatic as it was….thank goodness.

Dutchess the Pug said...

I am so glad your safe! That must have been so scary for you and your human!

And, I'm so glad your back! I've missed to puglet and I've missed reading about your adventures.

Glad to have you back!

Foodie Girl said...

OMG Pug! I'm so glad you're OK! Also can't tell you how happy my mom and I are that you're finally BACK!!!! (Not that Miley didn't do a good job on giving updates, but now that she's a mommy herself I'm sure she's got her paws full)

But welcome back and glad you're safe (and hope you got lots of bacon for all the stress you went through)


Anonymous said...

OMG, I missed yesterday's story!!! I know it has a happy ending, but a man with a rope to save you...WOW this is one for the history books Pug. What you put your poor humom (& us)through you little furry guy.....

Ann, Frod, Molly & Cleo

Buford T. Justice said...

DUDE!!!!!! and I thought MY LIFE was scary.....

Buford T. Justice

Unknown said...

OMG that is horrible!! I guess you are okay but I can't wait to find out how you were rescued
"The MacKay Pugs"

Suki said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!! That is so freaking scary! Glad you are ok to tell the story.


MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

We hope a rope made of bacon rescued you.


Jazz Girl Pug said...

It is SO good to see you back, Amanda and Puglet!! We so missed you! Our Guardian has a nephew who used to live near Half Moon Bay. She told us that, indeed, the cliff is THAT steep and THAT crumbly. She walked it and, scaredy human she is, she stayed well back from the edge. Guess if she had fallen over, we wouldn't be commenting on anybody's blog!

Jazz Girl Pug said...

It is SO good to see you back, Amanda and Puglet!! We so missed you! Our Guardian has a nephew who used to live near Half Moon Bay. She told us that, indeed, the cliff is THAT steep and THAT crumbly. She walked it and, scaredy human she is, she stayed well back from the edge. Guess if she had fallen over, we wouldn't be commenting on anybody's blog!

Rambo and Miss Ellie said...

This is why we miss you soooo much. Great heart stopping adventures. So glad your ok even if you did give thumbs a heart attack. God we have miss you.

janice2pugsandaboxermix said...

I can only imagine what Amanda and Dutch must have been feeling. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Puglet, You are back and better than ever! It is an amazing quality and I am so glad you have returned. Can't wait until tomorrow. xxx

T,the Pugs and a BT said...


Anonymous said...

Ho-lleeee cow! Our humom just stumbled upon the new posts and we were all doing Snoopy Happy Dance and then we read about this cliff!
We can't wait to gear what happens next...since you're still here and you're all back, and well, we're just gonna get all sloppy and sappy!

We can't wait for the next installment!

Cubby & Oscar in FL
(It's super cold here too and we are only going out when absolutely required..)

Unknown said...

Ok so I wanted you back to hear of your adventures, but not so scary adventures. Yikes this was very scary. Levi

Anonymous said...

Holy sh*t!!!

Katherine said...

Puglet nooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

PUGLET!!!! how the heck do you get yourself into these crazy shenanigans? ?? Oh me gosh!

Only Puglet could get himself into such a crazy situation :)

Anonymous said...

Pug, what does cackle sound like???