The little brown dog with the weird face isn't happy I'm talking to you. But The Lady told me I should so I'm doing what she says. She's been teaching me to listen to People and sometimes I get food when I listen. So I'm listening.
The little brown dog is a little scary.
I think My name is Dice. The Lady calls me Puppy. I don't know why but I love her so she can call me Puppy if she wants. She can call me anything and I will still love her.
I love everyone but I don't have People of my own. And I am homeless? The Lady made me promise I would tell you that. I hope you know what homeless means. I love the Lady. And Food. Spotted dogs. And playing. And chasing things.
Today I chased a duck. Yesterday I met the ocean. Sometimes I sleep in a box but I like to cuddle better. Riding in the car makes me feel icky.
Today I found a secret hole in the door. Now I can go outside when I want to. It was raining but I am not afraid of being wet. I'm supposed to pee out where it rains. I get a cookie and love when I pee in the right place.
Uh oh. Here comes the scary little brown dog. Ok. Bye internet. I love you!
Your friend,
Dice. Or Puppy. Or anything you want to call me.
He is absolutely adorable!
Hello Dice! Or Puppy. Or whatever!
You are such a good-looking spotted guy! I just know you are going to find humans of your own really soon! Keep doing all the good things like going potty outside- humand totally dig that!
Oh- and Pug isn't that scary- just tell him you know about the thing on the wall.
Lafayette Lola
Hello Puppy Dice!
It's always good to listen to the Lady. Food and loving are the goals in a good life.
You are just so darn adorable, I am sure you will not be homeless long.
As for the scary brown dog, I'm sure he'll come around.
Oh my goodness Dice! You are just adorable! I sure do hope you find people of your own! I think every pup should have people to hug them and give them treats and love and cuddles. Your cuteness should serve you well!
Hi Dice,
Puglet is really a good guy, he is my bestest friend, just give him a chance. He loves to play just like you and I do. My mom is hoping that someone will see you while you are blogging and fall head over heels in love with you and then you will have your very own family to love. Now go play with Puglet.
Love ya
Holy moly cuteness overload!
Dude, Puglet is cool, he's just um .. a little narcissistic is all. He'll warm up to you in no time, don't worry.
And The Lady? She will totally hook you up if you do tricks and pee in the right spot. Just try to share with Puglet or he'll go poodle (you don't want to know).
Enjoy your stint at the HOC (House of Carrots) - hoping you find your furever home really soon!
Molly in PA
Dice...you are soooo cute, wish you could come to live with us. We do want to warn you of one thing...you say you like to cuddle...if you try getting on the ladie's bed, Puglet might go Poodle on you (last we heard, he has been banned, but that may have changed). Dutch can probably explain what going poodle means.
Hope you get a wonderful place to live soon. We are sure with all the people who read this site, you will get a great home.
Pearl and Tessa
Oh.MY. Dice, I'm trying to justify you coming to live with us. Oh my. My bestest dog in the world was a boy Dalmatian. You look adorable.
Don't mind Puglet. He's just jealous of your spots!
Oh sweet puppy, Dice, you are just adorable, and so full of love. I'm hoping with all my pug heart, that you get a wonderful home soon. I know you will. Other dogs come to live with us for a little while until my mom finds them a permanent, loving home. Mom thinks it's also very cool that you get to hang out with Puglet (that's the little brown dog), and Dutch, they can teach you some really cool things, like how to be green.
I have a little secret for you, don't be afraid of the little brown dog, he's really a kind-hearted softie trying to act tough.
So happy to know you my friend.
Please let us know when you pick your people, they're going to be very lucky!
Love ya',
Hi Puppy Dice,
My mom's eyes are leaking because you are homeless. How did a cute little guy like you get to be homeless...oh heck now my eyes are leaking too.
That hole you found, isn't that just the best thing we got one and its fun to hear the door go flap flap when we run in and out.
We hope the Lady finds you a good home, and as for the little brown dog, don't worry about him, he's basically harmless and when you get to know him his heart is as big as the ocean you met yesterday.
Oh, and did I tell you that you are as cute as a button. Wish you could come live with me... the little black pugs I live with would like you too.
Ellie from San Antonio xxoo little Dice.
Hola Dice!!!
You just look adorable!!!
We love you TOO!
Spongy & Licky
Oh my god Dice are you adorable! I wish I could take u home with me. You'll find a home with your own humans soon. Don't worry about the brown dog with the funny face, he gets jealous but he's a good guy.
Hi Dice Puppy! Wow, you are one lucky pup, getting to spend time with Dutch, the Lady, and the scary brown dog!! They're the best and they're gonna help you find the bestest forever home!! I love you too!!
You guys should come down to San Jose's pug meet to play this Saturday!!
Hi Dice or Puppy!!!
Nice! You can blog! We love you back too! Maybe you should have your own blog, the daily Dice!
Isabella & Franklin
Don't be afraid of Puglet. He likes to act tough and like he's the boss, but we found out he's secretly scared of pipes that stick out of walls.
Welcome to the internet Puppy! I hope you find a home soon!
Nice to meet you Puppy Dice!!!!
OH MY, you are SO cute!!! We're sure that you won't be homeless for long!
Puglet is a good egg...maybe give him a puppy kiss...they seem to melt most people.
You're totally Dutch's "mini me"! SO CUTE!
Have fun with the Lady and enjoy the snuggles and cookies! You totally deserve them!
Hi Dice Puppy! Like Ellie from San Antonio, my eyes are leaking because you don't have a forever home yet, but you are so handsome and so sweet, I just know that you will find that forever home soon.
I'm one of those dogs like that one you are staying with...you know, the one with the funny face? Don't mind him, he's just worried you're gonna eat all his food 'cause he's a little food piglet! But I bet if you give him a few little puppy licks on his cute little smooshed nose, he might warm up to you a bit. I bet Dutch can teach all the ways to get in good with him...
Your new friend,
I'm hoping with all my pug heart, that you get a wonderful home soon. I know you will. Other dogs come to live with us for a little while until my mom finds them a permanent, loving home. Mom thinks it's also very cool that you get to hang out with Puglet (that's the little brown dog), and Dutch, they can teach you some really cool things, like how to be green.
Such a sweet, loving face cannot be homeless long :) wish you a happy life !!! sorry you cannot stay with The Lady, Puglet and Dutch, sorry because I also love you :)
I love you too, cutie! Did you find the poo-stash? Hahaha! Hopefully you find a home soon! Or you can stay with the little brown dog and you're ginormous twin! LOL
You're adorable!
My family would LOVE to adopt Dice! We just lost our two goldens from old age and we need new love in our life. Please email me at margot.tiernan@gmail.com if he is still available for a new home.
You are adorable Dice! If I didn't live wayyy overseas you'd be mine in an instant! Hope you find a home soon little one. x
See Dice, how many there are out there that love you?! I'm hoping to meet you soon, absolutely before the end of the week, and let you live a fun Dalmatian life with the whole family and our other spotted girl.
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