Don't get too excited though - Frank is staying with us, but not STAYING with us. My human warned me about that right away. Still, she wants us to have as much fun as pugly possible during Frank's time here. And that's exactly what we've been doing. Non-stop.
There's been tug-o-warring and sumo-wrestling and constant running, chasing and jumping on the furniture. We've been playing so hard, we couldn't even keep our eyes open for today's picture.

* * *

Flat me continues his world tour in beautiful snowy Colorado. He tries his paws at modeling, gets in touch with his inner baker and gets a lit-tle bit spoiled with a doggie massage.
Me & my human are still working on adding the visit to the website, but you can read about it later this afternoon at flatpuglet.com.
Puglet! What is the dang story with Frank? Is he a foster brother? Can't ya talk your mom into lettin' him stay furrever? Sure Dutch is groovy and everything, but havin' a Pug brother would be so wonderful. We wants details, Puglet..DETAILS!
Licks and hugs,
I love Frank and had a ton of playing with him on Sunday...and with Puglet...and with brother Dutch...and with Spencer...I think you get the picture. I have to say I think you need a black pug in the middle of that fawn pug sandwich. I'm a wee bit jealous all that pug fun. I just hope brother Dutch is ok.
Is he a foster brother or is it a babysitting type situation? Any hoo...Have Fun!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the Foster Sibling
My Forever Mom says the more pugs the better; I kinda like being Queen Bee but Frank looks very sweet and I am sure he is loving being a part of your family.
Hey Puglet, did you and Dutch get my package with your present? I hope it didn't get lost in the mail. Hugs, Tink
hi puglet!
oh my goodness!
frank is beeeeutiful!
he has got the head tilt down!
we cannot wait to hear more about his stay with you!
m & e
Lucky you having pug company - Frank looks like a cool pug!! I love how he is sitting!!
Ann & Frodo
Frank and his head tilt are so super cute! Lucky you to have a puggy playmate at home. I bet brother Dutch is happy to have a break.
Lafayette Lola
we heard somebody say somethin" about potato chips....ya can't have just one........
Gen & the Foo
You will get the head tilt down you just need the right noise!
I WISH Frank was staying forever but he's only here until his people get back from vacation. I'm not sure exactly when that will be, but we'll be playing non-stop between now and then.
Do all your heads do that tilty thing too??
I have no idea how he gets his head to do it - mine tilts a little, but doesn't go that crooked!
Hey everybody, Dutch here.
Do people really have two pugs???? One is OK, but put two together and you get CRAZY!
I'll admit, Frank the pug is a pretty cool guy. But him & Pug together? INSANE! And the snoring? It's like surround sound.
Don't even get me started about the fart situation...
Poor Dutch! You should have come home with me. I would have left you alone and I don't stink (err...I think). You should get an extra cookie for putting up with all the pug insanity.
Thanks Miss Bellatrix. I'd love an extra cookie, but with these pugs around, I'm lucky to get ONE. They eat and eat and never lose suction.
If I could name a pug, I'd call him Dyson.
- Dutch
Poor, poor Dutch! It seems to be pretty common to have multiple-pug households. You can check Google & you will find homes with 5, 6, 8... pugs. At least, you get some time to yourself. But, we must admit we pugs can be a liitle overwhelming. On behalf of pugs everywhere we apologize for the gas.
Good Luck, Zoey & Phoebe
P.S. Phoebe does a lot head tilting but she can't do the almost upside-down head thing. If his head starts to turn completely around get out of the house & get help. (Seriously though, Frank is really adorable)
Oh Puglet, there is a Frenchie on FBRN for adoption and her name is Dyson. It's a great name for a smushie.
Well, we're glad to know Frank has a furrever home. How fun for him to hang out while his parents are away.
Dutch, having two pugs is a lot of fun. Think of all the R & R you'd get while Puglet is playing?
Puglet, if your mom ever goes on a vacation, you guys are welcome to bunk with us!!!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Hi Puglet.
I'm so happy that Stella, Gunther and Betty mentioned FBRN. My mom volunteers with them, and the their annual raffle started this week and runs until the 21st.
Check it out at: http://www.frenchbulldogrescue.org/htdocs/easter.html
There are several awesome baskets put together by the volunteers, and the proceeds go to help the frenchies.
Tickets are 5 for $20, or 1 for $5 and you can purchase via paypal. There are many baskets to choose from, and have a ton of fun stuff in them. Baskets will be shipped to the winners. Spread the word!
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