Tuesday, February 4, 2014


MY HUMAN: let's play a game called stand over there and don't move.
ME: that doesn't sound very fun.
DUTCH: yes it does!
ME: like, just stand here?
MY HUMAN: yes. perfect. just like that.

ME: what kind of game is this?
MY HUMAN: Pug, you're moving.
DUTCH: am I winning? I think I'm winning!
ME: uhm, does the winner of this dumb game get cookies?


Maggie and Lucy the Pugs in Dallas said...

What kind of game is that? We like the pic tho. But where is Dutch? Hope you got cookies for just standing there...what kind of game was that again?

Beatrix's Mom said...

Puglet, Dutch and Amanda, thank you. On what is the worst Tuesday I've had in quite some time, you are the cheer that makes my day. I was sitting here thinking that nothing would make today have any value whatsoever (dramatic, me? no. of course not). And then I remembered, Puglet! And there you were with an update.

So thank you. Thank you for making me smile and making me happy. You are all awesome.

Beatrix's mom

Anonymous said...

Puglet, god created dutch because of you.

Mercy said...

Yes, Dutch, you are a winner every day!
Kisses, Kisses,

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture!
Sherry and the pug squad Pearl, Trixie and Margie

Noodles said...

Puglet, I am pretty sure standing still qualifies you for a cookie.
Love Noodles

Meredith LeBlanc said...

It looks like Dutchie's shadow is kissing your shadow Pug! We like it :)

Meredith & Scarlet

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Hahaha hope you got treats or bacon!! Hope your day gets better Beatrix's mum 😉

Anonymous said...

We won't stand still unless there are some tasty treats involved.
I can't believe you two got tricked into this!!

Sammy and Neko
ps. We really are happy you are back!

Anonymous said...

Shadow games are really fun...if you move your parts just right you will be amazed at the result.

There is even a dance called Pilobolus Shadow Dance that is really cool...Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T14rYqaqm_U

Ollie said...

We love the shadow photos!
My human says my walking shadow looks really wierd. My snout gets long and since I tend to trot, the shadow looks like it's running away on tippy toes.
My human says my shadow looks like a sneaky cartoon character trying to get away. I say she is not appreciating all the complex facets of The Ollie, including my shadow.

Amy in Colorado said...
