But lately I've been seeing these giant signs around San Francisco (see above). I didn't really know what they meant until I heard the radio talking about them. It's really confusing and hard to explain, but I guess the world might be ending on May 21st (6pm your local time) and religion has something to do with it.
Now, I don't want to break any rules. Especially since my human says talking about religion can make people upset and Google says that's how Holy Wars start. But if the world really is going to end on May 21st, I want to know it.
Like, now.
Because if I only have 12 days left on earth, I want to spend those 12 days eating all the things on earth my human doesn't usually let me eat. Like hotdogs and SPAM and golden chickens and Milo's fake "meat"balls and stuff. I don't really want the world to end, but I really do like food.
I put in a poll so it looks like I'm kinda following the rules. And because of the Holy War thing. So tell me what you think...
Will there be a May 22nd?
PS: I was going to keep the comments turned off today, but I like hearing from you and don't believe in silencing the masses... so I talked my human into turning them back on. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE speak with your vote and DON'T say A THING about the end of the world or my human will kill me.
* * *
But Saturday was! Happy Whelp Day to Scout in Wheaton, IL (I already ate 4 cookies and half a hotdog in honor of your day).
i saw a lot of those billboards in the LA area a few weeks ago. it may be just CA is going to end, because i haven't seen any up here in WA. :o)
i really hope not, it's where i grew up!
Hmmm. Good to know. Maybe we should all just move to Washington?
Well, the no soul thing is just silly Puglet, you have more soul than almost anyone we know!
We haven't see any of those ridiculous signs here in Rhode Island either so here's a good place to hide out.
Meredith & Scarlet
Puglet I think you should totally move to Washington! We love it here!!
Dexter and Milton
Hi Puglet,
My human says that they are on "crack"? No idea.
I think that means you'll have plenty of days to eat SPAM and other bad .. erm - good .. stuff :)
Molly in PA
Hi Pug,
Move to Austin! I haven't seen any of those signs. We will have a 22nd.
Hope your Human had a Happy Mother's Day! Did you bring her breakfast (spam, hotdogs & cookies) in bed & pamper her?
Shhhhh. Not a word about religion or, uh, people being on crack? You're going to get me in trouble!
We don't drive and we don't read, so we don't care what the signs say. Come eat some BACON and SPAM with us here in Northern Virginia on May 22!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
It better not end, we just sold our house and are moving to Missoula on the 25th! But we don't have those signs here in Montana, just ones about the "A" word, and we don't talk about the "A" word in our house. We like to be happy and non controversal in our home.
Dear Puglet,
I asked my human and she said something about Y2K and that I don't need to worry about eating all my treats. Like you, I was relieved about the world not ending, but disappointed about not getting to eat all the treats. Maybe if we're all here on the 22nd, we can check in and eat some treats to celebrate? I'm all about celebrating!
Happy Saturday to Scout!
I haven't seen this sign in MN - or maybe just didn't pay any attention to it. No one's talking about it either, so it must not be a big deal...Life goes on, there better be 5/22, that's my b-day, dang it !
Missed you over the weekend, Puglet !
Just in case, I will join you in the eating of all things wonderful. I've been looking for an excuse to have more chocolate...sorry, I know you can't eat it, but I can!! Maybe some cake too. And some pancakes. Pizza sounds good. And how about some ice cream??
I'll see you on the other side Puglet.
Kris in Oklahoma
I have a hard time believing in something with a different date depending on your religion. I have seen variations from May to July and years 2011 through 2013. And if it does happen - well not much we can do about it.
Call me an optimist.
My world changes almost everyday depending on what's in the food dish ;-)
Love Noodles
The world isn't ending in Canada, so come on over. Just show your rabies vaccination card at the border and you're in. Lots of bacon!
Happy Birthday Scout! Birthday and End of The World is quite a combination. You should demand extra, extra treats.
My mom says that there is definitely going to be a May 22nd- it's her birthday, too! And our tennager is going to be 14 on the 24th, so that's a sure-thing, also.
Hope you had a great day celebrating Mothers' Day with your family
Hi Puglet,
Well I hate to say it, but apparently the world is ending on 5/21 on the East Coast too.
Billboards everywhere....
Maybe I will call my distant cousin "The Terminator" and have him terminate all the billboards before the 21st.
That way the world will not end and we can all have treats. Our human bought us "Greenies" on Sunday from Petsmart and they are YUMMY!
With so many birthdays happening on the 22nd, the world can't end on the 21st. DUH.
Kinda sucks I won't get to eat more, but I did get half a hotdog for standing on Mazda's roof while my human took today's picture.
Not worth the risk, Puglet. When the 22nd rolls around, and YOU'RE rolling around, you won't like the diet you'll be put on.
Happy Belated Day, Scout.
Don't worry Puglet. Your human and the commentors on this blog seem to love each other no matter how their opinions differ. Look how they rally around with good puggy thoughts, juju, or prayers whenever someone has a need.
Happy whelp day to Scout.
Phoebe in Oregon
Oh Puglet, we are pretty sure there will be a 22nd....although we did see the sign on the other side of the big bridge between Martinez and Cardella Junction yesterday. However, you might not want to tell your human that we are pretty sure we will still be around, because it might be an excuse to "Fiesta like there is no manana!"
Pearl and Tessa
Since the beginning of time, humans (CRAZY ONES) have been trying to determine the last day. I say "Let go, Let God." The bible says that no one will know except God...so let go...and go ahead with the meatball eating sweetie...just do it in moderation. :)
Much love,
Mama Mindy of The Slimmer Puggums
I wouldn't worry about it Puglet; nutty people have been saying the world is going to end on this day or that for a very long time--and they have always been wrong. I say eat a treat and then celebrate on May 22nd. And May 23, and May 24....
Robinette and Weezer the Pug
Those signs are all over Kansas City too. Puglet, if this is true I'm going to tell my human that I deserve all the bbq burnt ends I can find until then. You know KC is the BBQ capital of the world . . .
Sorry, Sammy.. there are billboards in MN too. I've heard one is up in Hopkins. And my human thinks that no one is paying attention because there are too many other issues to be mad or sad [or happy?] about.
First of all, I'm too stupid!!! I've choosen no, because my fingers are faster then my mind! :( so one no is really a yes!! Please note that Puglet!
Then I'm going to spend 21-22nd weekend in the mountains and 28-29 on the sea, so I need this 22nd really badly:) but the most important!! on 25 of June (isn't your birthday Puglet??) we are going to welcome the summer with all m-jak-mops (p-like-pug) rescue friends and pugs in Łódź. So there must be 22nd and all after that:) kisses my love
Hey Puglet...
I haven't seen those in Dallas but my human said she too heard about them on the radio and I was thinking people just make stuff up to get attention. Uh, that's kind of what I do to get cookies and treats, I do cute stuff to get attention, so I'm not worried. Maybe I should stop doing that.
Happy belated to Scout...got to go get my treat now!
Wow Puglet, we even have those signs here. But even I don't know what it's about. *pats* from Australia.
I've seen it on the news, but there was something about the FINAL end of the world to be October 21. I don't believe in such garbage, because nobody but God knows when that is.
Hey Mel!
You have the billboards in Sydney too? Holy SPAM. I didn't know they were all over the place.
So far it looks like Texas, Montana, Canada and parts of Washington are the only places not worried about the world coming to an end.
What I want to know is how I can get my own billboard. I don't need a ton of them like the Judgment Day people. Just one would be very cool, right??
Uhm, FINAL end of the world? How many times can the world end? Weird.
The dude who figured out May 21st also said the world would end back in 1994. He told the radio people he got the math wrong because of some dude named Jeremiah.
No idea. But I wonder if Jeremiah has a brother or something who might have screwed up the math this time too.
Strange, we just saw one of those billboards on the highway in IL. My mom and dad hadn't heard of this before...they read the Bible and there are no dates provided. I think the end of time will be a surprise party.
Noworries, Pug, we've been watching those signs pop up for a while - my human isn't worried about what the signs say, she's just curious to see how quickly they're taken down after we all have breakfast on the 22nd!
Virtual cookies from Myles (who's really only concerned about Muttville Day tomorrow; why think ahead any further when there's a senior pup party to prep for?)
My world ends every time I see my food bowl empty. Love, Sid.
Haaaa, Sid -
My human says you rock!
Dude. Pug. Really? I mean, let's talk food and cookies. Not the end of the world. It's all a bunch of bologna! Pun intended! Hahaha!
Yeah, Massimo - that's what my human said. I did get half a hotdog posing for today's picture though...
P.S. My human has heard that the end will be on December 21, 2012 or something like that... Something about a movie... Weird...
Score for half the hotdog! I'll be lucky if I get any salmon treats! Hmmm... Do they make Salmon hotdogs?
Maybe! My human said something about the "nasty" hotdog she gave me having fish lips in it or something. Maybe they were salmon lips?
Ube the pug would be royally pissed if the world ended May 21, because the next Pug Sunday is June 6 at Alta Plaza Park in San Francisco and he is counting the days when he can play with his pug friends then. Plus, he'll be six months old that week and his humans have promised to let him try his namesake Ube (purple yam) ice cream from Mitchell's Ice Cream that day. Ube says ignore the chicken littles and make plans for Pug Sunday on June 6!
Well I remember when California was to slide off into the ocean in April of 1970 or something like that. You are still there so I don't think these signs mean anything. BTW we have one in Carson City too. The billboard renters are laughing all the way to the bank as billboards are not cheap.
Hey @pearl & Tessa-- do you live in Martinez, too?! My mom says if you're mom is who she thinks, we should meet for some yogurt and some puppy love cause my mom has a sister named Kate :) <3 atticus
Whah??? I didn't hear about the world coming to an end out here in NJ! Maybe I'll take Mustang for a ride and look for some of those huge signs like the one you posed in front of. I think I'll also ask the Google....
Snorts and snarfles,
Notice how the billboard has a radio station AND a website on it! Looks like a publicity stunt to me!
Puglet, my whelp day is on the 23rd and I intend to have cake (look it up--I think you'd like it) so the world can't end beforehand!
You know, lots of people find math hard so I wouldn't be surprised if someone miscalculated the day the world would end. They probably forgot to carry the 1 or solve for x.
I don't need to worry about eating all my treats. Like you, I was relieved about the world not ending, but disappointed about not getting to eat all the treats. Maybe if we're all here on the 22nd, we can check in and eat some treats to celebrate? I'm all about celebrating!
come to New Jersey (home of The Sopranos), and eat bacon and cookies with us on the beach of Atlantic City. I'll show you where they're filming the HBO mini series, Boardwalk Empire! You'll be safe here. Govenor Christie, aka the Fat Man, (he likes lots of cookies too !!) will protect us! Remember: live to eat, eat to live. Riley, Roxi and Lea (Jerzee Puggles!)
Hi anonymous! We were just passing thru, we live in Lincoln, between Sacramento and Auburn. Visiting our cousin, the Portuguese Water Dog, in San Jose.
Oh, PUGLET......there BETTER be a May 22nd. That's my birthday! Then I'll have 2 reasons to celebrate!
Love Frankie from Michigan.
Unfortunatelly in Poland we'll have end of the world (as we know it:) tomorrow :) at 6 p.m. CET :) https://picasaweb.google.com/103804050458177833726/2?authkey=Gv1sRgCPD494XlhrLFvQE#5608875011371807794
hope to hear you on Monday Puglet :) kisses :)
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