Florida: The Sunshine State
New Jersey: The Garden State
New Mexico: Land of Enchantment
Illinois: Land of Lincoln
Blah blah blah. I don't know why humans bother coming up with this stuff. But then I heard about one state that sounds very cool. Does anyone here live in Delaware?? Well. If you do, one of your congresspeople is trying to make the pug your official state dog.
Delaware: The Pug State?
Yup. Makes me kinda want to move there. Unless it's one of those places that gets a lot of snow. The Pug State, yes. The Snow State? No thanks.
* * *

Today the flat me is back in California, hanging out in the East Bay with Spencer B and his people.
Flat Puglet went on all sorts of adventures! There was food, wine... a scale. That's right - a scale. Oh, and newspapers.
Read all about it over at flatpuglet.com.
I want to go to Delaware! That is so cool... the official dog! Does any other state have an official dog?
Hey Puglet,
I know you think you don't like snow, but have you ever experienced snow? Barney and Beulah go CRAZY when it snows. Its fun to play in--when you jump you fall on a nice soft pillow of snow. Also, its like walking through a buffet! Beulah leaves chin marks when she walks from all of the snow eating. When we go out to play at night, I don't need to put lights on them because the snow reflects the light and it is easy to see. Finally, they get a lot more time off the leash because the snow slows them down and I can catch them!
The only problem with snow is that we have to switch from playing with balls (which get lost in the snow) to playing with the flying squirrel (which Barney sometimes lands on and then loses in the snow). Barney doesn't mind the switch, but I think he likes balls better.
oooo! a pug state!
genius idea!
do i hear the words field trip?
m & e
We should start a movement for "Pug Nation". Puglet would be the perfect ambassador for it. We shouldn't restrict ourselves to just one state, but instead take over the world..one snort at a time. I vote Puglet in 2012! Maybe a FP can find it's way to Washington DC! The million pug march!
I like the sound of Pug Nation better than just having one Pug State. I'm sure this Delaware place is very nice, but I kinda like it here in California.
I guess I shouldn't say bad things about snow. I've only been in it once and had a supergood time.
I can sympathize with the ball -> squirrel switch. We may not have snow here, but we do have sand. Just yesterday I lost a freshly de-squeaked tennis ball :(
Hey Spencer B!
Sorry again about the Flat me. I'm sure you're glad he's gone (there's a never-ending supplu of them at my house. ugh.).
I asked google if other states have dogs too and the answer is yes. Some of them make sense:-
Massachusetts: Boston Terrier
Louisiana: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
Maryland: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
But others don't. Like Pennsylvania: the Great Dane State?
Hey Puglet - that's too cool, A Pug State! Sorry to tell you, but the snowman you worked so hard on melted. Almost all the snow is gone except for these HUGE piles mostly in the parking lots. Mom is happy to see it all go. I am kinda too, because as much fun as the snow is to play in & eat, it gets real cold on this boy's 'belly area' if you know what I mean!! :)
Well if Delaware doesn't declare itself the Pug State then we think California should go for it. We would love to live in the Pug State... Pug Nation even better then world domination...where there is plenty of love & treats for everyone! Zoey says that, *PUG* is a state of mind, that can't be limited to a physical space; more of a lifestyle, an attitude.
Pugluv, Zoey & Phoebe
I vote for Pug Nation! Next, an official holiday... a sunny day where we can all meet up in some big giant park and do the official pug run!
Puglet... my family enjoyed our visit with Flat Puglet and talking to everyone about him. I think he got kinda scared of me when I barked at him... he never talked back! Actually, maybe I scared him away... truthfully, I was a little scared of him when he first came!
Hi Puglet! I've never been to Delaware but I bet it snows there. The snow really isn't that bad when it first shows up but it seems like it sticks around forever. It's like the party guest that won't leave.
FP sure is having a great time visiting everyone. He is doing so many cool things. I'm living very vicariously through him.
Stubby xoxo
Do all Pugs climb trees? Or are you exceptionally talented?
Not sure about other pugs, but I really like climbing trees :0)
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