As usual, you can read everything over at flatpuglet.com. The REAL me will be back tomorrow with a very exciting, totally non-flat adventure.

The flat me was extrasupersurprised to arrive on the exact same day as another recycled dog. Except he is a real 3D pug named Noodle, newly adopted from pugPROS!
Noodle and his people showed FP saw all sorts of cool stuff on the Monterey Peninsula - including some animals that make the tubey-ist pug look skinny.

My flat self LOVED staying with the Palmieri family in NJ. They kept him very well-fed, took him on a special trip to a totally different state, and introduced him to a girly pug who's right up there with Jenny... And, uhm, Josie too!
And last but not least, FP's very first international destination: Australia!

I still can't believe Flat Puglet made it all the way to Australia!?!? That's like a totally different planet. I mean, my human hasn't even been there!
He befriended indigenous people, saw some very cool local sights and got so excited he almost flew away.
I agree Puglet, with all the playing done yesturday, I was one tired pup. Had a great time meeting you and Dutch. I loved chasing him and his chicken. Enjoy being lazy today.
Hi Bella-t!
It was good meeting you too. I haven't stopped playing yet (Frank). Having loads of fun, but kinda can't wait until a certain pug leaves (Frank!) so I can snack on Yak!!!
There are so many Flatties in that picture its kinda freaky....but good freaky?
We know that life can get a little crazy(blogs,FPs,Frank,etc...), so if you need to re-group & refresh yourself, we would totally understand. If your wear yourself too thin, you can burn out or worse become ill. So please take care of yourself.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
P.S. FP is here & Zoey is very concerned... maybe CPR, a bicycle pump, something. Other than her concerns all is well & we're planning our outings with FP.
Puglet... I am one tired pug from this crazy weekend... we don't know how your human keeps up with you and Dutch and everything she does! And now Frank??!! She definitely deserves a rest... we totally understand. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
FP does look kinda freaky in a great big herd, huh? And that was only the first batch. There are TWICE that many out there right now!!
Soory about the flat me, Zoey. I promise, he comes in peace. Ask Spencer B :)
Hiya SpencerB!
I wasn't tired until about five minutes ago. But I think the fun just caught up with me... need a nap.
We want some flattie news. :-)
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