Tuesday, January 21, 2014


So we were at the park the other day when I heard a bunch of humans awwwwing at something. They were saying stuff like:

Awwww, my heart hurts just looking!

Awwww, TOO CUTE! 

Awwww My God, that's ridiculous.

Of course I thought they were talking about me, but no. They didn't care about me at all. Because they were too busy starting at their phones, looking at these two on some thing called instagram:

If you don't live under a rock (like us), you've probably seen them too. Honestly? I totally don't get it. I mean, I guess it's cool if you like baby humans and puppies. But they're just sleeping. Me and Dutch sleep all the time and half the internet isn't awwwing at us. 

Well, last night I decided to fix this.

ME: can you take a picture of me and Dutch sleeping?
HUMAN: like, just lying there?
ME: it has to be cute sleeping. 
HUMAN: awww, like Theo and Beau!


If me and Dutch aren't cute enough sleepers for you, check out Theo + Beau over on that instagram thing.


Noodles said...

You and Dutch are all the CUTE I need.
Love Noodles

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! So many awwwww's! Aww x 100!
Too cute for us to handle! Love, Megan F & Lola the Pug

T,the Pugs and a BT said...

AAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!! Babies can be cute and all but I love to see pictures of you and Dutch. Any type of pictures will do, gotta say seeing the both of you snoozing together is absolutely adorable. Snoozing is one of the Pugs and BT's favorite past times.

Mari Jo said...

awww, way more cute then Theo & Beau

Mari Jo said...

awww, way cuter then Theo & Beau

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Puglet and Dutch are even cuter that Theo and Beau!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Personally, we think you & Dutch are cuter than Theo & Beau.

Meredith & Scarlet

Chazthepug said...

Love you two!! I also love the Theo and Beau pic... too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, Puglet, you and Dutch are very cute sleepers!
Love, Sherry and the pug squad

Candace and Chiquita said...


How's that?? :)

Morty said...

Puglet and Dutch for the win!

Robin said...

AWWWW!!!! You are way cuter than those two bums!

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Pffffffffff ..... You guys are way cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Pffffffffff ..... You guys are way cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Pffffffffff ......... M your way cuter

Anonymous said...

We like you better, Pug and Dutch!!

Sammy and Neko

Anonymous said...

Awwww, my heart hurts just looking!

Awwww, TOO CUTE!

Awwww My God, that's ridiculous.

You and Dutch are much cuter!!!

Anonymous said...

You two are totally the cutest!

Sue and Annie Fannie said...

Puglet, you and Dutch are cute, cute, cute....awwwww.

dw said...

Puglet, you and Dutch are totally AWwwwwwww worthy!! :)

Karen and Riley

Anonymous said...

They are cute, but my vote is for you and Dutch!! You guys remind me of a Ying & Yang sign.

Hey would you mind sending some of your warmer weather our way and we can send you some of our snow yours!!! Please, we are getting buried alive in this cold, wet, white stuff.

Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo

Deb and pugs said...

You and Dutch have it by a mile! I bet neither one of them know how to Jimmy!!

so nice to talk to you again

rosa said...

Awwwwww....too cute (and funny) I can't stop smiling :)

Anonymous said...

Puglet... you and Dutch are way cuter! AWWWWWWWWWWWW! -SpencerB

Augustus said...

Awwwwwww, you and Dutch sleep super cute! My food lady takes pictures of me and my friends sleeping. My silly pug sister sleeps on top of me like I'm a bed, not comfortable but it makes the people laugh and aww.

Butch and Sundance said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.....we vote for the cutest of cutest!!!

Ollie said...

You guys are the cutest. I think I could squeeze in the middle and then we'd be a cute sandwich.