So when I heard my human was going to the Peninsula Humane Society yesterday, I begged her if I could go too. I think my human likes Twizzle just as much as I do, so of course she totally said yes.
Since Twizzle liked me all pond scummy, I didn't bother to take a bath or anything. I wasn't sure if she'd be allowed to have toys from "the outside", so I got a bag of Pirates Booty instead. I thought we could have a picnic and get to know each other better. There's so much about Twizzle I don't know and I know I'll only like her more the more I, uh, know.
Twizzle told me she never gets visitors, so I couldn't wait to surprise her. I waited under our tree with the bag of Booty and practiced being my cutest while one of the nice volunteer ladies went inside to tell Twizzle.
So I waited. And waited. And then waited some more. I started to get really nervous. And a lot sad. Maybe Twizzle didn't want to see me again. Maybe she didn't really like how pond scum smells. Or the way my but smells. Or worse.

When I saw the lady walk out the door without my Twizzle, my heart hurt so bad. It felt like a great big angry momma cow was stomping it to death. But then the lady cheered and said "Yay! Twizzle is gone!"
Gone. I didn't understand why this was something to yay about until my human explained that gone = adopted. After 6 months of being homeless, Twizzle finally found her new people. I'm really happy for Twizzle and know this is supergood news - even if my heart still kinda hurts a little.