Like my friends Stubby, Frank and Wendell. Their people KNEW they wanted a pug named Stubby. Or Frank. Or Wendell. And now I have pug friends named Stubby and Frank and Wendell. Pretty cool, huh?
I really liked when we swapped stories about our names - so let's swap stories about our, uh, stories!
Dutch was my human's first recycled dog. As a kid, she raised puppies for the Seeing Eye. The puppies would stay for a year, then go into training to be guide dogs. When she grew up got her first apartment, she immediately found a breeder and got her first forever puppy - a Rottweiler named Moby. A few years after Moby, came Grendel.Twelve years later, Moby and Grendel were both asleep. My human was very sad and had to wait a few years before her life was ready for another dog. When the time was finally right, she decided not to get another puppy. She liked the idea of adopting an older dog, but knew it would be impossible to go in the local shelter and not come out with like twenty dogs. So she spent a lot of time talking to Google and narrowed things down to a breed: The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.
Swiss Dogs were supposed to be a lot like Rottweilers (big, sweet, goofy), but minus something called a "stigma" that made being a Rottweiler mom kinda hard sometimes. But when she talked to some Swiss Mtn Dog people, they all said city life isn't the best life for a Swiss Dog. Back to Google. More talks with dog people. A few breeds later (Weimaraner, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Catahoula) she finally decided on a Dalmatian.
My human met two other Dalmatians before Dutch. She said they were both nice dogs, but something wasn't right. There was no connection; something was missing. When she met Dutch, he was a total mess inside and out. But there was just something about him. Right away, she knew he was the one.
I came along a few years after Dutch. My first humans had too many dogs to take care of so they recycled me. I wasn't supposed to stay here forever, but nobody told me that.My human had been thinking about getting a second dog, but our city compartment is a little small for another Dutch. She never in a million years imagined getting a small dog -- until she met me. After two days (maybe less) she was completely in love with me, smallness and all. Obviously, I stayed.
I've heard my human tell people she never really understood 'the whole pug thing' until I came along. I think that means she didn't really like pugs. Can you believe that?? Not liking a pug? Crazy! Of course now my human is a total pug freak. She might like pugs even more than I do -- and I am one.
So, what's your story?
* * *


Today the flat me goes to the big city. The REALLY big one - New York. He meets lots of people (including an Oscar) and gets to eat ridiculously tasty food.
You can read about it here at flatpuglet.com
You can read about it here at flatpuglet.com
Hi Puglet! You're going to get a lot of great stories, I think! Here are mine...
Beulah: At first I knew I wanted another animal in the house for me and also to be a playmate for my cat, Marble. I didn't want to be the crazy cat lady so when I saw a friend of mine in Petsmart with a new pug puppy, I started to want one. I know its not a good idea to decide things on a whim (especially about getting a dog!), so I spent the next six months researching if a pug was the right breed, looking at different breeders, and reading dog books since Beulah was going to be my first ever dog (my family has always had cats, but never dogs). I finally contacted a breeder and decided I wanted a female from a certain litter, but there were only two females in that litter and they both died early. The breeder had one puglet left from an earlier litter and asked me to come look at her before I decided. At first I thought I wanted to wait for the next litter so I would have my choice but when I held Beulah in my hand...she started to bark at me to put her down and play!!! That decided it for me--this was a Beulah!
Barney: After two years with Beulah I thought she and I might benefit from a second dog. I didn't want to do puppyhood again (too much pee!) so I started looking at rescue sites. I saw Barney on the site and thought he might be a good fit since I wanted to try how it would be to have a bigger dog. When we first met Barney he was very quiet and introverted but he did play a little with Beulah. My only concern was that he would chase Marble, but when he met her, she puffed herself up and Barney cowered and walked away! Six months later he has really come out of his shell and he and Beulah do everything together. He's my guard dog (in looks only--he would only bounce up and down if you broke into our house) and running partner and although Marble isn't a big fan of Beulah, she and Barney are pals!
The compartment we used to live in didn't allow dogs, so when they sold the complex to a dog-loving owner, I decided to finally get one for Whitney.I really wanted a cocker spaniel. Since I have a kid, and she always has friends over, I had to make sure I got a dog that was great with kids, so I called one of my patients who owned a huge boarding facility. Pam said 'no way- cockers are nippy... no good for a family with kids'. She told me to look at a Cavalier King Charles or a Pug. I never really thought about a pug before, so I went to work looking for a King Charles. No luck. My mom found a litter of puglets and emailed me the picture. I couldn't believe how cute they were! I really thought the fawn boy was especially cute-plus I had never seen a black pug before. When we went to see them, the boy was a little shy and reserved, but my little Lola was a pistol! She had so much personality andI fell in love. She was supposed to be a Christmas present,so Lola went to live with my friend for a month; however, I couldn't wait and a month turned into 4 days.
I can't believe I had never noticed pugs before and can't imagie my life without one-I can't imagine life with 3 or 4 either! It's like having a 2 year old!
Although I bought Lola from a breeder, I wil definitely go through rescue next time. I was worried that a dog with a 'past' might be mean under all that puggliness, or hold a grudge. but after some PugSuns with PROS, it seems to me that they forget- they just LOVE people... even the ones with horrible pasts.
We love our Lola so much!
Heyo Puglet! My human is a Pug freak now too. She spends most of her time mobile uploading me to facebook...but I guess it's cool. Here is my story...
My human said she had grown up with dogs and had always wanted her own. Seven years ago, her mom and dad got her a puggle (wanna-be pug, I know!) She fell in love (with the pug side of course) with her but had to go away to college. So the puggle stayed with her parents. Four years later, my human moved to NYC.
My human thought she was all independent and responsible and wanted so badly to be cool like the other New Yorkers with their fancy little pups. Especially at the dog parks. One Sunday morning she woke up and decided to go to different animal shelters to find a recycled pup but she really wanted our kind! She walked into a puppy store just to browse and that's when she met me.
My brother and I were the only ones left. At first she picked him up and played with him. I think she thought he was cuter. She must've felt badly for me so she picked me up too and that's when she told me she fell in love with me. She said I was calm and mellow and snuggly. She brought me upstairs in the playroom to see what tricks I had while she decided whether I could go home with her or not. So I did my best and went crazy. I was doing great tricks! Jumping off the walls, flipping out of her arms, I was really impressing her, I could tell.
I heard my owner talking to the sales dude. He was really trying to get her to take me but I was a bit pricey. AND THEN he told her when I was born...MARCH 28TH, WE HAD THE SAME BIRTHDAY!!!! And what's even freakier, the sales dude had the same birthday too! He showed my human his driver's license to prove it!
My human was sold. She HAD to get me. And she did! She named me "Dylan" after Dylan's Candy Shop across the street. Apparently my human is a candy freak too (although now she calls me "pig") They wrapped a big bow around my neck and put me in this stupid little box. On the way out of the puppy place I peed straight out of the box all over my human. I guess I was pretty excited!
Hi Puglet thanks for sharing your story. Well mom and dad really wanted a dog for a long time, but lived in an apartment that wouldn't allow dogs (imagine the nerve!). Well mom said the housing crashed allowed her and dad to get a house and the search for a pug began. Mom said she'd always wanted a pug, but dad wanted a big dog, but mom gave him her sweetest smile and a pug it was!
Mom did all the leg work and within one short month of having a new home, I arrived from Idaho to destroy it. Not really, but let's just say I've chewed my way through a few boxes still not unpacked.
Mom said she'll never get a puppy ever again, something about raising a spawn of the devil...I don't know what she's talking about. Dad and mom think we'll get another dog someday, but right now, their lap has only one name on it.
Special thanks to Dutch for sharing his story too and he looks great in his picture!
Hmmmm. Think I'm starting to see a, uh, theme? Looks like us pugs are:
1) kinda sneaky - we seem to have a way of turning unsuspecting humans into pug freaks!
2) persistent - once we get in your head (or heart) you can't get rid of us.
3) way too cute to resist (be we knew that already, right?)
Thanks for sharing everybody! I knew we'd all have good stories :0)
Puppies are spawn of the devil!
Maybe that should be on a Tshirt for you, BellaT.
I know my mom and dad thought they accidently got a shark instead of a pug. Man was I a fiesty puppy! Shoes, hands, toes, sleep pants nothing was safe. It's a wonder I turned out so perfect. hehe
Hi Puglet!
Noodle's mom here. Thanks for sharing. I always wondered how you and Dutch came to live with your human. Talk about perfectly perfect recycles! Love you guys!
So, I'll try to keep this short. You see, as a kid, my family always lived where we couldn't have pets. I always liked dogs, but didn't get the appeal of cats. After college, I worked in a couple of vet. hospitals. It was there I learned that cats are cool too. As a result, I ended up adopting a 12-year-old cat. (I still couldn't have a dog where I lived.) Kitty was only with me for 1 year, but because of him I learned that giving a perfectly perfect pet a second chance, at any age, is incredibly fulfilling. Because of him, I've since adopted a 3-year-old cat and a 1-year-old cat.
When my husband and I moved in together, he came with a 6-year-old Rottie mix that he'd adopted as a puppy from a shelter. This was my first experience living with a dog. He was a great dog, but he suffered from severe arthritis and increasing anxiety. When Otis was about 8 we started to consider getting him a doggie friend. I never cared for "small dogs" but, because of Otis' arthritis and my difficulty getting him in the car or picking him up when he fell, I was willing to look into the little guys. That's when I decided I wanted a pug. I did the research and decided the energy level and personality were perfect for us. "Big dog in a little body."
I looked into breeders and rescue. I was convinced I wanted a puppy because I'd never started with a baby before and I wanted that experience. Admittedly, I was leaning toward a breeder because I didn't think there were ever any recycled puppies.
Unfortunately, an emergency with Otis early last year forced us to make the difficult decision to put our beloved 10-year-old to sleep. By the spring, we felt ready to open our hearts to another dog. Still wanting a pug, we made the brilliant decision to "just talk" to the rescue people. We went to PROS' monthly adoption fair and they had a puppy with them!! In fact, they'd had a few perfectly perfect puppies that were available! Within a week, we were approved to adopt a pug.
When Mushu's wonderful foster dad called, I admit I was a little disappointed that Mu wasn't a puppy. Of course, all that changed when we met him. Mushu was everything I thought and hoped a puggie would be. I loved taking him with me everywhere. He was my constant companion and he had so much love to give. I'm so glad he was a part of our family, even if only for 6 months.
It's no surprise we went back to PROS when we were ready. When I saw Noodle's picture I knew we had to meet him. He has the same puggie traits I'd come to love, but I love his individual personality. He's settling in great.
I'll always be extremely appreciative of all the wonderful and dedicated people who volunteer their time and resources in shelters and rescue organizations.
Thanks for letting me share my not-so-short story,
-Noodle's mom
Great minds must think alike. Mollie and I were just working on our arrival stories for our new blog page. We will not post it here, as both are very long but Sunday if you would like to stop by our blog it will be up.
You both have interesting stories and its cool that you both are recycled.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hey Puglet,
Trunks' human here to tell you his story. Well it all started when I was in college and my boyfriend at the time was looking for a 21st birthday gift. Since 21 is a big birthday he wanted to make sure I got a big suprise. We used to go to a mall that had a pet store in it and I always felts so bad seeing the little puppies in the creates. Well one day they got a bunch of new puppies in and there was this little tiny fawn pug. It was sick with kennel cough and they were moving him to a different crate because the cocker spaniel in the other create kept beating the little pug up! I was heart broken and asked to hold him........well you know what happens next....I FELL IN LOVE! I had this little ity bitty pug on my shoulder chewing on my necklace sneezing boogers all over my face. I put him down to play and the first thing he did was pee! (That should have been a big hint that I was in for trouble!! lol) I took him home and fixed him up and named him Trunks from the cartoon Dragball Z. And here we are 8 years later together forever!
I have been pug ever since. I now know that Trunks probably came from a puppy mill and that makes me very sad but I feel like I did sort of rescue him. So now I help with the local pug rescue and will one day soon add to our family with a recycled pug.
Thanks for asking about our story!
Trunks' Mom
Ahh....mom says all these stories are making her all mushy inside and she keeps hugging me! Now I enjoy a good hug, but too many hugs is messing up my pug do.
Y'know, it's funny (not ha ha funny, but..) how our humans had their own ideas about how things would turn out - and then we came along and totally rewrote the story.
I don't know if I believe in the whole 'fate' thing, but it's kinda hard to read your stories and not think there was *some* kind of master plan at work.
Hi Puglet,
Tobee's mom here. I wasn't planning on adding a new dog to our pack. I have another frenchie who was a co-own with her breeder, and had a litter of puppies (she's spayed now, thank goodness). I went to visit her when the pups were 4 weeks old, and there was a little tiny, deaf puppy that pulled on my heart strings. We didn't even know if he would survive, but when I went home that night, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I secretly named him Tobee, and anxiously waited for news of if he was going to survive. Per the contract, I wasn’t supposed to get any of the puppies, but as it turned out the breeder agreed that I could buy him, and he has been the happiest addition to our family. The name Tobee is a combo of two very special rescue dogs (I volunteer with the French Bulldog Rescue Network), one was Tobias Toad and the other was Sweet Bee, both went to the rainbow bridge last year. The funny part is, since he's deaf, Tobee doesn't really care what his name is!
Thanks for letting me tell his story.
-Tobee's mom
AW, hi Tobee's mom. Now I think fate must *totally* exist. I mean, there was a contract and everything and you and Tobee STILL found each other.
I'm so glad you did too, because not everyone would see how special Tobee is -- y'know being a dog who likes to eat green beans and collard greens and all.
Wow such great stories! We became a family when we adopted our first pug Romeo, he was from a broken family that was moving to Florida and didn't want to take him. He was 1 at the time and was the sweetest dog. He was with us for 13 years. We found Shadow as a baby at one of the nastiest home doggy mills you can image (been shut down) and adopted him when Romeo was 2 so he could have a companion and he just passed last year at 13 years of age. When Shadow was 3 I wandered into a dog shelter one day and found Jack. He had been found on the street with one eye removed and the other quite infected. He joined our family toot sweet and is still with us. For a blind pug he is very fiesty. About 5 years ago Md. Pug Rescue contacted us about a foster girl that needed a home, her name is JellyBean and had the most uppity nature but I fell in love with her and she was here to stay. Then last year after losing Romeo and then Shadow in less than a year, my husband was interested in a boxer. Our neighbors had rescued two that we just loved and I contacted a rescue organization about a little girl that had been a puupy mill breeder in MS and was about 4 years old. Tia was very shy, didn't even know what grass was, or how to play. she is still shy but loves to run around and play. Since Tia was younger than Beanie and Jack we were thinking about getting a young playmate and some one from my husband's job knew of a family that wanted to get rid of their 1 1/2 year old pug claiming they could housebreak her or calm her down. We took her had her housebroken in less than 2 weeks. Coco makes a perfect companion for Tia. They love to play together and chase each other all over the yard. I will always rescue whether they are young or old they need a good home and love. they will give it back to you tenfold.
Love you Puglet! You too Dutch!
Hello Puglet and Dutch!
Mommy wrote a great big long story this morning how we all came to be and then the bloggy ate it. She screamed for Daddy and he tried to help her. We told her to take us out to the park and worry about it later. Mommy is so technically challenged. It's really funny to watch her trying to figure this stuff out. Mommy is dating herself, but she told us when she was in school they used type writers. What is a type writer? Did Mommy go to school in a horse drawn carriage too. Hee Hee.
First of all. Puglet...
It's Izzy...
My Boyfriend (Yes, I do have one) Bean is not happy. He lives in SC and he saw my messages I have been sending to you not to mention I have been talking to my friends about your u-tube video. I mean really. What is a cute little Pug like me to do when I see that? Wow. But Bean told me to put my eyes back in my Pug head and mention him.
Anyway, I can see how your Mommy fell in love with you. Or if Bean is reading...Pugs I should say(Bean is a shitzu). It's our hypnotic eyes and our velvety ears. Our melon shaped bodies. We have the whole package!!! What is not to like about us. Besides Dutch, and Bean, we are the cutest!!!
So My Mommy and Daddy really struck gold when they gold little 'ol me. Mommy and Daddy just had gotten married. Hold on My Mommy wants to tell it...
bye bye
Izzy Mommy -
Rob and I just got married and I always knew I wanted a Pug. We couldn't do a puppy so we tried to look in shelters for an adult. We didn't know that shelters didn't have Pugs at that time. We contacted Pug rescues and started the application process. In the meantime my Mom (Izzy's Grandma) suggested to call ads in the paper for Pug puppies because sometimes they may want to give an adult away and not know how to go about it or may not want to contact a rescue. Sure enough, I talked to a lady named Katie (mine Katy) in Dixon, IL and she seemed nice. She said she had two adult females that she could no longer take care of and which one do I want? I couldn't pick! I talked to Rob because of course I wanted both of them (they were sisters) and he said we could just have one.(Meanie) I asked her how old they were and she said that one was 2 and one was 4. She told us that she thought the 2 year old named Izzy would be a good match for us. I trusted fate. Didn't even ask for the name of the other one or to see the other one upon arrival. I just wanted this Izzy Pug that we discussed. Sight unseen (HA). So we were talking that week and she was telling me stories about Izzy and how Izzy would chew on things and such. Wow. I thought. What am I getting into. She also said that they nicknamed her Izzabutts. She also e-mailed us pictures of her. I was in love.
I was so excited and nervous. My very first doggie. My very first baby!!! So on Thursday October 28, 2004, Rob and I made the trip out to Dixon (about hour away) to get this Izzy Pug).
It was a foggy damp night. It was dark. It was way out in the boonies. We got lost. We finally found the subdivision. It was a nice house. Newly built. I remember getting out of the car and there was no grass just dirt. Then Rob and I started to walk up to the house and through this big picture window we saw this barking wild women Pug. I FEEL IN LOVE! I started laughing, smiling, crying all at once. The lady opened the door and Izzy ran right up to us. She was naked and wet. She had just gotten a bath. The lady (Also Katie) just had given birth to a human baby and explained this is why she could no longer take care of the Puggies. Her Loss. My gain. Rob scooped up Izzy and she was ours forever!!!!
I wonder if her sister found a good home and Rob tells me that he's sure she did.
I thought Izzy was going to be a Daddy's girl, but she is definately a Mommy's Girl!
Anakin's story is similar. That following spring I had been working on Rob to get a second Pug. I had still be waiting to hear back from the Pug rescues. I did the same thing. Only this time when Rob and I pulled up to the house to get Anakin the situation was way different. Rob and I believe it was a Puppy Mill and we called after we left and the people are long gone. Terrible. When we pulled up the conditions were different. Anakin was in a barn. The lady wouldn't let us past the door. She said she had no use for him because his off spring was no longer AKC registered and she would have to pay 2000 to reinstate it. So basically he lived his life in a barn being a Stud for a year and a half. What would have happened to him if I never called? Rob says not to think about that. What about the others...hopefully they got good homes too. We changed his name and he is living the life he deserves!!!! We got him March 13, 2005.
By Aug of '05 Pug Rescue finally approved our application and wanted to meet with us. I had been working on Rob for a third. Giving him Anakin's I want more food face. Nothing. Rob still said No. Rob and I went to the Pug Jam that Oct and this little girl was up for adoption. Guess who fell in love with her. ROB!!!! They placed her in Robs arms and it was over! We got to bring her home 3 weeks later on Oct 29, 2005. Almost one year since we got Izzy!
To Izzy Anakin and Josie:
Mommy and Daddy Love You!!!!!!!
Phoebe, Kizzy's mom here:
I'm laughing and leaking reading all these stories. I love all the great homes all these lucky little guys and gals got and my heart aches for all the others that are out there who deserve great homes too.
Phoebe's story:
I played with a little pug puppy in a pet store once and fell in love and knew I'd have one someday. Many years later my husband and my 16 year old daughter came home and told me about some pug puppies in a local pet store. I went to see them of course. They were so expensive that I only casually looked and petted. I knew I didn't dare do more or I'd fall in love. However, the next day I found myself back there again. I'd been attracted to one little girl who was totally frisky.
I began "visiting" her daily. One month went by and she was still there and then another month. Her price went down and they talked about keeping her and using her for a breeder, but she was still not in my budget.
She started recognizing my voice and the jingle of my keys. Customers weren't supposed to pick up the puppies, but when no one was looking, I'd pick her up quickly and snuggle her back and put her down again real fast.
Finally I couldn't stand it any longer. She was answering to the name Phoebe! I went to the bank and tried to borrow enough money to get her. While waiting for the loan to be approved I started making payments on her. I was so eager that I couldn't talk about anything else.
My 30 year old daughter paid the balance and surprised me with her one evening. The bank said NO to that "personal loan" amount, but if I wanted to get a second mortgage on the house I'd be approved. Done.
I paid my daughter back and Phoebe has been sleeping with me ever since, my constant companion. Before my husband passed away three years ago he told me that Phoebe was the best thing I'd ever done for myself. :-) She is 5 now.
Autumn's story: Autumn was Phoebe's sister before Kizzy came along.
After loving Phoebe for a year we "accidentally" found another pug on craigslist. OK, so I check out craigslist daily for pugs.
Autumn wasn't a pretty site. She was a huge overweight brindle pug of 8 years old. That little face just called out to me and we went to see her. Her owner was a young college girl who couldn't keep her when she went away to college. She met us in a shopping center parking lot late at night. Autumn was so fat she could hardly walk and her little toes curled up trying to carry her enormous weight. We agreed on a price and took her home.
We took her to the vet and she weighed 26 pounds. We had her spayed and got her all her shots. We put her on a good quality food and set regular feeding times and amounts. In no time she trimmed down to a svelte beauty of 12 pounds.
She'd been living on a goat farm and lived totally outside and was free fed before we got her. After we got her she slept on the bed with me and Phoebe and had regular feeding times. We only had Autumn for about a year when she developed a condition called megaesophagus. She went to sleep and left a huge hole in our hearts.
Kizzy's story:
After we lost our little Autumn we knew we wanted another pug to keep Phoebe company. We waited for about six months and started checking out craigslist again. That's where we found Kizzy. She was in the middle of a girlfriend/boyfriend breakup and neither wanted her.
Again we met the young man in a shopping center parking lot. He was so eager to get rid of her he agreed to cut the price in half as she was not spayed.
We took her to the vet to get her checked out and discovered she has a condition called luxating patella (common to pugs). We got her shots and had her spayed and now she bosses everyone in the house. She is so jealous and a little aggressive, but it gets better as time goes on.
In all our searching we discovered Pacific Pug Rescue. If I ever get another pug I will apply to get an older pug who needs a loving, doting home to live out her golden years.
Just to be fair I also had a wonderful Keeshond boy until recently. He was almost 13 when he went to sleep and we had him from the age of 2. He was the pugs best friend. We like recycled dogs and cats.
Such great stories, here's ours:
8 years ago our human found out she had a brain tumor & had most of it removed. The recovery was a very hard & slow process. She became extremely frustrated & depressed. Her boyfriend at the time did not know how to help her. He thought a puppy would be a good distraction. He asked what kind of puppy she would like & she said pug without really knowing why. So pug it was. They looked for a while with no luck; then they heard about a litter of pugs that needed homes fast. They went to meet this crazy mess of puglets & off in the corner, sitting quietly by himself was a little boy puglet...it was love at 1st sight. He reminded her of Yoda & that became his name.He went everywhere with her & really helped her progress, like the Jedi master he was. However, pugs aren't allowed "everywhere" (some Jedi mind tricks just aren't strong enough) she hated leaving him alone. The search for a companion began. It was decided that a black, female puglet would be best, not knowing how difficult a find she would be. She search the entire state of CA, she didn't want to mail order because Yoda had to give the ok.
Finally a call came from a rescue in SoCal about a little black female a few months younger than the "Yo" Yoda ageed to meet her. Everybody was nervous-Yoda was never really into other dogs just people. As soon as Yoda got there he needed to leave his "mark" he ignored the others dogs as they came to check him out. Then this little black pug asked him to play & it was love at 1st sight. She was named Zoey. It was a little crazy to have two puppies in the house but they were both pretty well behaved. Then came along Phoebe. Our human never had dogs before & all the advice that come along with dogs can become very confusing especially about the age to "fix" your dog & that females can go into heat w/o any physical signs(info that would have been good to know). Well that's how we ended up with a crazy Phoebe. It's good she came last otherwise there might not have been a Yoda or Zoey.
Yoda, Zoey & Phoebe are all rescue pugs; not because of where they came from but because they rescued me. They rescued me from illness, depression, from being alone. They are my family & I would not be here without them. I will never be able to give to them all that they have given me but I will spend all of my energy trying.
Zoey, Phoebe & our Human.
Hey Pug, Spencer's mom here. My little HamBone came into my life a year and a half ago. Boy, have things changed since this little angel came home. I can't explain what it was, but I had this compelling need for a pug. I was a cat person before and I don't know what made me suddenly want a pug. It was the strangest thing. I didn't know a thing about them but I just knew I had to have one.
Well, I moved back home after college and my parents did not want a dog. Especially with the 5 cats we already have (5 rescued cats, that is). I continued to read about pugs and researched local rescue groups, shelters, even breeders. After being extremely obsessive my parents began to budge- slightly. I took that slight budge and ran. I didn't even have a pug yet and I was already pug-obsessed.I just had this instinct- I NEEDED a pug.
I knew I wanted to adopt so I contacted a local pug rescue group. I saw so many wonderful recycled pugs that I wanted to take home. I sent in two applications and even found out where they met up. I went to their meet-up and spoke with the coordinator. Well, I never heard from the rescue group at all. They probably didn't like the fact I had five cats. Understandable.
Next, I monitored local shelters. One day I came across a pug that was surrendered so I called immediately. Fortunately, a rescue group had already come to claim the pug. I was so happy and relieved but another opportunity to bring a special pug home missed.
I was then left scanning the paper and craigslist for pugs. I didn't really want a puppy but, at that point, I was open for anything. I had the hardest time finding pugs. I was so confused at how challenging it was to find these critters. Little did I know that all these dead ends lead me to the best thing in my life...
This new girl I worked with had a sister who did Great Dane and other dog rescue in Fresno. Her sister worked with a woman who rescued pugs from a breeder who had "leftover" puppies. She asked if I'd be interested in one of her rescues. Absolutely, I said. So, after a while she called to tell me she had a fawn boy that needed a home. Guess who? Spencer Bartholomew. The love of my life. And let me tell you- he was made just for me. He is my little companion. I don't know what my life would be like without him. And, my parents you ask? HA- they are the biggest suckers of all. The moment Spencer walked in to this house he was king.
Now, my parents will never let me move because they won't let Spencer out of their sight. He is the light of all our lives here. He loves his cat brothers and sisters. He goes everywhere with us and is such a happy HamBone. Now, my parents want to adopt one..and I can't wait to have my own house because Spencer wants to adopt a brother or sister. That is, if my parents ever let me & Spencer move!
Well Puglet you know that I'm Rosie because Daisy went to sleep (cancer is a really bad thing in dogs and humans). My humans came to visit me and my brothers and sisters...apparently the fact that I ran around aimlessly and got into trouble was an endearing trait so they took me home. All 3 pounds of me. So now its me, my recycled brothers and 2 humans who constantly wonder how the heck they got themselves into this dog gone situation :-)
Oh my Dog, these are the best stories EVER!!!
I mean, I knew they'd be good - but I didn't know they'd be THIS good. Seriously. They filled with human with great big AWWWWWS and made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Dutch said some of your stories brought back memories from his past life. He seemed a little sad so my human gave him a hug and I let him have my Yak chew. He's better now though and is really glad everyone shared.
Such wwarm snd fuzzy stories! My Lola's story starts in Houston, Texas. My fiance, now husband, was working as an auditor and traveling LOTS. I was extra lonely all by myself. We began discussing getting a dog- he grew up with Weimreiners and I grew up alongside Labs and one very special rescued Lab Mix... But, an apartment was no place for a big dog. I searched and searched and searched and came to the the conclusion that, despite being a neat freak terrified of the shedding, that a Pug was for me! My husband gave me a big fat NO to my request for a Pug... I quote, Those bug eyes freak me out." Well, I won, and several months later we got our Lola from a show breeder in Texas. Never knew a little fawn Pug could be so hard to come by, but she was well worth the wait. Today, Lola spends her time as a spoiled puggy in Fabulous Las Vegas! She is fuzzy best friend and has her Daddy wrapped around her paw... She's also allowed us to meet so many cool new people- like Puglet and Dutch, FP, and all the great folks at SNRP! Nothing beats Pugs and Pug People! :) Pug Hugs, LAs Vegas Lola's Mom
hi puglet!
oh we love reading your wonderful stories.
i am my mom's first dog ~ ever.
she and my dad had done a bunch of research and found out that a puggy would be perfect for them, so then the search was on for me.
they made lots and lots of calls and finally found a breeder not too far away that had me. i was only 5 weeks old, but they visited me every weekend for 3 weeks until they could bring me home.
here is a link that tells about my ride home and shows a picture of me on they day we met.
Hi Puglet, This really was a great idea. It's so interesting how everyone came to be with their families. Now forme and mine...
Wilma, I was pug number one. My Dad always wanted a pug but was afraid of how he would feelif anything bad happened. Mom decided that he would understand that having a beloved pet for no matter how long, would return happiness a zillion fold. She decided to get me for Dad's birthday as a surprise.
I came from a breeder in Terryville. My rents were supposed to get my sister. They came to meet us when we were 4 weeks old. Mom said we were the size of a coke can. Then the breeder had found out my sister had a heart murmer and that she would be keeping her. Mom and Dad were very sad. A couple of days later, they got a call back. The people who came for me fell in love with a frenchie she had. She wouldn't sell them 2 puppies. They chose the frenchie. So I was now available. Their loss. When Mom and Dad came to pick me up, me and some of my homies were running around the kitchen. I ran over to dad and peed right on his foot. Anna said, "that one's yours, she's a little devil". The rest is history.
As for Brigitte...
When I was about two, our neighbor told Mom and Dad about a pug whos family couldn't keep her. They had a labrador,cat, two kids and jobs. They couldn't give Brigitte the attention she needed. She had already spent her first year with her "breeder" (uncertain of those circumstances) Noone wanted her because she was "non standard looking". Mom went to get her. Dad stayed home (that whole tender heart thing). She was three then. She has pretty much been Moms shadow ever since.
We were all set for pugs in the house.Then came the "unplanned pug." Sluggo was born from Chole, a rescue from an apartment in Yonkers NY. She was preggers at the time. Our friend Samantha was fostering Chole for Curlytail Pug rescue. She was there when Sluggo and his two sisters were born, and fostered them until they found homes for the girls. Sluggo came to a meetup when he was 12 weeks. I really took a shine to him.I just sat by the pen the whole time looking over him. He was spoken for. Then the next month, he was back. Two homes had fallen through, and the third lady called Sam and Sluggo was barking in the background. She said "is that my puppy? He's awfully VOCAL" That was the end for her. I sat by him the whole time this time too. Then Sammy put him in Mommy's arms and suggested what a great life he could have if he came to live with us. They told Sam they would have to really think about it and would let her know by the end of the week. They called that night.
I never think of Capone as a small dog. Such a big personality! But every once in a while I catch him out of the corner of my eye and realize he is SO little! Makes me love him all the more.
Karen and Capone
although i am a cat - i am a recycled one. (but secretly think that i would really dig having a pug mate around). my human heard me meowing outside her back door, she opened the door and i raced into her straight away. i was a very skinny kitten, only about 4 weeks old, and didnt have a home. i even arrived on my daddies birthday too. my mummie fed me up on chicken mince and milk for a few days and finally she could pat me without my bones sticking out.
i have been loved by these humans for 3 months now and have had all my shots and my boy bits taken out.
i can play fetch (not just a dog thing lol), i love pats and being cuddled by my human, so much so i put my arms around her neck. i love letting her know how happy i am by purring - apparently i sound like a tractor.
i will eat almost anything (weetbix, vegemite toast, scrambled eggs, pasta, tomato, gnocchi . . .) and fall asleep every night curled up in the crook of my humans neck or snuggled into her legs.
even though i didnt come from a shelter, my human rescued me from a hard life on the street. she loves dogs to bits but thinks that i am a pretty special cat. well i am off to get my ball again, i want to play fetch again . . .
tommi the aussie melbourne cat
Hi! Larry's and Alice's mom, here. Even though the post is a little old, reading your stories made me all fuzzy inside, and it makes me feel like sharing how I got my two babies.
I had never had a puppy before, not even as a child. My Dad didn't like pets too much, and only tolerated cats because all 3 of us kids and even Mom made eyes he couldn't resist. But I always wanted a dog.
When my boyfriend (Dave) and I moved in together, I still wanted a puppy. The neighbor in the back apartment had a chocolate lab, and he was gorgeous! I knew I didn't want something as big, because I wouldn't have the time to go walk my puppy several times a day, and there was no dog park in the area where the puppy could've burned off the excess energy. So Dave and I made a compromise and I got fishies for my birthday that year.
A year later, my fish tank had grown from a small 5 gallons to a whoopin' 33 gallons. Let's just say it looked super empty with just my 5 little companions. So we went to the pet store. There were no clerks to give us any service, even though we had waited around 10 minutes in the fish section, but I was determined not to leave without new friends for my fish tank. So Dave said:"Let's go see the puppies while we wait."
Arrived at the puppy area, we saw this cute little thing, playing around, nibbling on the other puppies' ears, running full speed ahead in his clumsy way, full of energy, but the only one not barking. He wasn't even big enough to climb the little step to come to the "pet me door". That's the moment the clerk chose to offer her assistance. She asked if we want to take him and pet him. In my head, I thought "naaaah, if I pet him, I won't want to let him go." But she put him in my hand for a perfect fit (that's how small he was), and my heart melted. I always found Pugs to be the cutest little thing, so it didn't take a lot of convincing. So while Dave was totally on board with getting this puppy, I still wanted to think about it because getting a puppy is a big decision and a huge responsibility. So I asked the clerk if she thought this cutie would still be there over the weekend, and she said:"Well.. You know how much you want him? And there's a lot of people coming here everyday. So.. I don't think so." So I said we'd think about it, and went for a little drive. We went to Walmart and bought him all the necessities, and went back to get our little treasure. I went to the pet store for fishies, and impulse bought a puppy (and 5 more fishies). Best impulse buy EVER!!
On the way home, I sat at the back to keep an eye on him and his carrier, and we started to think of a name for him. We came up with a few standard name (Cookie, Pugman, Pugster, Bingo, etc), but nothing seemed to suit him. Then we went on to people's name, ones that sounded funny to our ears, but again, nothing seemed to suit him. Then Dave went:"How 'bout Larry? You know, like Larry the Cableguy." I looked at his face-face-melt-of-doom, and the name stuck with him!
Part 2 -
During the winter time, Dave wasn't working due to the season (he's a welder and there were no projects at the time), so he got to spent all of his days with Larry. Came spring, and his place of work finally had a project, so he had to go back to work again. Larry had never been on his own for more than maybe 4 hours if even, so I was feeling bad when we both had to work and he had to spent the day by himself. We both couldn't get home for lunch, so he was really by himself for more than 4 hours (he was trained to potty inside, so he could go when needed). He was frantic when we came home, and I was really putting myself in his paws and thought that I wouldn't want to spent all day by myself, even if I have tons of toys and rawhide stickies and total freedom in the house.
That's when came the idea of getting him an Alice. At the time, there were no rescue team in my area (very small town), and we didn't know where Larry came from when we bought him, but I wasn't sure if I wanted another Pug. Not that there's anything wrong with having more than one; afterall, they're like potato chips, can't have just one. But I thought too much cuteness would mean the end of me. ;P I had chosen the name I wanted for our next puppy, thinking Alice would be feminine and sweet, yet in homage to one of our favorite band/artist Alice Cooper. So the search for an Alice started.
At that time, Dave was doing his 2nd welder block 450km away from home, and I knew I was gonna go visit soon, so I jumped on Kijiji and started my search. There was an add for an "adorable female Pomeranian-Pug X", not far from Dave was staying. So when I went to visit, I called the woman who advertised the puppy, and went to see this cute little one. Her dad was a mix of Pug and Chihuahua, but looked like a Pug except for a Chihuahua snout. Super gorgeous black Pug. And her mom was a cute little black and white Pomeranian. She had a fawn sister and a black brother, and they all looked the same: Pug paws and legs, Chihuahua ears, Pomeranian snout, coat a little longer than a Pug, but very shorter than Pomeranian, and the curly tail of a Chihuahua. I wanted to make sure she was a right fit, so I played with her a little, and when she started nibbling on my coat's sleeve, I knew she was the Alice I was looking for.
Now that these two awesome bundles of joy entered our lives, we can't imagine our lives without them, and don't ever regret bringing them into our home.
Thanks for letting me share my story!
When my humans first got married 25 years ago, they wanted a monkey. They decided on a pug since it was just as funny looking. Many pugs have come and gone...one ran away, another stolen, one has seizures and another diabetes. The sickie poo ones went to sleep (sad). There were two recycled ones that have also gone to sleep. Now its just the three of us. Kiara was the first arrive. She was born in UT but traveled in a big truck for 3 weeks to get home (Miami). Kiki was the queen for a couple years but life was boring. So along came Woody. From what I hear, Woody and Kiki became instant friends and ended up getting married and eventually had 4 babies. Those brand new puggies were given away to the humans extended family. They come to the house frequently for pug parties. It gets pretty wild here! Woody decided to follow his young human and left us for something called university and once again Kiara was left alone. I mean Woody comes home on those special days but he leaves as quickly as he come. Thats where I come into the picture. I was born in OK and took an airplane to Miami with my brother. My brother flew to my human's father and now lives in Merida, MX. I have caused total disruption in this once quiet household. I have a bunch of nicknames like Hyper, BadPug, CutestPugAlive... my human also refers to me as mischievous. I cant imagine why...YAWN... This was too much work. I need a nap. Ill tell you more about me in another post.
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