I have no idea why, but my human didn't take many pictures of me when I was a puppy. Weird huh? Yeah. But I did find this ridiculously cute baby-me from November 20, 2008. I was almost 5 months old and had only been with Dutch and my human for a few days. I'd lived on a farm up until then so the whole beach thing was totally new to me. And so. much. fun.
It was the first of many fun days...
Try to make up some No-Recipes this weekend if you can. I'll be back first thing Monday morning because we've got some serious, top-secret plotting to do. I think it would be totally cool to show up in all your TVs (even in Poland and Canada!). And if there might be a cart full of Food like they have when filming happens in Berlin, I've got to be there.
You are sooooo cute, Puglet! I see that little sparkle in your eyes even back then....
My mom has a question about the no-recipe thingy: she wanted to know if she could send you the no-recipe recipe for the stuff she cooks me for dinner. It's not a cookie recipe but its a good no-recipe recipe for Pugs like me who have sensitive tummies and she thought maybe other Pugs (or other doggies) who also have sensitive tummies might like to know about it. But if its only for yummies like treats then her no-recipe recipe involves a can of this REALLY yummy white stuff that she squirts in my and Luna's mouths for a special treat....we could send an awesome photo of that, for sure!
Snorts and snarfles,
Not sure what a "No Recipe" is. No fat, no sugar? Let me know!
Hi Puglet,
Best is I let you know when there is more filming in my little pug kingdom here! It happens all the time- so come over with Dutch and have your visa handy just in case.
Together we will storm this very interesting catering truck. Hmmm .. the burgers. It is especially hard since my diet goes on .. and on. Spring is coming, say my Mum and my Vet.
This baby photo of yours is soooo cute.
Regards from Berlin and always on the lookout for the truck
Carlos Santana
Let us know if there's anything we can do to help Puglet! With the top secret stuff that is
Bella, I think your no-recipe for sensitive tummies counts!
And BadAnnie, read the earlier post from this week, and you'll see what a no-recipe is!
A super model even at 5 mos old!!! You were & still are adorable.
Hope your human thumbs feels better soon.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
My human doesn't have any baby pictures of me either. I was "for sale" in a pet store and my human kept coming in to visit me. She didn't have the money to buy me, but she was totally falling in love. Can you blame her, I'm a pug after-all. (only a little self-centered says my mom). Anyway, she started calling me Phoebe and I would get excited when I heard her voice and her keys jingle. One day she overheard the pet store owner say that the breeder was going to use me as a breeder mommy dog since I wasn't selling. My human mom when out that day and took out a second mortgage on her/our house and bought me. I was 4 months old by then and the pictures started the minute I got home. My mom says she has more pictures of me and my puggie pack than she does of her kids. Tee Hee Snortttttt..... I was so cute. We don't have baby pictures of my sisters and brother either, because they were rescues at an older age. We love each other.
Phoebe in Gladstone, Oregon
I sure hope Dutch is going to be OK. I am sorry to read about his boo boo and pain. You are right, though, he does have a really skinny neck. What's up with that?
Leaked again. No puglest on weekends hurts. We want you everyday, puglet !!
Puglet, do it! Whatever it is you're going to do! Your celebrity is on the rise!
Puglet, seeing the link above about Japan pets comforting their owners, it reminds me, we need you to be the mascot for dogs the world over!! Whether homeless, displaced, mill-bred, we need you to be the voice for pets and potential-pets around the world!!
My human says this picture of you is one of those photos that just makes people melt into
a big puddle of love mush.
We hope you guys had a good weekend and that your human is feeling a whole lot better.
Its obvious from day one that you were meant to be a supermodel. Since we are both recycled pugs, our human doesn't have any baby pictures of us...but she has tried to make up for! The best of all is the pastel drawing she got (total surprise) for her birthday a few weeks ago...Its the picture with this message. Hope Dutch is feeling better.
Pearl and Tessa
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