Friday, January 24, 2014


Hi again everybody! It's still me, Dutch. 

Today I want to talk and think about joy. It's a very big thing for such a short little word. Sort of like Pug without all the snoring. 

Sometimes my human worries our life has become joyless. I know because I've heard her say it. The funny thing about humans is they very are good at making simple things complicated. Joy is not complicated. It's everywhere you go.


My favorite joys are rolling around in clean green grass. Playing in the water with my rainbow ball. Chasing a squirrel. The way my human's kissy noises sound. I think for Pug, joy is being here with all of you. Sitting on strangers laps in the park and forcing them to pet him. Eating things he shouldn't. Creepy Nikon.

Life can't be joyless when the world is full of things like grass and balls and kissy noises. It's practically impossible! What are your things? What is your joy??

Stay cozy & see you next week!



Hopper said...

My joy is people. They rub your ears, tell you your cute, and might have a treat for you. Also, a kong with peanut butter is joy. Also, belly rubs on the couch.

Juli said...

My three pugs, coffee in the morning, chocolate any time, blue and white china, roses that actually smell good, a wonderful junk shop, and baby chuckles! So. Much. JOY!

Noodles said...

Joy is such a happy sounding word, huh? I like your definition of joy but would add SNUGGLES with my Mommys, my group of FURiends that includes you, your human and Puglet, and TREATS!!!!
Love Noodles
PeeEss Joy is also having the Daily Puglet back in action.

Anonymous said...

Dutch and Puglet and Amanda....

You factor into My joy everyday. Just a few words and a picture of you guys is joy each day. Keep spreading the Joy!!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Scarlet's snuggles, Scarlet's snoring, Scarlet's cute nose, doing yoga, long walks, chocolate, popcorn, holding hands/paws, and we like kissy noises too :)

Meredith & Scarlet

Rocky Pug said...

My human worries about that too. The good thing is, she says I give her joy. And my little brother, and you, and Puglet. I guess us dogs are here to stop life being joyless (though for me, bacon I'd pretty joyful too)

Mercy said...

Hi Dutch! These pictures of you are spectacular! Just beautiful! I'm pretty sure you are a closet supermodel. Love your joys too! My joys are swimming, bounding in lots of fresh fallen snow,going for car rides, my food bowl, when my human reads me the Daily Puglet everyday, leaning against my Human Mom and my big, stuffed cat,"Fat". I love Fat and you, Dutchy!
Kisses, Kisses,

Anonymous said...

That Joy in Skow Motion is the sweetest! Our joy is snuggles on the couch, a good cup of coffee (or really any coffee, we love coffee in this house), new gym clothes, and a DVD & popcorn marathon on a cold weekend. YOU help with our weekday joy! We love to see new DP's! :-) Wishing you a weekend full of joy, to all 3 of you!
Love, Megan F & Lola Pug

Vinny said...

Hey Dude, Great column today. My joys are that having only 3 legs doesn't slow me down AT ALL, having only 3 legs gets me a lot of extra sympathy treats, my sisters Mercy and Izzy (don't tell them that okay?)and going to all kinds of cool pug events - like PUGFEST in May in Milwaukee. Its the largest gathering of pugs in the U.S. Maybe you guys should come this year!! Have a good weekend, Dutch!


JessieJane said...

Joy is seeing Dutch, Puglet and Amanda back online.

Izzy said...

Hi Dutch,
My joy is that me and my brother, Vinny are both rescue pugs and we got adopted this year! I have joy that there are lots of good people who help rescue dogs like us.
P.S. Your spots are really cool. Do they wash off in water???

Jane said...

Dear Dutch,
My joy is all the joy you, Pug and Thumbs give to all of us.
Lots of love,
Mercy, Vinny and Izzy's Mom

Robin said...

Good job Dutch! Readin this was such a joy!

pugsmom said...

The Daily Puglet is joy for me and my own little pug pack gives me so much joy it's funny. Joy is the smile that creeps across my grandbaby's face when he sees me and recognizes who I am, joy is waking up and remembering that all the bills are paid for another month. Chocolate with my morning coffee is also joy. I think I might like rolling in the grass too, but haven't tried that yet.

Unknown said...

My joy is seeing my pug girls and my baby son after a long day away from them. It is amazing what pugs and babies can do for a mood. Thank you dutch for sharing joy. The world could use more sharing. Xoxo to all.

Unknown said...

My joy is seeing my pug girls and my baby son after a long day away from them. It is amazing what pugs and babies can do for a mood. Thank you dutch for sharing joy. The world could use more sharing. Xoxo to all.

Unknown said...

My joy is seeing my pug girls and my baby son after a long day away from them. It is amazing what pugs and babies can do for a mood. Thank you dutch for sharing joy. The world could use more sharing. Glad to see you all back making us smile again. Xoxo to all.

AllyB said...

Joy is that moment when Mom walks in the door at the end of her workday and I know that any minute there will be food in my dish. Stay joyful Dutch.

xxxooo, Little Dog on the frozen tundra of West Michigan

AllyB said...

Joy is that moment when Mom walks in the door at the end of her workday and I know that any minute there will be food in my dish. Stay joyful Dutch.

xxxooo, Little Dog on the frozen tundra of West Michigan

Ollie said...

Joy is...
Seeing Dutch today folicking on the beach.
Sleeping in a patch of sun.
Finding dead dried up squirrels.
Tossing said squirrels up in the air.
Meeting my dog friends on a walk and having a good sniff.
Eating sidewalk food.
Eating any kind of food.
Belly rubs.
The crazy high pitched voice my human uses when she tells me how wonderful I am.
The duvet nest I snore in, while she reads in bed.
And anticipating the next Daily Puglet of course :)

Paula from DE said...

Dutch, joy is tha way your ears are all flighty in that picture! Love your smile!

South shore pugs said...

Joy for me is looking into both my pugs' faces seeing their jiggly tails and the excitement that meets me each day after a horrible day at work. And looking forward to reading the Daily Puglet.


Amy said...

You guys are one of my joys, and I make a point of listing my joys and gratitudes daily on my blog. It's the little things that bring great joy.

Bruno and Diesel's mom said...

What perfect timing, sweet Dutchie-boy! Today my joy is YOU (all of you)! I was so sad & blue, and SO sick of this below-zero crap. I thought I'd check again to see if you were back, but I didn't have much hope.
Holy cowpies, it was a miracle! There you were, in all your black, white & pink glory =) The best part was I had pages & pages to read, because it's been a whole month since I checked last.
You've made me very happy; all our love to all of you.
Bruno & Diesel's mom xoxox ♥♥♥

Sue and Annie Fannie said...

We are continually surrounded by joy, if we look for it. My first joy each morning is when my mommy wakes up and I tromp all over her and she laughs. I have a whole list of joys that would take up too much room here. Let it suffice life is joy.

Annie Fannie

Anonymous said...

Joy is sitting in the recliner with mama, snuggles and cookies.

Glad you are back, Puglet, Dutch and Thumbs. Great post Dutch

Ladybug, Fannie May and Holly Berry and our mama

Butch and Suncance said...

Our joy is reading your blog. Our humans mom passed away this week and she is pretty sad, but, when we wiggle our butts and snort in her face she smiles....nothing like pug love :)

Anonymous said...

Dutch - you and Puglet and Amanda bring joy to our lives and we love you for it ... Awwwwww -SpencerB & new cousin Olive

Anonymous said...

Dutch - you and Puglet and Amanda bring joy to our lives and we love you for it ... Awwwwww -SpencerB & new cousin Olive

Robinette said...

Joy is our dogs: puggy snuggles, happy pibble grunts, and smiling greyhounds. What a wonderful post, thank you Dutch!

citydog said...

Thanks so much for this. <3

Barbara L. said...

My joy is reading your and Pugs blog everyday.

North Toronto Pugs said...

Joy is these fabulous pictures of Dutch!

Anonymous said...

today was kinda crummy & was feeling defeated. sitting with a warm pug snoring on my lap, realized we'd not been by to read the latest since last week.

Oh Dutch, did I need this today. so many thanks for and to you, your pug brother, and your humom.

everyday, we never know who we might have touched and made lighter or happier.