So, we went out to breakfast at this really cool dog-friendly restaurant. There were lots of other dogs there and the waitress lady brought us cookies and a bowl of water.
Pretty cool, I thought.
Until the waitress lady brought plates and plates of food to our table - but not a single plate of food went on the floor. Yup. That's right. While the humans feasted, we sat under the table and starved to death.
The waitress lady brought SO much food to the table, our humans couldn't finish it all. And when I volunteered to help devour a stupid plate of toast, you totally know what happened. Uh huh. Got in trouble for begging. Begging for food no one else even wanted!
And my punishment for begging? Totally humiliating. I was forced to Jimmy next to this statue of a pig (who was also Jimmying) in front of the whole entire restaurant. While my human took a picture. Yeah. Talk about super-embarrassing!
Oh Puglet. I feel your pain! Portland has many dog friendly restaurants. However, I am not allowed to go because my humans say I have "control" issues when it comes to greasy human food... such as cheeseburgers and teriyaki chicken. My humans keep this food out of the house because they say I get a bit nuts for it... I tend to get very excitable and strike begging poses. I was formerly obese so they think it stems from before I was recycled and I ate everything in site literally... It must have been hard to control yourself in such a yummy place! Looks like you had a wonderful beach trip!
- Reggie
Puglet, you look so said next to the pig. Sorry you only got a treat and water! What were they thinking?? Mack and I have never been to a dog friendly resturant but we would expect FOOD!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Puglet..forlorn is what you look like. Although you make us very jealous, San Antonio is not at all dog friendly we never get to go to restaurants.
Last nigt in agility class my mom made me *Jimmy* at the start line & she made me *wait* there until she told me it was OK to move.
I don't know about you but *wait* is not in this pugs vocabulary. The *Jimmy* I can handle but waiting.. come on now. Thats as bad as getting a bowl of water under a table.
Eli.. your bud from Texas
You get that too Puglet? I get in trouble for gobbling SCRAPS of food that touch the FLOOR! Hello!!!!
Love Noodles
Ugh, Humans are so wasteful and they do not realize that we Pugs were put on this planet to *eliminate* wasted food. Especially toast.
Sucks you got shafted, but you are the best Jimmy-er around!
Molly in PA
Oh, Puglet, how unfair. Jimmying next to a pig! of a things. And all you wanted were the bad bits! But you did strike a good pose! How professional of you, given the circumstances. Good job
The picture next the pig is super cute. Too bad it was a punishment....
Minnie Moo
Aww poor Pug!!!! That pic is super ridiculously cute though!!!! Was that a Bernese Mountain Dog behind you in the first picture?
~The Mama Monster
Minnie and Mack - not even off the floor? Holy. I think the floor is totally dog-territory. Fair game if you ask me. Geesh.
Reggie -
I probably would have been up ON the table if that plate had a cheeseburger on it. A few pieces of toast aren't really worth getting in a heap of trouble for... but a burger? Totally worth it.
The Mama Monster -
Uhm, yeah. I think it was a Bernese over at the next table. There were a bunch of other dogs there. I bet *their* humans fed them though.
So you had to watch while the humans stuffed their faces? Oh, the agony!
Dear Puglet,
As a fellow pug, I find this reprehensible! I can't believe you and the other dogs were forced to sit under the table starving to death while the humans feasted! I thought I had it bad at home, but we don't have any dog "un-friendly" restaurants in Denver, so I've never had to endure such public humiliation, and I'm sorry for you to have gone through that. If it makes you feel any better, my human says you look super cute in the pictures!
Poor little puglet....you need to get a new human to lets you have some treats off the table every now and then!
Hi Puglet. Mom wants to know why it's called the "Jimmy". It's awfully darn cute.
Love from Portland!
I have it on good authority (aka mom) that you did in fact get some of that toast after a group pose. hmmmm...
Hi Pug!
I have the same question as Scoutie, why is it named "Jimmy"?
The Jimmy is named "The Jimmy" after a character (Jimmy) in the book "Nose Down, Eyes Up".
Jimmy is super smart, kinda snarky and if he didn't live in a book, I'd totally hang out with him. He said you can use the ridiculously cute nose down, eyes up pose (aka The Jimmy) to make humans so just about anything. I kinda liked the sound of that when I heard it, and so 'The Jimmy' was born.
aha! so you did get some toast, you sneaky Jimmy you ; )
Boy we sure wish we could have been there! If you ever come to the East Coast let us know.
I was named after a character in a book too! Can we name something after ME? I wonder what "The Scoutie" would be... :)
Hey Scoutie...if you take the "ie" off your name, Scout is the main character of To Kill a Mokingbird...maybe you are just a smaller version?
Pearl and Tessa
I am named from To Kill a Mockingbird! My teacher mom reads it to her 8th graders every year. My *official* name is Scout :)
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