I'd never heard of a Cayuco and Dutch was kinda freaked out because he thought Cayucos sounded "spa-like" (he's still convinced spa = go away and don't come back). Google wasn't any help because I had no idea how to spell Cayucos and sometimes Google can't spell either.
When a huge black truck we've never seen before pulled up to our house that night, we (especially Dutch) were a little freaked out. Dutch tried to run out the dog door but it was locked because of the raccoons. I just tried to look my cutest (just in case). There was a knock at the door and my human grabbed a bunch of bags, said let's go.
We didn't go.
Then I heard a voice I recognized from the dog park. It was my friend Bellatrix's mom. She is suuuper nice and would never take us to a spa and not let us come home. I told Dutch the coast was clear and we all loaded into the big black truck. Bellatrix and Spencer were both inside it waiting for us. Four hours later, we were all in Cayucos...
Holy cowpies. Turns out Cayucos isn't some black hole spa - it's a little town by the beach where my bud Spencer B's family has a beach house. Like, right on the beach. And me, Dutch, Spencer and his girl Bellatrix spent 3 whole days in Cayucos celebrating Spencer's 2nd birthday.
We swam and ran and played and napped. It was crazy fun. I think our humans had crazy fun too because they laughed a whole lot. One time my human laughed so hard, water came out her nose. All the humans made pug sounds when that happened.
I'm still napping off all the Cayucos fun, so I'll fill you in on more crazy fun details tomorrow. For now, here's what Cayucos looks like when the sun goes down and you're sitting on Spencer's deck with your friends.
Heya Wilma ~
The humans used the word 'paradise' a lot. No one ever had to put on a fleece, and that made my human superhappy.
Bella-T is supersweet, but she is also one tough chick! She almost beat my butt when I tried to, uh, well... let's just say she can take care of herself.
Sorry Pug, that last comment went unchecked, full of typos. Sometimes I wonder about Mom's opposable thumbs. Not sure they are really working out for her. What I was saying was that it looks like you spent a couple of days in heaven. Nikon should go to the spa more often.
My girl Bella looks like she is keeping Spencer B right in line! Very proud of her.
Cayucos looks like fun. I loves the beach. Eating sand is fun until you get caught and dragged off the beach and your mouth washed out.
Love Noodles
Looks like you all had an awesome time! "pug sounds"- BOL!
I totally passed out when I got home. I was exhausted after all that running around. I am still sleeping it off. I had a blast playing with you and Spencer, and given another day, I bet I could have gotten Dutch to play with me too! I am going to have to convince Spencer's mom to take us there again soon...maybe I won't be so krazy and I will stop running from the water. Sorry if I hurt your pride Pug, but a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do..even us hermaphroditic girls. Miss you tons!!
Wow Puglet, that Cayucos place looks amazing! I might have to go check it out myself. . .
Hi Puglet :)
You have the coolest adventures! The best adventure of my weekend was going for a ride (!) to get gas in the car, I'll take what I can get! Oh, and also to the stupid vet because I have a UTI, whatever that is.
Molly in PA
Oh Noodles, there was plenty of getting yelled at by humans for eating/doing bad things :) But I'll go into that tomorrow ;)
Oh, Wilma - you are so right about Cayucos and Nikon. I think Cayucos might have *saved* Nikon! The whole time my human kept saying she wish she had Nikon, she wish she had Nikon. I swear, she was practically crying over it.
Sorry about the vet Molly :( We stopped to get gas too, if that makes you feel more adventurous.
DMBY ~ you should totally check out Cayucos. It is very cool and there are lots of pugs there. The town is super dog-friendly, so you can get yourself a serious dog fix :)
I can't tell wait to tell everyone how much krazy fun we had. So krazy that you have to spell it with a K!
Wow!!!! How amazing!!! Looks like you all had a blast!
~The Monster Crew
You truly lead a pug's life Puglet! How very fortunate you are You are famous *and* you get to have adventures. Do you ever stop and think about your luckiness? well I do!
What is your human using while Nikon is away? Your pictures still look really good
Hmmm. I've never really thought about how lucky I am, but I guess you're right. Guess we've got it pretty good, huh?
Since Nikon was gone, my human dug out little Casio (her love before Nikon, before Canon). The details (and a pretty cute picture of my young self) are in this post from last year:
Best weekend EVER! Thanks Pug & Brother Dutch for making my birthday weekend so special. I feel very honored to have the two of you & Bellatrix come to my favorite place ever. Cayucos is a very special place and it meant the world to spend time with my best friends there. Thanks for being my friends!
Spencer my man, thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for inviting us to your favorite place ever! I think you had the best 2nd birthday celebration on earth & my human says we're the ones who feel honored. Krazy honored!
Hi Pug.
What a fun weekend for all of you. Mom just got back from her birthday destination celebration trip too.
Thanks for sharing the pics of your adventure!
Happy Birthday to your buddy Spencer! Looks like y'all had a blast. Can't wait to hear about the K-razy fun!!
Lucky Dogs! Mom says she loves Cayucos, that she went to school nearby at some other place called Cal Poly. Said she had lots of fun there...but won't tell us exactly what type of fun. She is promising a road trip!
Pearl and Tessa
I checked out the post about the camera and you must have been really young back then. Your chin is all black. Even my brother Dutchy's chin is getting white hairs and he is only 18 months old. Our mom likes all the picture taking hints. Thanks,
Phoebe in Oregon
Hiya Phoebe + co!
Yup, I wasn't one year old yet. Tell Dutchy not to worry - the premature white chin-fur happens to most of us. Mine started at about 18 months too. It kinda slowed down a little, but the hairs are still coming.
Love that picture of Spencer! LOL Bella is one tough girl!
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