Sorry I had to go so suddenly yesterday. You know how sick bladders are (wink, wink). So where were we? Oh, right. The top of a cliff with four men and an extremely scary looking rope...
Now that my human had a rope, she had to figure out what to do with it. One of the Vizsla-men suggested trying to lasso Pug. Let's call this Dumb Idea #1. My human has never lasso'd anything in her life and suddenly she was expected to be a cowgirl? Right. She tried a few times but didn't even come close. None of the men even tried.
Dumb Idea #2 was so dumb I don't even remember what it was. I do know it didn't work though.
Which brings us to Dumb Idea #3: tie one end of the scary rope around my human, the other end around the four men and... oh my... I think you can see where this is going.
I did not like this idea AT ALL and neither did two of the four men. My gimpy-brained human, the crazy Bikeman and the dumbest Vizsla-man seemed totally OK with it. My vote didn't count for some reason so gimpy, crazy and dumb got their way.
There was a lot of talking. What to do, what not to do, what to do if x,y and z went wrong. When Pug started cackling again, my human grabbed the rope and started tying.
In case you don't remember, this is the scary rope:
SMART VIZSLA MAN #1: do you even know how to tie a knot?
MY HUMAN: yep. I used to climb a lot in Yosemite. It's fine. I'm fine.
SMART VIZSLA MAN #2: this does not seem fine.
CRAZY BIKEMAN: man, this rope can hold a crab pot. They're stupid heavy.
MY HUMAN: It's fine. I'm fine.
I've seen pictures of my human on cliffs in Yosemite. The rope there did not look scary. She also wore special shoes and a helmet and all sorts of special cliff-climbing things. Soooo not the same as a crab rope, four men, three vizslas and me. So not fine.
![]() |
human, Yosemite |
Hold on tight. Please try not to die. I love you.
Pug will absolutely kill me if tell you what happened next because he was the one on the side of the cliff with my human, not me. He'll be back tomorrow. Sorry!!
Love you like cashmere,
Suspense is killing me!! Thanks, Dutch, for telling your part - you must have been terrified too!
A H H H H H H ! ! ! !
is right !!!!!!
"Love you like cashmere." I died. Thanks for making my week with this triumphant return! Love, Megan F. & Lola the Pug
SO much Daily Puglet! I just got to catch up on the last couple days. I love that I got to do that. Thank you Casa de Puglet for being so awesome and entertaining!
Dutch, I am totally on the edge of my seat and scared screechy. I know Puglet needed to be rescued but ropes, cliffs, and 4 guys who have no GOOD ideas. . . well it is giving me the VAPOURS! I DO declare!
Love Noodles
Holy Pug! I am sooo worried...
Hurry up and tell us what happened!! This is like watching the damsel in distress" cartoon where she is tied up on the tracks and a train in coming:(
Eddie the Pug
You can't make us wait another day AGAIN!!
Ahhhhhhh is right!!
Sammy and Neko
Sheesh we would never do that.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli,
Our mom hates the prove you are not a robot.
Meredith & Scarlet
When you come back, you come back with a vengeance! I've missed you all so much and look forward to the next installment of the cliff hanger.
I'm chewing my paws! This is just too much for a beagle with a boring beagle life.
P.S. Dutch, I love you like polar fleece.
Holy Gaucamole! Thanks Dutchman for the next part of this adventure! I hope Puglet wraps it up tomorrow. I don't think I can wait through the weekend to hear the ending!
This story if giving me major anxiety even though I know Puglet didn't spend the rest of his days on that cliff!
This blog is the absolute best & makes our day! So So happy Pug & Dutch are back!! On the edge of our seats waiting for the next post!!! Hugs & Kisses from Barkley the Pug in snow piled, freezing St. Louis! Ps- we havent licked any poles- but you bet Im peeing on them!
My pug Apple and I are so glad you're back! Hooray 2014!
you left us hanging....
pun intended.
I checked everyday for word of the puglet and I am SOOOO happy you're back!!! The pug herd in here in Texas loves to follow your adventures as every night we all cuddle up on the oversize chair and read puglets blog.
The pug herd and I here in Texas checked your blog everyday hoping pug and Dutch would make a triumphant return, and boy did they!!! The pug herd and I all sit down at night and read the daily puglet. So happy your back :)
Puglet, I do are one of the most awesome pugs ever and your human is totally cooooooool. We are so glad you are back!!!!
Puglet, you are the most awesome pug! WE love that you are back. And, your human is one of the most bravest people we have have seen. Keep on wiggling, my friend...
We are truly curious...does a Pug sound like a chicken when it cackles?? Youngstown Bunch
Dutch, I know the story has a happy ending, but how is your UTI? That's nothing to mess with. Get well REALLY soon.
HOLY CRAP! This is really scary!!!
love, Sherry and the Pug Squad
OMP.....we are so hanging on the edge of our seats for the rest of this story!!
The excitement and suspense is wearing out Chiquita, she needs to nap now in anticipation of the next installment of "Pug on a Cliff"!!
the suspense is stressing me I really missed you guys
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