The end is near, she said. Whatever that means.
Ok, I'm not a huge rain fan. But I like new things and it hasn't rained in soooo long, it just kinda seemed like a new thing. Not really something to get all freaked out about, right? Except I guess summer never really came to San Francisco this year, and the rain usually doesn't happen this early.
My human says once the rain starts, it sometimes keeps going. Like, for months. Like, until the next summer. I'm not sure that's 100% true, but we definitely didn't get much of a summer this year. And it did feel kinda weird to have rain already. Not sure that means the world is coming to an end though.
Kinda curious what other weather is happening out there and if it includes any of the wet stuff. What is the sky doing where you live??
We've had a perfect summer-and it's still kinda warm--and it's mid-October! I'm sorry about your lack of summer/early rain, maybe the end is near only in San Francisco? (just kidding Puglet)
The weather here is chilly but sunny. You would love running through all the crunchy leaves with the pack of pugs in the park nearby.
I love your Doomsday look-very dramatic as you look at the end is near
Hi Puglet,
We had a blistering hot summer, but we usually do with very little rain. We get almost no rain, when it does rain the aquifer fills up, thats where we get our drinking water from.
Lets see, in San Antonio right now the sky is bright blue with puffy white clouds plus sun shine. Today it might get as hot as 87 degrees. Nice for October.
The Texas Gang, Ellie, Cowboy Emmitt & Eli
No rain here. And it is way way way too hot for October!
Our summer was really hot too.
Luna and KP
I know what you mean Puglet. Mom grumbled about how it rained on our moms yesturday, and that they got soaked! I love the rain, so I will still go out and play in it. The bummer though, is the dog parks all close in the rain. That isn't much fun now is it?! Mom did say rain can bring snow, and that she might bring me to the snow because I've never been. I'm thinking I smell another Cayucus like road trip- you in??
If you want to talk about rain you should talk about where I live, Portland, Oregon, which my human says is the capital of rain. Our rainy season is running late this year and should be started by now but when it starts it won't end until July... It gets a bit depressing when it rains on Pug Crawl and dog park days. I may be getting a custom rain coat this year. I am not sure I will like it but I sure get tired of taking care of business outside in the rain and getting my fur soaked...By the way, I dig your sweater man, it's cold here and time to bring mine out...
- Reggie
Heya Puglet -
The end of summer is really cool here in Pennsylvania. The big trees behind our house have changing leaves (oranges, reds, yellows, pinks!) and then they fall down .. I get to chase them on the ground and they are pretttty tasty when you catch one. Think 3 day old cowpie -- crunchy like.
Regardless, my humans are happy that the end is near, it was a hot summer and they're ready for SNOW!
Cure photo today - you look way serious in thought.
Molly in PA
Rained here yesterday also...we do NOT go out if we can avoid at all costs...that wet stuff just ruins our "dos", but for some reason walking in puddles doesn't seem to bother us at all (drives our human nuts). Guess we were getting the same storm as you (we are 2 hours east of you). Beautiful today, hopefully no more 97 (last Thursday) for these Pugs for a while.
Pearl and Tessa
Nice sweater Puglet!
Even though it was weirdly raining yesterday, I still had fun. I watched sports all day in my jammies and cooked a lot of yummy food. Sometimes a rainy day is a good thing. But I'm with your mom - I hope this doesn't mean that our rainy season is officially here. Ugh!
I think this weather thing is just nuts. Yes, it rained yesterday. I watched my humans nervously decide who was going to take the "dog for a drag." As much as I hate being wet, I've figured out that the sooner I "do my business" the sooner I can come back inside where it's dry and warm. By the time my human and I went for our evening walk it had stopped raining, but was so very cold!! Just when we think winter's upon us BAM it's sunny and warm today!!! Sheesh... As I type this, I'm taking a break from lying outside in the sun! If anything is an indication of "the end" it's the fact that the weather can't decide what season it wants to be!!
Hey Puglet!
We are having bizarre weather here in Canada too! Our summer came very late and until last week we were in the high 20s (Celsius of course). The leaves haven't all fallen and everything is sooo orange and yellow when the humans take us for walks. They haven't even made us wear sweaters or boots yet! Aaannnnd, the best part is, there isn't any of that white snow stuff on it's way either. Perfect pug weather! Sometimes our humans say the end is near too...we don't care as long as there are chewy treats and boneys for us at the end.
-Guinness and Stella
We are having a beautiful Fall day. Wish you could share it with us Puglet. The sun is warm and the air is nice & crisp.
Ann & Frodo
Dear Puglet,
The weather in Denver has been very strange too. It's still very sunny and warm most days, which is a little strange. The sun part isn't strange, but by October it has usually cooled off. I think my humans are hoping the snow comes soon. They do this weird thing where they strap sticks on their feet and slide down mountains. It seems very silly to me. I don't mind snow so much because I love to eat it. I don't care for rain though. Here's hoping you have a few more sunny days before the rainy weather sets in!
Hey Master P. San Fran sounds a little like Portland. Reggie's right- we get a lot of rain! It makes my humans cranky when it rains on the weekend and they can't spend all day on the bike. I like it because then they spend the whole day with ME. There's a cool new indoor dog park here in Portland- I even SWAM there for the 1st time. I'm not as good a swimmer as you, Puglet, but I didn't drown!
And that rain was what I arrived to San Francisco in. Let me just say Puglet that flying through rain is not fun. I do hope your human is wrong though and that the rain doesn't keep coming...at least not for the next 3 weeks. :) Back home in Sydney it was sunny and warm, but then it's heading into summer there.
Hi Puglet, I just moved to the Bay area from Chicago. All I have to say is that the rain yesterday was pretty weak! You should have seen the summer storms in the Midwest, this was nothing. I am looking forward to it being cooler and wearing my cute puppy sweaters.
Hi Momo -
Welcome to sunny/sometimes rainy San Francisco! Just wait until the real rain comes. It is not fun. Not at all fun.
Heya Mel~
Yay! You made it! Sorry about the icky rain. The weather people said the end might be getting closer, but it's not exactly near. Yet. I'll see what I can do about making it stay away until you go back to sunny Sydney. Not making any promises though.....
Portland has Jenny, Scoutie (sorry Reggie, I'm only into she-pugs) AND indoor dog parks? No fair!
My human isn't good at rain. She said we'd probably move to Portland or Seattle if they had more sun there.
Denver Coco,
My human used to live near you in some place called Boulder (she likes to play the stick-on-feet sport too) and remembers snow happening in October. We don't get snow, but I think it sounds fun. Anything you can eat is much funner than just getting wet.
I'm with you Noodle - all this BAM! hot and BAM! cold and BAM! wet weather is krazy. We have sun at my house today. But at the beach it was icky.
I think the crunchy colored leaves sound fun. Any idea where we can find some around here???
Sorry San Antonio pugs, Texas just sounds HOT HOT HOT.
DMBY, next time it rains can I come over? We don't get more food at my house just because the weather is icky :(
Texas IS hot, Puglet. Pickles has to get a summer shave every year, but he didn't when we lived in Seattle. I wore my sweaters all year long when we lived in Seattle. Texas is kind of like wearing a sweater all of the time - even when you don't really need one.
Make sure you come in the Fall/Winter whenever you can visit. There are some fun places to play outside once it cools off.
- Pickles and Rocco in Austin
Heya Frodo,
My human says she misses your leaves, the apples, and that crispness. No idea.
Hi Pug,
Austin was hot today, 88 degrees. Plus I have to be careful, Mom says the heat & humidity will melt pugs.
I love it when it rains, get to snuggle w/ Mom on the couch. Lightening & that loud booming noise is relaxing, call me crazy.
Loud booming noise? Does your human sound like a pug when she sleeps?
Hi Puglet,
It was a regular fall day here, the temp was around 55-60 degrees, but it was sunny out. At least the wind died down fro the weekend. It gets very windy here. sometimes up to 40mph winds. We have to be careful not to blow away.
But you would like it here, Puglet, there is an ocean down the street because we are on an island. It's very pretty. Newport, Rhode Island is fun to visit. But I also go to the university here, so maybe I'm biased. lol.
Hope the weather clears up soon,
Dana & Honey
You made my Mom laugh out loud. She doesn't sound like a pug when sleeping, between us, she does make an aweful teeth grinding noise sometimes. It sounds like she has rocks in her mouth. Checked w/ Google, the loud noise is called Thunder. Do you have Thunder in San Fran?
Ahhhh. No. We don't have thunder here. Just snoring. But only when my friend Frank the Pug stays with us.
hahaha! Pug, you are hilarious! (see booming noise) So, you never had a summer, and now you're getting rain, does that mean you've had icky weather this whole time? mmm, maybe the end *is* near
Puglet, I am still dying to see the Yeti, and your Dear Puglet column.
Also, my human wants to know what you're going to be for Halloween? She thinks maybe you could do another Gallery, and have readers send in their pets in costume to post!
We live in Gladstone and that is about 12 miles from Portland, Oregon. We had a beautiful day today. I even heard the man on the TV say that some places got up to 70 degrees. It didn't feel that warm here. Me and the gang (Kizzy, Olita, Dutchy and Max) went out on the deck and found a strip of sunshine to lay in for a long time. Ahhh, it felt soooo good.
When it rains I'm the only one who doesn't mind going out to do my poo. The rest of the gang sneaks off in the house if Mom doesn't watch them. Snort, snort, schnarfel. :-)
Pug hugs,
Phoebe in Oregon
here in tacoma, washington...i am not sure if the rains are here to stay YET...you can never tell. now that i have a pug, i do not relish the thought of walks in the chilly rain. You are right though, once it starts raining..it feels dark and cold til spring...at least we have our pugs to entertain us and warms our hearts...great blog
That IS a very nice sweater! Where did you get it? Sweaters that fit Pug are VERY hard to find as I am sure you know.
Pugs in Space -
I know, it's tough. That one actually came from Old Navy, of all places. They usually start having them around xmas time, so... soon?
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