Dutch isn't the only one who has a thing for rubber bikini-wearing chickens. I find Henrietta kind of hard to resist, and pretty much every dog I've ever met has wanted a piece of her. This can cause major problems for Henrietta (top photo) and even bigger ones for Dutch (below).

My human said there will always be more rubber chickens (I think this was Henrietta #6), but that doesn't mean we're not sad to see Henrietta go.
Oh Puglet, I know you must find it hard to resist Henrietta, but I'm feel bad for Dutch having to defend his favourite toy. The pictures say it all! I hope Dutch isn't long without a Henrietta.
Great post and pictures! Loved it! Great job, Puglet!
Hi Puglet! Poor Dutch! I can't believe Henrietta succumbed to another dog's bite. That darn weimaraner! Didn't he know what he was doing?
I sure hope poor Dutch can get over his loss and that your human high tails it to the store to get a new Henrietta. I may even have to get Mom to get me one!
Stubby xoxo
I am very sorry fur your loss and I am sure you will miss Henrietta furever and ever!
I do have a few questions fur you though:Are you going to have a memorial service? Is she going to be cremated or buried? Are you going to adopt another Henrietta right away or do you need time to heel (oops, I meant "heal")?
My sincerest condolences,
Daisy the Coonhound
Poor Henrietta, I too loved playing with her. Just know that she brought lots of joy to many pugs and Brother Dutch. Her squeak, her flexibility and slobber covered body, they will be missed. Brother Dutch, don't be sad, just know she always brought a smile to you face, which is all a toy can ask for.
Oh Puglet,
Please offer Dutch our deepest sympathy in the loss of his 6th Henrietta. Hopefully lucky number 7 will last a lifetime!!!
Dear Puglet and Dutch,
I'm sorry for your loss of Henrietta the Sixth. She was very special. I too was drawn by her allure at Pug Sunday a few months ago. It's how I knew I played with the both of you before finding your blog.
May you find more joy with Henrietta the Seventh.
Buddy the Pug
OK, now be carefull, first your human was off shooting dogs...now this decapatation...was it found in your bed?
RIP Henrietta.
Pearl and Tessa
Oh, the Weimaraner gave Henrietta an offer she should not have refused.
Oh, the nightmares. We have dog shootings and chicken-less heads. What sort of evil comes next?
No wonder everyone is sleepless in saddles.
RIP Henrietta. Let's hope you get a lucky #7.
Dutch, man, you are like 10 feet taller than the pugs. Time to man up and take back your beloved toy. Just flick them away with your big manly paw.
You are a gentleman at heart.
Kitty and Coco
Oh, Dutch, I am so sorry about Henrietta!
Life can be difficult when you're ruled by Pugs, not to mention, other dogs who are excited to romp with the fair Henrietta! I hope that Henrietta the Seventh arrives soon, and all returns to "normal" in your world! :)
Tiffany (dog mom to Flora the Pug and Butters the Lab)
Oh Henrietta! RIP and we hope too that #7 will also be lucky!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Rest in Pieces Henrietta #6 :(
Ann & Frodo
I feel a song coming...something along the lines of "I'm Henrietta the 7th I am, I am" (also really, really dating myself).
A three-way tug-o-war! I never thought I'd see such a thing!
No kidding Dutch! Pugs make think they rule the world, but your size alone can take them out! Man up to the chicken and put those royal pugs in their place.
A Fan, of both of you
hey puglet
i feel so bad for you... though i feel worse for dutch cuz it was his faaaaavvvvoooorrriiittte toy
i'm new to the blog and i have a brother that's named dutchy but everyone calls him dutch
Another fallen Henrietta...she was a fun, flexible chick who gave her best & had a great taste. We all loved her & she can never be replaced...what? Oh. She will never be forgotton & will always be in our hearts.
Respectfully, Zoey & Phoebe
Look at the wild-eyed look of those pugs!
Poor Dutch. He seems to have about the same luck as Elizabeth Taylor has with husbands. We hope Henrietta the 7th is more hearty....and stealthier than the Weimeraner.
Gen & Lefty
I feel you pain and send my condolences. I have a green guy and my evil sister bit his ears off last week. Poor green guy will never be the same.....how can he, he's deaf now!
You friend in favorite toy-friend loss,
Butter the Bean
Hey Puglet- I have seen a variation on Henrietta that Dutch might like. It is a rooster dressed like Elvis, but I can't remember what his name is.
After some brief drama, we will soon have Henrietta #7 and Dutch will be happy again.
The drama part came when the place by our house we usually buy her from (Pet Food Express) decided to stop selling Henriettas. And didn't tell us first!
They felt really bad because they know Dutch and how weird he can be about his rubber chickens. So, they called around to other Pet Food Expresses and NONE of them had a Henrietta either :(
Thank god for my friend Google (and amazon) because a new Henrietta (+ a backup) is on the way to our house. Should be here in time for a pug-tug-fest at the next Pug Sunday.
PS> the Elvis rooster is named Earl. Dutch likes Henrietta because of her purple-polka-dot bikini. He says his stubble is, uh, scary?
Hey buddy. You let me know if you need any Henriettas. They have 'em at the place we buy my yak sticks. I'd be happy to hook you and Dutch up!
Your pal,
The Noodle
I'm sorry it ended so violently but she did look peaceful on the wet sand. My brother, Beans, got a Henrietta the Christmas Chicken from Santa. He never had any respect for her with all the whipping around of her body by her little head & red hat.... and that ENDLESS squaking & screeching. Then one day...silence. Her head was given as a gift to a friend (some joke) and today her little body lays limp on the couch. We all can't seem to say good bye since there is so much of her left. "The song has ended but the melody lingers on." I hope your new Henrietta will be around for a long time! Your friend, TInk
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