Now that things around here are back to normal, I have a whole bunch of stuff to tell you about. Dear Puglet. The Yeti! And one or two surprises my human said exist but hasn't told me any details about. You'll know when I know, I promise.
While we're waiting... what is happiness to you?
Puglet, You make me happy! the unfamous Ellen
Dear Puglet, You just made my day ...
Bully Sticks! They are true happiness to me - even though my human says I'm addicted to them. Also the Crackball- I never had the chance to thank you for that! My human read what you said about it and went to 3 different stores to find me one. LOVE IT!
I like this happiness thing, and thanks for sharing yours, your human's and Dutch's.
I think happiness is whenever my human comes home from wherever she's been, a ride in the car, a fingertip of whip cream from Starbucks, food, food, and of course, food.
I think my human thinks happiness is me.
Love, Lucy
Oh, and Puglet, my human said to tell you that happiness is you too. You make her happy everyday, and that's okay by me.
Spencer is my happiness. You and Dutch are a close second. Himilayan yak chews are my food happiness. Oh I guess mom and dad?
Hi Puglet!
Today happiness was laying on the bed under the afghan with my human and my sister Gunnie and watching TV. We were all bunched together, fur, skin and hair sharing our combined warmth.
My human said we were having a "girls only lazy morning". I loved it!
Now back to the bed and the afghan....
Your Kitty Friend,
Gabby (The Gabbinator)
Hi Puglet,
Happiness is The Daily Puglet which helps make my human smile everyday.
She also says that happiness is *not* the Phillies losing to your Giants under big puffy clouds with a blue sky. Go PHILLIES :)
Molly in PA
I'm with your human-happiness is a blue sky with clouds-and wide open spaces. And you a picture of Puglet with sand on his face. Makes my day.
I'm pretty sure Benny's happiness is cheese, kibbles, and any other human food he can get.
Mine has wine, hugs, and chocolate. :) With pugalicious photos on the side!
Happiness is napping in a patch of sunlight and dreaming of dried-up dead squirrels (nature's chew toy!).
The obvious answer for me is always going to involve food. However, and don't you dare tell my humans, my true happiness is snuggling down in the big bed with my forever family. *sigh*
Puglet, my human says that picture of you exemplifies happiness.
Hi Puglet! My happiness is lounging in a sun puddle in a place free from humiliating Halloween costumes!!!
We love the first pic of you...although we don't think SANDwich is meant to be taken literally (hahahahahaa)!
Have a great day, buddy!
Happiness is sleeping on the couch, or one of the dog beds, or our humans bed. With a full tummy of course. Waking up in the morning to belly rubs. Breakfast, dinner and lots of treats in between. Being in our forever home. (could probably be better if mom could find us some Yak chews).
Pearl and Tessa
Also, Puglet -- I'm sure hoping that one of your humans new surprises involves a new Puglet video! Your acting skills will dry up if you don't exercise them :)
Molly in PA
Hi Puglet,
Happiness to me is snuggling at my Mommy's feet. It is also the YAK Chew Ms Bellatrix bestowed on me (almost outta those). And most of all, happiness is OHANA - family!
Love Noodles
Mom says I should be mussy and say happiness to me is cuddling on the weekends all warm and snugly in bed w/my humans....but I will say Ritz Crackers - I loves, loves, loves them!!!!
Frodo (& mom)
Happiness is to me: cuddling, eating, long walks, dog parks, Pug Sun,running in the grass.
For my mom: cuddling, football, BIG Giants' wins, coffee, and the Sunday newspaper.
For my 13 year old human: water polo, friends, texting, cuddling, mac and cheese, shopping.
Thanks, Puglet! It was so much fun to see what happiness is to everypug and human. Makes us happy just reading all those happy thoughts!
Lafayette Lola
One of my happiness moments each day is getting to read your blog Puglet, you always make me smile.
Gino the Pug says:
Happiness is finally reaching one of the yummiest dried lamb treats off of the treat counter with my bare paws!
On the flip side, unhappiness is throwing that yummy treat up 5 minutes later because it was too my treat for me.
My human was not happy about either feat.
- Gino
(Kermit was not involved in these shenanigans.)
Happiness is finally getting to see the Yeti (and your Halloween costume)
Happiness is basking in the sun on my chaise lounge on our balcony and yelping at everyone and everything that goes by. Of course, I get really happy eating cookies and treats as well. There is a big spider that I am keeping my eye on. I will be happy when he moves away.
Harley and human
I love how much happiness everyone has! I think I need to re-write my list to include:
food (how did I forget to mention food!?!)
my human
my awesomely awesome friends
I've never had a Ritz cracker, but I'm thinking if they make Frodo happy, they might make me happy too :)
Pearl & Tessa -
This might help you get some Yak chews:
Heya Mookie ~
Superhappy you like your new crackball. Do you know which store your mom found it in? Just in case other peeps are still searching :)
Wait. Ollie, there's really such a thing as a squirrel? ?I seriously thought Dutch was making them up. He runs around like a lunatic at the park sometimes, says he's chasing squirrels. But he's never even come close to catching one and I've never even seen one. I don't even know what to look for. Any hints??
They are pretty fast (those squirrels). Look for big fluffy tails
Fast with big tails. Got it. Thanks! Are they related to raccoons??
Ooohhh...I have so many happiness-ess going on. Mom and I have all types of fun and I especially love when we go to Cayucos- that's where my heart is. Well, Bellatrix has my heart but...you know what I mean. I love hanging with my buds- you & Brother Dutch and a few others. I love when the towels or clothes come out of the dryer and I get to burrow in them and find the dryer sheet and make mom chase me through the house. I love when I hear my grandpaws truck rounding the corner and I know he's home to play with me...sometimes he takes me for a ride in the "Man's Truck". Oh, I do "Man's Work" in the backyard with him sometimes too. I love when grandma scrapbooks about all my fun adventures and cuddles with me. Happiness is going to the dog park and listening to all the cool people mom meets (she met a famous radio host last weekend!!) Anyhow...I have lots of happiness but, most of all, happiness is having a human who loves you more than anything in the whole wide world.
it may sound weird, but my happiest of happy's is when i lick my mom's feet. or sniff the dirty laundry in the bathroom, or force mom to lay on our tiny couch just so i can sleep on her chest. she says her's is when i sleep on her chest, so at least we match up on one thing.
Oh great. We've always wanted to know exactly what a Yeti is.
We have so many things that make us happy we don’t even know where to begin! I think some pugs/dogs have already nailed a few like food, food, and food, but we are happiest when we snuggle with mom, lick her feet (which she hates), and lay in the sun (especially my brother Baxter). My mom says that happiness to her is her three pugs waiting at the door for her with love when she comes home and she doesn’t know what she would do without us. I have been telling her that for years and I am glad that you Puglet got her to admit that to the world! -Walter
Happiness is finding humans who care about animals (dogs, namely pugs) enough to find them forever homes.
I like this post!
Happiness is sleeping in the mama beds, fun toys, siblings to play fight, food from the table, full kibble bowls, full and cold water bowls, scratches from the mamas, rubbins from the mamas, attentions from the mamas, going on walkums, and the mamas themselves.
Life is SO good. Except this week as mamas are helping out at a thing called, "Judgement House" where their church they goes to puts on a production about decisions that need to be made now and not later...heaven...not hell. God is good, accept Jesus...stuffs like that...and they are helping feed peoples by working in the kitchums at church. Why didn't they bring home any leftovers for us'uns?
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
The black and white dog is looking so beautiful.I have lots of happiness but, most of all, happiness is having a human who loves you more than anything in the whole wide world.
Dear Puglet, I am a pug from Brazil named Fred, and my mom came here every days because you and Dutch makes her soo happy. The food makes me happy but now I have my happiness with control...
Happiness is my pug Scarlet, my husband Mike, and reading your blog :)
♥ M
I'm not a fan of live squirrels (they're those fast nervous little guys in the park with bushy tails). I'm a sniffer, not a chaser. I love finding a squirrel carcass, throwing it up in the air, catching it in my mouth and then giving it a good shake (take that dead squirrel!). I know the fun is over when I hear my human's shrieks of horror and then it's goodbye squirrel toy:(
At least until I sniff out the next one :)
Dear Puglet,
Squirrels DO exist, but you aren't missing out. My human says they are a menace! They run along the fence in my backyard and get me all riled up. They also "bark" at me. It's weird! But I've had experiences like Ollie at finding dead ones in the yard and playing with them to shrieks of horror from my human. That part is fun!
Happiness for me is so many things, but the first things that come to mind are sharing peanut butter burritos with my dad human. My mom human says he's weird, but I think he might have been a pug in a previous life. I also like when my dad human gets up in the morning and I get to snuggle under the covers with my mom human. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE stealing the dish towels off the cupboard doors and teasing my humans by running incessantly around the dining room table with them. Sometimes I trip on the towels and do somersaults. That makes my humans laugh a lot.
Dear Puglet,
I just came across something new that makes me happy... pugs being heroes, and in the news! Check out this link!
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