Wednesday, January 1, 2014


So... I'm not exactly sure how long it's been, but  it feels like practically forever. Maybe longer. Part of the problem was my human. The other part of the problem was also my human. And HAL. And stuff. More on all that later. Let's just say the world would be a waaaay better place if dogs had thumbs and people had paws, but whatever.

Right now I'm just happy to be back.

If anyone's still out there, we definitely have some catching up to do. But before we start a completely awesome, happy and healthy new year, I want to officially say adios to THE worst year ever made. So freaking bad it made the cover of a magazine.

ME: uhm, looks like 2013 wasn't a good year for anyone.
HUMAN: 8 1/2 things going right sounds pretty good to me.
ME: true.
HUMAN: yep.

So goodbye unlucky '13, hello happy '14!!! For you. For me. For everybody. Seriously. I can already tell this year is going to be awesome. Like a big bowl of bacon with bacon on top.

Hmmmmm. Sounds good to me.

My human says it's going to take a few more days to get life plugged back in so I won't be back-back until Monday. Hope to see you then!

PS: Dutch says "ditto" to everything I said. Whatever that means. Weirdo.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back :)
xx Ruth

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Wishing you a fabulous 2014!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Wishing you a fabulous 2014!

geek by proxy said...

So happy to see you back! Happy New Year!

Rocky, UK said...

PUUUUUUUGLET!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you back! This is the best new years' present EVER.

TriHardChris said...

My eyes are leaking!!!

So happy to see you back! Yes we have so much to catch up on!

Dude! We have a little brother! His name is Dash and he's crazier than Chaos!

Happy, happy, happy!

Bouncer, Chaos and now Dash in Fort Lauderdale!

moPSY+MISIOber said...

OMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy you are back !!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY !!!!!
We are also happy this stupid 2013 is gone !!! Lets forget about it :) Love you guys and wish you the best year ever :)
Gosia Fredzik Zuzia i Pucia

Wilma said...

Welcome back Pug!!! It is sooooo good to hear from you, we have been worried. I am all for a better year, I'm telling Mom that you are back blogging so that means she better step it up toot suite!!!

moPSY+MISIOber said...

OMP !!!!!!!!!!!! You're back !!!!! So happy !!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are also glad this stupid 2013 is gone !!! What a bad year ! lets forget about it ! We wish you the best year ever and love you mucho !
Gosia Fredzik Zuzia and Pucia

Anonymous said...

It is a Happy 2014! So glad to hear from you big guy! Can't wait to catch up. Your buddy Grumpy and the rest of my crew! Yeah!

Mercy & Vinny said...

it's SOOOOOO good to have you back!! This calls for a bacon celebration! It will be a GREAT year for ALL of us! Puglet, you are still as sweet & funny as ever ! Bacon for everybody! Pink stuff for everyone!
Kisses, kisses,
Mercy & Vinny & foster sister Izzy

Verdi Wilson said...



We missed you.


Verdi Wilson said...



We missed you loads.


Verdi Wilson said...



We missed you loads.


Rosa said...

Yes, all bad stuff are left in 2013 and 2014 can only go AWESOME for Casa de Puglet!

Anonymous said...


Welcome back guys.

We missed you loads.


Anonymous said...

oops. I had a technical blip and thnk I posted loads of the same message. Still I'd yell Hooray more than loads anyway as I'm so delighted to have my daily bit of sunshine ack.



Charlie the Pugster said...

Yea! Missed you! 2014 will be better than 2013!
Charlie the Pug

Paws on the Run said...

Yay. So glad you guys are back. I missed you.

AllyB said...

Happy New Year!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG We are so happy you are back. 2014 is definitely a better year than 2013!!!! Just having you gbuyus back is wonderful!!!

Kulik Photography said...

Welcome back!!! You (all three of you!) have been missed and I look forward to what this new year has in store.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

We've missed you!! Welcome back!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Brutus, Ellie & Pippa!!

Taryn said...

Welcome back, Puglet! I agree, here's to a much better 2014! The tail end of 2013 kicked my ass!

Anonymous said...

Yeah is all I can say amd what a great start to 2014!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! We missed you!!!!!!!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Yay! Happy New Year Pug, Dutch, & Amanda!

Meredith & Scarlet

Anonymous said...

Yeah is all I can say amd what a great start to 2014!!!!

Anonymous said...

We missed you!

Melissa said...

YEAH! Glad to see you guys back!!!!

Melissa said...

Glad to see you guys back!!!! Happy 2014!

Unknown said...

Oh, Puglet...I am SO HAPPY to see and hear from you again!!!! Please kiss your human and Dutch for me. I missed you so much. My bacon will be better today because I saw you.

Unknown said...

Oh, Puglet...I am SO HAPPY to see and hear from you again!!!! Please kiss your human and Dutch for me. I missed you so much. My bacon will be better today because I saw you.

Suki said...

Holy Bacon! Soooo glad you all are back! We missed you so much.


Suki said...

Holy Bacon!! Sooo glad to see you all! We missed you.


Sammy and Neko said...

We missed you! We love you! We will love you more 2014! Welcome back 👍 Sammy and Neko

Idaho PugRanch said...

What a great way to start the new year!!
PUGLET'S BACK!!!!!!!!!

Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

JessieJane said...

Welcome back. Here's to 2014 being a better year :)

Poozles said...

Woohoo! Puglet is back! Can't wait to hear the adventures you have with Thumbs and Dutch. Since you last posted, a sweet pug named Hopper has joined us. Some other stuff happened too but really, we're happy to see a new year come in too.

Unknown said...

HAPPY 2014��������
Chubby T. Pug

Anonymous said...

Holy moly! This is seriously the BEST way to start my day! Welcome back to all at Casa de Puglet! We've been (not so patiently) waiting, cheering, hoping, and sending love this whole time. Welcome back and cheers to 2014!
Pug Hugs from Canada, Megan F & Lola the Pug

Buford T. Justice said...

Oh Puglet!!!!!! We have missed you so and always knew we would see you again. Much love to the Casa!!!!!

Laurie Cowhig and the Pack of Brachys!!!!!!

Ilo said...

Still here and looking forwards to more puglet adventures!
Welcome back!!

Anonymous said...

It's great to see you Puglet. I agree, last year was not great.

Bert the Philly Burbs Pug

Patty said...

Oh Puglet, its so nice to see you back. As you can tell from all the comments from your last post, we missed you all! Lots!

Hugs from your friend in NJ, Patty

Anonymous said...

And I just want to add- Puglet, that face is as handsome as ever. Man, oh man, are we all so HAPPY to see it! :-) -Megan F.

Katie Fischer said...

So happy you guys are back! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Puglet, I have clicked your link one thousand times since your last post to no avail. It got to the point where I questioned my sanity. What kind of fool so desperately needs this pugs blog to make them happy? Me, that's who and crazy or not, I am so happy you are back and it is the best start to 2014. xxx

Anonymous said...

Puglet, Dutch and Amanda ~

Welcome Back !!!!

you have been sooooo missed !!!


Anonymous said...

Yayyyy Puglet's back!!! OMD!!! This is already the best year ever! We totally missed you guys ❤️

Louie & Lola the chihuahuas (Lola was adopted in your absence!!) & Mookie the lab mix

MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

happy to see you back. wishing you a great 2014

Christa said...

Holy crappers!! Cletus and I are so happy that y'all are back. We missed you SO much!! Happy New Year to all! Yay!

Unknown said...

This is already going to be a better year BECAUSE YOU'RE BACK!!! We're so happy!

C. Penfold McGee (and Lucy, too!)

T,the Pugs and a BT said...

Yay PUGLET your back! So happy to be reading your blog. Happy New Year to you, Dutch and thumbs! Welcome back we missed you so much, looking forward to more Daily again. :-)

Annabelle said...

Welcome Back! I'm glad everyone is OK. Happy 2014

Unknown said...

Yippee! Welcome back, Puglet, from Esther, Queen of the Pugs.


LisaMJ74 said...

So glad you are back!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Yippee! So glad you're back? Missed you sooooo much! Happy New Year! May2014 be filled with blessings and love.

lsmiller said...

so happy to see you back we have missed you!!!! We also had a bad end of the year! Lets hope Its better for all of us!

Mackenzie & Chloe!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! We are so happy to see you back! 2014 is going to be barktastic. Love you!!!
Abby & Gibbs

lsmiller said...

Welcome back we have missed you!

WE also did not have a good end of the year, lets hope it better for all of us!

love you and miss you.
Mackenzie & Chloe

Jaco said...

We are SO happy you are back and that nasty 2013 is gone! No one liked that silly year. The momster and I were looking for you just last week - we must have had a psychic vibe that you were getting ready to make an entrance. Much love to you, Dutch, HAL, and of course your wonderful human!

Anonymous said...

PUGLET!!!! Holy crimeny, am I glad to see you!!!

You have been SOOOOOOOO missed by all of your fans!! I squealed with joy (my wife wanted to know what happened) when I saw your post.

Welcome, welcome, welcome back to you, Dutch and the thumbs!!!

You made my day.

Terry in FL (owner of Mooch the Pug and Aussie the Cattle Hound)

Noodles said...

Hey Puglet! Look over here to the South BAY! See that speck on the horizon? That's me doing a HAPPY DANCE!!!
Love You, Love Dutch, and love your human.
Love Noodles

Butch and Sundance said...

You just made our Mommy SMIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEE, and we are doing huge butt wiggles. SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK :) its going to be a gooooood year :)

Anonymous said...

aWelcome back! My dad always has to write for me as much as I've tried. He has a new laptop cause I tried to hit the "8" on his old one and the key fell off, so now he has to type for me. I had cancer, but someone took a knife to me and took it out, than she said that I'm cured( I guess kinda like bacon). Bye, Your friend "Lexi the Pug"

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back. Russell and I missed you!

Unknown said...

Welcome BACK!!! We never gave up on you !

Gracie the Agility Pug said...

Already a great year, and it's only day 1!!! You guys are back!!!

Gracie and Arnie

Pogo said...

What a great way to start 2014. I'm so glad your back. Tell your human we are glad to see her as well

Chinapug1 said...

OMG!!!! I was so surprised and so happy to see my Daily Puglet email!!! We've missed you!!!! Reading the other postings....I think you get the idea HOW much you were missed. Can't wait until Monday!!!
The Youngstown Bunch

Barbara L. said...

I was sooooooo glad to see that you are back, Puglet. I've missed you sooooooo much. My sisters and I are not pugs, but we are avid fans of yours and we know eventually there will be a pug in our family. We love reading about you and your humans' adventures so we are jumping with joy that you are back.

JoonBug and Brandon said...

Welcome back!

Sue and Annie Fannie said...

2014 is off to a good start because you are back. Pray everyone is well and things will be back to normal. ♥

Kristi said...

OH my word!! So happy your are back Puglet!! I have been worried sick about you and your human. I agree, 13 SUCKED! My human lost part of his pinkie finger when we were attacked by the next door neighbor German Shepherd on Christmas morning!! Yep, the retractable leash cord clean cut his finger off when he tried to rescue me and my pug brother from the jaws of the mean shepherd. Here's to a much better super awesome 14!!!

Kristi said...

OH my GOSH! Puglet we are so glad you are back, I agree, 13 SUCKED! My human severed part of his pinkie finger Christmas morning trying to pry me and my brother out of the jaws of the mean German Shepherd next door! The retractable leash cord cut that puppy right off, so my dad is a HERO! Here's to a super awesome pugtacular 14!!

Kristi said...

OH my GOSH! Puglet we are so glad you are back, I agree, 13 SUCKED! My human severed part of his pinkie finger Christmas morning trying to pry me and my brother out of the jaws of the mean German Shepherd next door! The retractable leash cord cut that puppy right off, so my dad is a HERO! Here's to a super awesome pugtacular 14!!

chicago foodie girl said...

So happy to see you're back! Happy new year! :-)

Unknown said...

We're here! How about we NOT talk about everything that sucked about 2014, and just tell us what you're up to in the new AWESOME year?! :) So glad to see you!

Robin said...

Welcome back! This year is going to be fabulous for all of us!

mlb7791 said...

Oh my God Puglet!!!! I am soooo happy to hear you, Dutch and your human are ok!!! I have missed you and thought of you often!!!! Welcome back! Love you!! Bosco and Melissa!!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day!

Pirate the Pug said...

I'm with you Puglet, 2013 sucked big time, so here's to 2014, it's going to be better than Bacon
! So happy you're back. You were missed! Love,Pirate

Unknown said...

So glad to see this post and can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

Hey Puglet, glad to see you are back. Yappy New Year!
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli

Jack the Pug said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad to read your voice :) welcome back all!

Rachel's Thoughts said...

Oh Puglet, I'm SO happy you are back!! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Puglet, Dutch, and Amanda!
This is definitely the best thing that's happened to us in 2014!
Lafayette Lola and family

Paco the Pug said...

OMG!!! Soooooooo very glad you're back, Puglet!! We missed you very much! I'm glad to see 2013 behind us too. Love to you, Dutch & Amanda! What a super way to start 2014!!!!
Jackie Jack & Paco

Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III said...

Yay!! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Yay! The new year is starting out great! Welcome back! So glad you are okay and look forward to enjoying your adventures once again! All the best to Amanda, Pug and Dutch in 2014! Please take care and welcome back!!

Patty in SLO

Minnie and Mack said...

Welcome back! We missed you guys and are glad things are turning around in the right direction.

sue and the gang said...

welcome back Happy New Year

sue and the gang said...

welcome back back happy new year

beebop said...

Yay! I'm so happy you're back!

Unknown said...

So happy my favorite puggie is back!!! Sending good juju and love from the casa de gato
Love Tigger cat

beebop said...

Yay- So happy you're back!

Anonymous said...

Puglet - I am SO HAPPY you are back! I have missed you and your human and Dutch! SO HAPPY!! It's gonna be a great year! -Spencer B

Anonymous said...

Puglet... SO HAPPY you are back. I have MISSED you and your Human and Dutch! We have lots to catch up... SO HAPPY! It's gonna be a great year! YEAH! -Spencer B

Loring said...

I'm so happy to be reading your words right now! I wish you all a VERY happy and prosperous 2014! Welcome back!!

Chazthepug said...

YESSSSS!!!!! Happy New Year! Here's to 2014 being the best and most pugtacular year EVER!!! So so happy to have Puglet, Dutch and Amanda back!!!

Ivans Mom said...

Welcome back! Hoping that 1000 things go right for you this year. For me, I only want 643

pugsmom said...

Puglet, Dutch and Amanda, I've been away from my computer for a few days and just saw you are BACK!!!!!! Mom has Daily Puglet set as her homepage and we always wait with baited snorts to see if there is a new post. Today we were rewarded. Our mom jumped up and did a happy dance and called everyone from every room to come and see that Puglet and the gang are BACK!!!!! Welcome to the max. May your 2014 be filled with joy, health, family unity and prosperity. From the pug pack in Milwaukie, Oregon
Phoebe, Kizzy, Dutchy, Olita, Max, and Pippi and......Oh, just EVERY SINGLE FOUR LEGGED AND TWO LEGGED CRITTER IN THIS HOUSE.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Very happy to hear from you guys & so glad you're,doing better. Happy New Year! New year, new memories!!

agent99 said...

Well, this made my 2014 a whole lot better! Looking forward to your silliness brightening my days.

agent99 said...

Well, this made my 2014 a whole lot better! Looking forward to your silliness brightening my days.

pugtux said...

What a wonderful surprise I had today! I've been checking, and checking, and checking, but always was disappointed. I'm SO happy to hear that you're back, and look forward to hear more from you on Monday. MISSED you Puglet! You too, Dutch. Thank you for returning to the blog!!!

Rambo and Miss Ellie said...

Welcome back Welcome back Welcome back 💋
2014 will be great now. I have missed you, your human, and Dutch.

Unknown said...


Soooooo glad that you are back Pug.

I only started DP in January 2013 when someone from our Pug Saturday in Spokane, Washington told me how fun your site is and what great pictures your human takes. Just last week I finished reading all your posts staring from the beginning. I was reading really slowly because I didn’t want to ever finish and run out DP to read. Now your back and we can all continue to enjoy the DP. Yeah Yeah Yeah

Puglet I really am glad that things are looking up for you and your human and Dutch. I have enjoyed your adventures with your

learning to fly,

faking a heart attack,

discovering bacon,

being Christmas, not Jewish and not getting shot while wearing deer antlers,

describing the house of meat/house of carrots,

showing us Bubba’s cook book and your cook book,

hiking with the cows and eating cow-pies,

explaining the principles of will it blend,

dancing cabbage patch style,

eating a homeless guys nuggets,

going along on the world tour bromance trip with the wisest and oldest pug who likes Popeyes chicken,

gaining weight and making the magic 25 pound mark,

eating pug bars and bacon cookies and your famous Spam Ball Cookies and the no-cook book,

going poodle and leaking,

laughing at your drive through nuggets photo,

asking about romance and reading all the advice you got,
making New Years Revolutions,

taking a trip to the supermarket in a bag,

learning things from your friend google,
leaking and praying when Stubby went to sleep and Dutch had surgery and cheering when your friends get good news,

recycling rocks,

telling us about the little fish Fish and Swedish and Meatball,

wearing a “please feed the pug” sign around your neck,

making fun of pink and chasing squirrels and your human while still loving Dutch and Amanda tons,

writing the message “if I are not here tomorrow, please send help” when you thought that your human was shooting people,

having a bacon and biscuit Christmas tree,

Thank you for declaring that “pugs love love” and for spreading love.

It has been great hearing form Dutch and Sofie and Frank and Suki, Scoutie, Bellatrix and SB,and Molly, and Ollie the Canadian Beagle, Eddie, Payton, Sid, Bella,Noodle and Noodles,and Nochi, Miley and Boka, those Jersey Shore Pugs, Phantom, your friends, your romances, and everyone who has sent good will in your direction.

Skull and cross bones remind me of you Pug.

Thanks for the DP.

Puglet, my favorite super model star (along with Bruce Willis) I love you like bacon and spam and roasted golden chicken and whip cream with more bacon on top,
Your pal,

Pugsx3 said...

Welcome back Puglet, Dutch and your human! I 3 lil puglets (sorry it's what i call them) had a very bad 2013 but all are well now. 2014 has to be a better year!

Luana said...

Welcome back Puglet, Thumbs and Dutch!!! We've missed you so much! Love and Bacon,
Luana and Pip (Yoda's new pug sister)

Unknown said...

Tess and Buddha from Boston are so so happy you're back!! Made our day :). We hope this is a better year for you! -Erin and Pugs

Unknown said...

Welcome back Puglet, Dutch and Amanda, we have missed you so much.

Woof and licks

Puggie and Riley

Pug Slope said...

YAY! So glad you are back! We missed you guys!


South shore pugs said...

Welcome back! We are so happy to hear from you. We never lost the faith. I believe all our prayers for Amanda Dutch and you, Puglet were answered. Happy healthy 2014.

Rudy and Billie

Andrea @ This Pug Life said...

Woo hoo! Welcome back! So excited to see this post.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Thank heavens you're back. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! I've missed you so so so much!!!!! Don't abandon us no more. Lots of love from Megan, Rosie, Emmett, Dalia & Madgie from the middle of Iowa.

pugfish said...

Welcome back and don't leave like
Missed you much!
Elissa, Joey , sissygirl and Bucky

Anonymous said...

I've been checking back for you, Puglet! I'm glad you and your human are back. Hang in there!

Pammy & Coco said...

Hello I knew you would be back. We are still here for you. No matter what.

Happy 2014!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, you have been greatly missed.


Amy said...

BEST New Year's present EVER! We never gave up on you guys! Happy 2014!!

Carlos Santana said...

Welcime back, and we really missed you! Happy New Year,

your cousin Carlos Santana from Berlin

Anonymous said...

Missed your snout!

Welcome to a better 2014!

janice2pugsandaboxermix said...

Puglet, I have missed you and your Mom so much. Please come back. I need my daily fix.

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Yehhhhhhh so happy. Missed you but glad all is good 😘

Anonymous said...


Ash and Emma said...


Frauntene McLarney said...

So happy you are back. You and your human were very missed!

janice2pugsandaboxermix said...

Puglet, have missed you so much. We need our daily Puglet fix.

BB/VA said...

Although it's been said many times, many ways....

WELDOME BACK!!! You have been missed sorely. Hope this year is happier, healthier, and more prosperous for all!

BB/VA said...

Although it's been said many times, many ways...

WELCOME BACK!!! You have all been sorely missed. Wishing you a happier, healthier, and more prosperous new year!!

Robinette said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy day! Just checked DP first time this year to see this great news! Welcome back, I am sending you lots of good wishes for a much better 2014. Love, Allie the Boxer

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! So very, very happy you guys are back!!!! We missed you lots.

Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo

Jackie B said...

So very glad to see you back. 2013 sort of sucked here too, now my humans are trying to freeze me to death here in Jersey. Happy 2014 -- and here's to lots and lots of bacon.

Henry the West Caldwell Pug

Otis from the Sunshine State #268 said...

Puglet, we are so happy, happy, happy you are back. We missed you so much. Here's to a super awesome 2014 at casa de is much better now that you have resurfaced.

Love. Otis and his person :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're back :) we missed you too much. Happy 2014 and hope it's full of bacon!!!

Minnie and Max Pugs said...

Puglet, Minnie and Max are so happy to see you again! We hope 2014 turns out to be the best year EVER for you and Human!!

Anonymous said...

Yippeeeeeee! My Humom is freakishly happy that you all are back! She was very worried about all of you. Cannot wait to see what new adventures 2014 will bring you.

Pug hugs!

margie said...

So glad to see you back!!! It made my year already! Looking forward to hearing more of your stories! Happy 2014!!!

Much love...Margie and Oscar the Pug

Pearl and Tessa said...

Piglet - sooooo happy to hear from you, our new years wish came true. Let's all help to make 2014 the best ever. Hope everyone is healthy and in goo spirits, nice to be able to start new!

Mubi Chitose said...

You're Back! You're Back! YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!! We were all waiting for you. I knew you'd be back. I'm also glad 2013 is over. Wasn't too great for me either.

Barbara said...

We were on vacation last week and missed your return! We are dancing happy!! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!

DMBY said...

PUGLET!!!! What a wonderful surprise! We love you!

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

After I saw your picture with Miley's pups, I had to check your blog...WOO HOO my friend! So very glad you are baaaack:)
Eddie the Pug

Anonymous said...

I'm a pug-less reader from Chicago, who fell in love with Pug (& Dutch & Amanda,)early last year. Have been checking daily for what seemed like forever. SO, SO, SO happy to welcome you back and wishing you three the healthiest, happiest new year. YEAH!

Fritter from the Lo-Flo said...

Sooo happy you all are back!
I've had a lot going on too. Including the addition of the full pug to our family (not a pug fraction like me).
Now we have Flapjack. I'd like to say that he's a pain in the rear, cuz he likes to nip at me there, but I do like having someone to play with. Cant wait to hear about you and your life since your sabbatical.

Paula from DE said...

Welcome back! I hadn't checked for a couple weeks and this is a great surprise! I really missed you all.

Paula from DE said...

Welcome back! I missed you all a lot!

Jac said...

I'm sooooo happy!!!!! You're back!!!!!!
this is surely a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Jac said...

You're back!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
This is truly a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

Love to you Pug, Dutch, and Amanda.


We're SOOO glad that you're all back.

We are writing this from France, where our Mom has just moved us, on a big ocean liner, then across the English channel. We are going to have to learn to bark in French, but are thrilled that we can enjoy pug love "across the pond".

Max and Lola, the north Toronto pugs

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Puglet! We really missed you.

Anonymous said...

Omg yay you're back!

Anonymous said...

This blog is MY joy! SO looking forward to this again. Puglet and Co.

Unknown said...


~Massimo and human

Unknown said...

PUGLET!!! OH HOW I MISSED YOU!!! Glad everything is ok.

Massimo and human

Michele said...

What an unbelievable, awesome and tremendous surprise!! I just found that you are back, and couldn't be more happy. You are spot on (no pun). 2013 may go down as the worst year in history, straight across the board. So happy to hear you are in a brighter place, and the future looks great! Welcome back:)

Anonymous said...

Puglet, I am so frustrated, checking your sight and seeing nothing new about wonderful you. It is now Dec 30 2014 and I know 2013 was not a good year for you and I suffered similar anxiety and withdrawal without you but had a great surprise on Jan 1 and I'm praying for that again on the first day of 2015. I won't complain if it happens sooner!