Plan A is now officially covered. I can't wait to be in your living room!
Just in case we need a Plan B, I did some recon yesterday. If the TV people don't come looking for me, I might need a way to sneak up on them. Turns out there really aren't many places to hide on the sidewalk. I found a plant but it wasn't big enough to hide me.

Ok, I thought Dutch was just being weird, but Google says it's totally true:
The Bush Man usually sets up camp on the sidewalk of Fisherman’s Warf, a classic San Francisco tourist spot, where he spends his days frightening unassuming tourists from behind a homemade “bush” that consists of leafy tree branches. Although his costume is makeshift and pretty minimal, he has a huge impact. Clueless passersby often jump and scream (and then give the Bush Man a few dollars) with surprise. (read more)

So we now have Plan A, B and maybe C (if I can convince my human to make me a bush costume). Do you think we need any more plans?? Because if we do, remember that notice thingy the TV people stuck to our door to tell us about filming? Well, there's a local phone number on it for someone called a location manager. Maybe they can help me get in your living room? ?
Plan D - Call the location manager. Couldn't hurt.
Can't wait to see you on TV Puglet.
Love Noodles
What day are they filming this? I need to set my dvr so I can watch the famous Puglet on Tv!
OMGoodness, Pug! Have you ever actually seen the bushman? He is the funniest guy in the world! My mom could watch him for hours-totally the highlight if every trip she's taken to The Wharf.
Lafayette Lola
I say you dress up like a camera person and blend in! Or better yet - Puparazzi!!
Now....we need to find a way to get a hold of the chick, Britteny. Rehearsal? Oh, Puglet, it will be a true "dancing with the stars" !!
Gosh Puglet,
I so hope you're going to be in my TV. It makes me feel real excited in my pug belly. My mom is hoping so too. Can my mom call that local station manager person too. You know, let 'em know that the Brittany lady would look even cooler with you by her side.
I spit my coffee out reading about the bush man... That is hilarious!!! Good luck with your en devours!!!! I really hope to see you in my livingroom!!!!
Call him Puglet! For sure! Tell them of your blog and they'll be rolling with laughter. Tell them of your cause, and they'll be sure to take note. And tell them of your "plotting" and they'll find it rather amusing.
Call around for sure. I think that's the best plan yet!
Get yourself a few fries, go have a talk with the bushman to find out how he made himself into a bush and then improve on his idea.
Call that phone number too, oops do you know how to use the phone??? Ok, have your mom call.
We can picture you on tv with Spears chick just totally stealing the show, with or without being dreshed like a bush.
Rock on Puglet
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
I like the Bush Pug idea myself. Maybe your human could make you a bush hat if she doesn't want to make a whole bush costume. That way, you could sit real still with your bush hat on and try to blend in! Only thing is, there's really no hiding Puglet....you stand out in a crowd no matter what, but try anyway!
Snorts and snarfles,
Forgot to ask... is Dutch joining you and Brittney? - maybe a backup dancer/singer? Or is he afraid TV camera too?
Houston we have a problem. The Britney concert has been moved to an indoor venue due to rain. There may need to be a plan E, F & G.
Zoey & Phoebe
Dutch is right you need a bush!!!
I wanted so much to have you in my living room here in Brazil...I hope that your mom put here the film to us.
Look, you are a little guy, and so, you can run until Britney and give her a flower. I imagine that she will like soo much and maybe you can dance with her! dont hide on plants. The world need to see you!!!
We loves you!(sorry my bad english, ok? I never study the language but one day...I will...). We hope that you have so much plans to be on TV!!!
Fred pug and Mom
Great plans, but bad news. They have moved her apperance to an indoor location as it may rain. I'd be glad if I were you - I hate rain and refuse to go outside if my feet have to get wet!
With fond snorts,
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