Seriously. Just telling it like it is.
And so you don't think I'm all full of myself or something, yesterday we brought a little video camera to the beach and made a movie. Of me. Y'know, doing the supermodel thing. Sorry if the music gets stuck in your head. It was my human's idea.
Here I am, workin' it for the camera:
(Can't see my video? Click here to view on YouTube)
* * *

Today my flat self meets another flat self in a place called Utah (home of the famous Bonneville salt flats).
You can read about his visit here on flatpuglet.com.
Oh my goodness Puglet, you are the best supermodel around. You totally work it and you eat cookies! I think more models should do that.
I hope you got spoilt for doing a movie, I'm sure movie stars make more than models.
We LOVE your video!!!
Hey Puglet! It's Iz. You can totally call me Izzy. So like... what ya doing this weekend? I can borrow Mommys car and drive out to see you. WOW!
I am in LOVE....
Hey man - you are giving me some strong competition. We cannot let Sequoia see this.
I still have eyes for my Stubby. And Flattie. But you were looking pretty cute.
Stubby's Girl Josie
Awesome video, Puglet! You make it look so easy. I get confused. "Come here." Does that mean you want me to go to you or sniff around in the opposite direction? See, it's hard. You clearly have ESP or something!
Puglet you are the handsomest boy!
Love, CoCo
By the way, why's it called "The Jimmy"?
Just wonderin'.
Wow Puglet, you are a great model. Mom can only get us 3 to sit still together. But we won't hold nothing in our mouth.
wow oh wow you are like so super talented Puglet. How do you hold things in your mouth without eating them? Mom says I have the attention span of a flea, and she's right. I would never want to pose or sit there with things in my mouth. You are amazing! I bet Jenny will be impressed. I loved seeing brother Dutch, he should have his own blog (no offense!). Make sure you thank your mom too, that video was awesome and now back to humming that song...I'm too sexy...hehe
Hi Puglet! Love the video! You work so hard for those cookies but it's totally worth it. There is absolutely I would do any of that model stuff unless it was inside a Popeyes.
That is my song too along with 'Hot, Hot, Hot" by Buster Poindexter. Mom said that for you next behind the scenes video your human should use the song "Supermodel" from the Clueless soundtrack.
Stubby xoxo
Fantastic Video Puglet & Dutch! I have seen you in action and you are a SUPER-MODEL! And, Dutch... you really move in the water! Thanks for sharing that video... you're as good on the video as you are in the still photos!
Puglet, You are the man. Handsome, talented, obedient, agile, altruistic. A real star. That video rocked. I'm really taking a shine to you. I think you should be on the cover of Cosmopawlitan.
Somebody needs to "discover" you - you have TALENT!!! My big brother, Levi, has TALENT, and he's gotten a few paying gigs because of it. He did a photo shoot for an internet company, and they don't use his exact photos anymore, but they've based their mascot on him (http://www.smartpractice.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/SmartPracticeStore.woa/wa/gotoProductSelection?tab=Clinical_Supplies&market=Dental&g=GG_sp_supply&i=dental_supply&gclid=CM24x7Xw0aACFRJOgwodBi-Lyw). And he doesn't come close to what you can do!
We loved your video - you are so well-behaved and responsive. Mom's passed your video on to her dog training friends.
Arnie & Gracie, the agility pugs
Ok so totally knew you took such great pictures but you are such a professional! We barely sit still or look at the camera if we are getting photogreaphedm, but you...your so good at it! Mom was truly amazed when you jumped on the log thing too!
Hey everybody!
Thanks for watching me supermodel ~ I'm glad you liked my movie!
The whole video thing was a little confusing at first because I only unleash my inner model when there's a camera around and I didn't see any camera. At least not one that I recognized.
But once the cookies started coming, instinct took over :)
I'd love to be discovered and make money. If I were famous, I could raise money and save lots of recycled dogs!
Anyone know how you get discovered??
Maybe I'll have to do a sequel. There were some things we didn't get on film because MY HUMAN wasn't coordinated enough.
Oh yeah, and that thing I do at the end (and in the picture that became Flat Puglet) is called 'The Jimmy' after a character in the book Nose Down, Eyes up.
Jimmy is like the Tony Robbins of dogs and teaches his friends how to manipulate humans. He says the secret to making humans obey your every wish is to give them the "nose down, eyes up" look.
Jimmy says humans find the cuteness of "nose down, eyes up" impossible to resist (this is so true). We named the look in honor of Jimmy. And because it's easier for my human to say "Jimmy!" than "Nose down, eyes up!"
Very impressive! There is no way we could do any of that. Our human is sooooo jealous... we give her such a hard time taking pictures, especially together. You are totally the most awesomest supermodel ever!
luv, Zoey & Phoebe
You are quite the super model. You took a lovely picture in the tree!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hi Mollie Jo & Bobo ~
Those rocks in the video were kinda tough - but I really like climbing trees. My human says I look like an owl. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.
Dude!!!!!!! You totally gotta teach me how to do that!!!!!! My Human would not know how to act if I could model like that....
You are THE MAN!!!!!!
Buford T. Justice
Heya Buford!
I'd totally try to make you a supermodel -- but I think my moves are, like, instinct or something. Something inside me just knows how to work it. Y'know?
You are better than any human supermodel aound!
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