Well. I was totally heartbroken to see how many homeless pugs PugPros has. There are 32. That's 32 too many!!! There were 27 when my human made this little collage of their pictures last week and I remember hearing there's a waiting list for pugs to get IN to the rescue (not enough foster homes). Not good.
Pug Pros Adoptable Pugs

And that's just pugs. And just here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I suck at math, but I'd guess you probably have to multiply these 32 pugs by about a gazillion to find out how many homeless dogs there really are. Totally not good.
Flat Puglet has been busy spreading the word. And his hosts are doing a completely awesome job showing him around and telling people about his mission (seriously - we've been really amazed by the awesomeness of his visits!!). But if FP is going to change the world, he needs to get major attention. So I think it's time for Phase II of the project:
Phase II is all about getting FP noticed, big time. Like Oprah-big-time. OK, maybe Oprah is more like Phase III. But you know what I mean. He needs to go places where gazillions of people will see him. He needs like, an audience.
And here's where I ask for your help!
I need your most brilliant-est ideas. Where should FP go? Who should he try to meet?? My human has a few totally random places in mind (the Ace of Cakes place, Dogtown, Cesar Milan's k9 rehab center) but her brain's been working overtime and is gimpier than usual so the list pretty much stops there.
So..... Any ideas???
* * *
My flat self loved Florida, but needed to cool off a little after so much time in the sun. So he headed back to Illinois, where he was welcomed with fresh snow (and and a bully stick!).
FP and his host Scamper went on to meet lots of pugs at a place called ADOPT!
Read about it here at flatpuglet.com.