So here it is, my new favorite toy/addiction: The Crackball.
Technically, it's called a Flexa Foam ball. And it's made by some company called Hartz. They used to only come in this crazy rainbow color, which is I think why they didn't sell very well and got discontinued. Dutch LOVED the rainbow balls (of course) and The Man bought a huge box of them for him when he heard they were going to stop making them. We still have a few left, but they are all Dutch-sized.
I never had a crackball of my own, and now they are kinda hard to find.
But Miley's mom, who's a better shopper than my human, was able to find some crackballs at a store called Nugget (!) and also on the internet. She got a mini non-rainbow one for me and it is the COOLEST thing ever. It totally drives Dutch nuts that I have my own crackball now, and that makes it even more fun :)
I know the christmas thing will be happening again, so if you're looking for a cool new toy - tell your human to start looking for crackballs. Like, now.
Here's a video of the BIG, Dutch sized crackball. As you can see, big crackballs and pugs don't mix. At least not in water. Click to biggify if you want to see me look stupid trying to fetch a ball in water.
I love to play fetch with dadddy! I am so gonna bug him to get me a crackball. Thanks for the tip pug!
I wish they still made those balls for Brother Dutch. It's so sad when they discontinue a favorite treat/toy/ball huh? bummer...but it sure was nice of the man to get him a whole box.
I am totally gonna scope the 'net for those!!! I don't fetch well (hits my nose and drops, kinda like The Bad News Bears) but I still TRY!! Thanks for the tip Puglet.
Love Noodles
OOOHHHH! Mom saw a bunch of those at Big Lots the other day!!!! Of course she walked right by them because she was on the phone yacking with Auntie Michele and not paying attention to the Pug stuff!
I'm going to send her back to get me one before they're GONE!
Thanks for the heads up, dude!
Hi Puglet,
Is Crackball a technical term or is that really what it's called? I am going to get my human on this, like, yesterday!
Molly in PA
Wow, I'm sending my hu-mom out soon to Big Lots and any place else. I love to play fetch. But Mack, being a Pug and all, well, he just likes to watch! Thanks for the info.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
OOhhh Ohh....they look squishy so that they can fit in pug's mouths! This is GREAT news! Now...onto making my Christmas list....
Hi Puglette,
I found some on the internet at a couple sites.. the one I'd go to is Amazon and type in "Hartz Flexafoam dog toy" They have them for like $4!! They really do make GREAT Christmas gifts, and really, even if they have to be rainbow colored, at least they are the right kind of ball!
Hi Puglet,
Fetch... did you say fetch. I used to do that. Mom would throw a toy and say 'fetch - bring it' and I would get cookies. Emmitt & Eli came along and couldn't or wouldn't learn the game. So no more fetch followed by cookies. My brothers are dumb when it comes to that game. Now that Crack Ball, my mom saw it in Big Lots too, guess where she is going after work today? And she better buy three because I don't want to share.
Ellie from San Antonio
Hey gang,
The one mom gave puglet is the size that you can find on Amazon, sometimes at Walmart. The one for Dutch and Boka they no longer make. So they are really hard to find. I told mom about big lots and she is going to go check it out.
Hi Puglet!
Because we kitties have much smaller mouths than Pugs or other doggies we always have small foam balls around our house for my sister and I.
And yes, I actually fetch! My mom throws the balls and I bring them back and drop them near her feet (she says I need to work on getting them closer).
My mom say's that I am a dog in a cats body-huh? I am not sure what she is talking about, but I do like to do dog stuff alot. She tells everyone about my "issues" which are chewing everything, eating everything and just being "dog like".
I don't really care what she says - I am a cat and proud of it!!!
I am going to look for one of the "crack balls" for my human grandma's dog and send it to her as she deserves some fun too.
Thanks for all the good suggestions!
Your fabulous friend in fur!
Gabby (The Gabbinator)
The crackballs are AWESOME. I think it's their unique Flexa-Foaminess!
Huge big thanks for the online shopping tip Esme -- and the Big Lots revelation S-dog, Minnie and Mack. I hope we have a Big Lots near my hood.
Ooooh, sorry Gabbinator (and the C-cats and all other kitties out there) I'm not really up on the latest and greatest kitty toys. The little kitty-versions of foamy balls you mentioned sound fun - but I'd probably eat them.
So cool that you're a fetching kitty!
Hi Pug,
I love to fetch! Will have to grab the car keys an insist on Mom taking me to get a crack ball.
puglet my dog daizie mae the australian cattle dog loves loves loves to play fetch thats why when i got the squirrel jolley ball for my dogs i had her in mind mainly. little did i know that the toy is some how infused with vanilla and smells forever like sweet vanilla. thats enough to make the little man maxx the shihtzu(kinda sporty like you but squashed faced too) go nutz! that dog will do anything to get the dang vanilla squirrel lol
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