Twizzle told me a little about what it's like to be homeless. She says everyone at the Peninsula Humane place is supernice, but she really wants humans of her own. She used to have a family, but didn't seem to want to talk about that. Maybe that's second-date kinda stuff?
Anyway, I think Twizzle felt funny about being homeless so I told her me and Dutch were recycled once too. I could tell this made her feel better because she started rolling around at my feet and stuff. You should have heard all the Awwwwwws when that happened.

Woo hoo!
It was really hard to say goodbye to Twizzle, but my human promised me we'll have a date #2 soon. So if anyone has any second date advice, please please let me know. I really like this girl!
* * *
It's Edward the pirate pug's whelp day. Edward gets to be a pirate because he only has one eye. How cool is that? I couldn't wait until after breakfast, so I already ate a cookie for Edward :)
Emmitt (of the infamous 3 Es/San Antonio Pugs) needs some juju today. Last week the vet found rocks in his bladder and today he's having surgery to get those rocks out. Please send lots of juju his way!!
It's Edward the pirate pug's whelp day. Edward gets to be a pirate because he only has one eye. How cool is that? I couldn't wait until after breakfast, so I already ate a cookie for Edward :)
Emmitt (of the infamous 3 Es/San Antonio Pugs) needs some juju today. Last week the vet found rocks in his bladder and today he's having surgery to get those rocks out. Please send lots of juju his way!!
Puglet, make sure you tell your human that those pictures are super! Twizzle is really in to you...us girls can tell these things. For date #2, what about bringing some flowers to sniff? I love that and she seemed like an outdoorsy girl.
Edward, tell your human that you get an extra special treat today or she must walk the plank!
Emmitt, I just know everything will be fine, but we'll be sending up some prayers to make extra sure.
Payton from Mascoutah
Lots and lots of juju to Emmitt! Oh and happy whelp day to Edward! I had a cookie in your honor. Puglet, I would maybe wear a sweater or a handkerchief to date #2...you know to step things up a notch:)
Good luck!
Myko in SF
Pug, you should bring her a bully stick. That way she has something to do while at the shelter waiting for her forever home. Maybe some cool toys.
Edward one eyed pugs are so cute....total human babe magnet.
Emmitt!!! You're gonna come out of that surgery with flying colors. I just had eye surgery, and was gifted with lots of positive mojo. I have some extra, so I will send it your way. I will keep you in my thoughts and eat a cookie for you
She is cute, she looks really smart too ! Good luck with your second date : > Happy B-day Edward, we will eat some Golden Chicken later ~ and oh... : < my friend, Emmitt... sending you super good juju. Feel better soon.
Luvies and hugs
Lots of juju from The SF Peninsula Area to our Puggie friends who need it!!
Also, does anyone have an update on Franklin whose human was trying to find him a quieter lifestyle? My sister Stella, who has moved to LONDON with her human, and I used to play with him at Pug Sunday...
Eddie the Pug
Oh man, what a great date! She fell and rolled at your feet? Whoo doggie, that's a good sign! Could you give us links to the the other doggie's blogs?
Twizzle is so chill - cool as a cucumber she looks to me. I agree with Bella - bring her toys to play with while she waits to be snatched up :)
Also, how is Dice doing?
Extra juju vibes for Emmitt - good luck, buddy!
Molly in PA
Puglet-I don't know why everybody is dancing around this, BUT your human shoudl bring Twizzle home to be a part of your family! My Mom and Dad gave me a forever home (even though I am an old guy) and they already had 2 super recycled pugs! We get along great! Odie
OHHH this is fabulous! I am so glad that your date with Twizzle went well! :) She seems so nice and cute too! :) Can't wait to hear about date #2!
You made my mom's eyes leak. She gets kinda sad about little homeless animals.
I think it's so cool you had such a good date with Twizzle, and you should totally ask her if she has a boyfriend, I bet she's waiting for you to pop that question. You two make a really cute couple. You should have heard my mom going awwww!
Don't wait too long for that second date. A girl doesn't like to be put on hold for too long.
Happy whelp day Edward. I was hoping I'd get a special day treat today. Thanks a bunch.
Emmitt, sending you lots of my powerful pug juju to help you feel better real soon.
Love ya',
We think Twizzle is smitten with you and we think you should take her presents, girls love persents.
Thanks everyone for Emmitt juju, it made moms eyes leak, mom has a soft spot for Emmie cause he's recycled too.
Ellie and Eli 2 of the 3E's from San Antonio
Happy Day to Edward !!!!
Hi Puglet :)
First I'm sending juju to Emmitt!! Hope the surgery is over now and he's doing fine!! Go Emmitt :)
Then lots of hugs and kisses to Edward the pirate :) have a great day little man :)
And Miss Twizzle :) She is sooooooooooo cute, soooooo beautiful and cool!!!! Great pictures!!! I love your Human work !!! I look forward to your next date, and I thing you should ask if she has a boyfriend:) bring her some treat and maybe you should give her a KISS??????
Emmitt, loads of juju to you! Hope everything went well and hope you have a speedy recovery!
Pug-- you and Twizzle would make a cute couple!
You and Twizzle make an awesomely cute couple. I'm keeping my paws crossed that your blog will help her find her forever human(s) that much sooner. How cool would it be if your 2nd date was at her home?!
I'm sending "get better fast so you can enjoy extra treats" juju to Emmitt.
And a Happy Birthday to Edward the pirate pug!
JUJU worked...
Emmitt is out of surgery and doing fine!!! Sleepy, sore and wanting to be at home.
Dr. H. said the rocks were mighty big and sharp but brother Emmie will be OK.
No agility for two weeks, he's going to miss the biggest AKC agility trial of the year but little brother Eli will be there to 'represent'!
Big Love to everyone, Ellie and Eli
Whew, Emmitt, I was thinking good agility thoughts for you. Bummer about missing the trial, but your health is way more important.
Robert - my 'rents LOVE pirates, so they wish you a great day. Arrrrrrr
Pug - I'm sure someone will be falling in love with your girl Twizzle, leaving you free to play the field once again. You're doing a great thing. And my advice is LOTS OF TREATS!
Phew. I'm glad Emmitt is doing OK. Thanks everyone for sending him some last-minute juju!
Ohhhh, and I just got an email from Chomper about the results of his C-word test. The ver said the tumor was "as good of a Grade 1 as it can get". Superawesome news!!!
I wish there was a way to bottle this juju stuff. We could make the whole world so much better!
Hi Emmitt - we are glad that you are fine after surgery. I wish you a good recovery and keep my paws crossed for you.
Puglet, your date went really well. She is so cute and I hope she can find a "forever" home with your and your Mum's help and this blog. You should really take her a present on date no. 2 - what about some chewing bone? Nicely wrapped up?
Happy Birthday, dear Edward. I hope you had a real nice day with your loved ones and lots of cookies.
I am also recycled. I was bought by people as a very small pug and they did not know that pugs will not sit on the sofa all the time or use a cat toilet but need to walk and pee outside. My mom found me after one month and took me home. Now I am taking long walks with my Mom and I am so happy and content.
No dog should suffer or lack a home.
Carlos the Berlin pug
I'm glad you all like Twizzle too. She is pretty awesome. I asked my human if she could come live with us, but she said no. Not because she doesn't like Twizzle (she totally loves her), but because me and Dutch are all she can handle. I really hope Twizzle finds a home soon though. It would be such a happy ending/beginning if date #2 could be "on the outside".
Wow! This juju stuff is awesome! Thank you Puglet for letting us be a part of sending out good juju for Emmitt and Chompers.
Woo Hoo Emmitt and Chompers! So happy you're both okay.
Love ya'
I'm so happy that your date was perfect. I knew Twizzle would like hanging out with you because you are such a gentleman.
I was homeless not too long ago, so I know what Twizzle is talking about. It wasn't fun and I lived on the streets before Auntie Nancy let me live in her house while she found me a home. Now I have the bestest home ever!
I don't talk about my old family to my new family. Even though I had some good years with them, they are my past. Maybe Twizzle just isn't ready to talk about her family yet. She might not even be ready on the second date either so just take it slow. When she's ready she'll tell you all her stories.
Our Auntie Abbey, a beautiful Corgi, went to sleep last week. Our human and Granny say its sad but a good thing for her, because she was in a lot of pain. But its sad to see Granny's eyes leaking. So, we are so glad to hear that Emmitt and Chompers are doing so well.
Twizzle, even though she isn't a Pug, is one cute dudette...maybe conjugal visits?
Oh man, Pug! You two look great together- and so happy! I love the roll on the grass at your feet thing- she's totally into you!
Keep up the good work!
So happy to hear the good news about Chomper and Emmitt! Juju is a strong, powerful thing!
And happy whelp day to the pirate!
Lafayette Lola
Puglet, you two are a perfect couple! Like Milo and Otis, or Sonny and Cher or Lucy and Ricky! (those last two were my mom's contribution....dunno who they even are but she says they are names that EVERYONE knows go together). A second date is a total must. Bring a cookie or ten and make sure to share at least one with her. Even if you are boyfriend and girlfriend soon, you may not want her to know just yet that you're a cookie hog! (:
YA-HOO EMMITT & CHOMPERS! I am so happy you're both gonna be ok!
Snorts and snarfles,
Snorts and
Wow!! Awesome news all the way around!! I'm so glad to hear about Chomper!! I was thinking about her all weekend... Poor Emmitt! I'm happy to hear surgery went well. Just so you know, Emmitt, I have tiny rocks (crystals?) that can sometimes become big rocks in my bladder. My vet recommended adding glucosamine. We thought that was strange, but it has made a difference!!
Oh, Pug!! You and Twizzle are a simply ADORABLE couple!! She's bound to find her forever family soon. I just hope she gets a forever home close by so you can maintain your relationship!! Good job, buddy!!
Happy Whelp(?) Day Edward!! Aaaaaarrrhhh! *heeheeSNORT*
Heya Carlos,
I don't know ANY pugs who sit on the sofa allllll the time or use a cat toilet! I'm so glad you found new humans!
A lot of us here are recycled and I'm 100% sure being recycled can be the greatest thing that can happen to a dog. Or kitty. Or anyone!
I really hope Twizzle finds her new & improved people soon.
Hiya Molly ~
SO nice for you to ask about Dice. Funny, my human asked Miley's mom about him just the other day (Miley's mom = Dal rescue).
From what I heard, Dice is loving his new home and they are totally loving him. He's kicking butt in his training classes too. I hope to get an official update from his new people soon. Will keep everyone posted...
Bo in Sacramento said:
Hi Puglet: Mom and I are SUPER happy to hear the fantastic news about Chomper, and Emmitt. Your mom is right, that juju stuff is super-duper powerful stuff.
Chompter and Emmitt - mom and I are so glad you are feeling better.
We are glad to hear your date with Twizzle went well and look forward to hearing about your second date. We hope Twizzle finds a new forever home very soon. I'm keeping my paws crossed that her new home will be close to you so you can see her often.
I sure would love to meet Chomper; she is so beautiful. But mom says that since she lives in San Jose (mom used to live in San Jose) and we are in Sacramento, it wouldn't work out for us. Something about long distance relationships never working out. Chomper, if you are reading this - I think I love you!!!!
Happy birthday to everyone celebrating their whelp day today!
Hi Puglet,
there is noting wrong with being recycled! Many of my pug buddies are, and they all found new homes with lovely people who adore pugs.
If humans would only think before they buy a pet or pug - who can sit all the time on the sofa? I like my walks and runs, pug meetings and traveling with pug friends.
I sit on the sofa alright if we are home - I like those silk cushions! And I like my Mum.
We have a big problem here with pug mills, they are located in near-by Poland and the puggies are smuggled into other European countries. Bad people! But we have friends who save those little pugs and find them a good home.
A pug always finds a new home pretty fast, but I feel sorry for other dogs who are not so lucky. Let's hope for Twizzle!
Regards from a rainy Berlin (I hate rain)
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