So. As you know, I've been going through the stages of grief or whatever about my human's stupid Frolic stuff. And I thought I was at the acceptance stage. I haven't gone poodle on anyone but Dutch in, like forever. And I even asked you all to 'Vote Frolic' to help my human get on some best of ballot. I mean, if that isn't acceptance, I don't know what is.
Well. Acceptance left the building when I saw today's picture. That's my human. And Nikon. And a pug... a pug that is not me. Apparently another dog photographer snuck up on her and took the picture when my human was doing a photoshoot. Just a few days ago. With a pug that is not me.
Even though I know my human cheats on me with other dogs, I've never seen her do it, like, behind my back. Trust me - seeing is different than knowing.
When I kinda freaked out about it, my human laughed at me. Laughed! She said that pug she's loving to death in the picture is Petey, that I've met Petey and his brother Brodie a few times, and that I like them. It's hard to know if this is true without sniffing Petey's butt, so I guess I should believe her. At least until I can prove she's cheating and lying.
I love my human and want her to be happy, but I don't want her to be happy with a pug that isn't me. I'm supposed to remind everyone to 'Vote Frolic' because today is the last day of voting - but I kinda don't want her to win anymore. I mean, the more people know about Frolic, the more she's going to cheat on me.
And give away my cookies. And Google knows what else?!?