We haven't had a Freeze Frame Friday in awhile, so today I want to show you one of my favorite games to play with Dutch. It's called steal the toy. Dutch's #1 favorite toy is Henrietta the rubber chicken, so of course that's my favorite toy to steal.
Let the battle begin....

See you Monday!
* * *
Today we all get to eat two bunches of cookies. One for Boomer in Grand Rapids, MI and one for James in Ontario (that's Canada, the place with all the Beagles).
Emma in Oak Park, IL and Rucker will be celebrating their Whelp Day tomorrow, so be sure to beg for cookies in their honor.
Oh Puglet- I love the 2nd picture where you're looking back to make sure your mom is watching!
You are an ANIMAL!
LOL something about pugs and never losing! I never lose either!
WTG Puglet.
<3 Noodles
What great pictures! You and Dutch look like you really have a lot of fun!!
You only win when its against Dutch, thats hardly a fair fight. When you and I play thats a fair game!
Miley (the destroyer)
Puglet you have some fierce moves! How do you get your tail to go from curly to straight and then back to curly so fast! Love, Sid.
Oh Puglet...these were the best pics in a long time. Loved seeing you chase Dutch down...knew you would win, I always do too!
So glad Blogger came back up, was hard getting through the day without ya!
I'm still not back blogging 100% since my last post was removed (even though there were already 3 comments)...not sure what to do...repost or?
Anyway, poor Henrietta - she's taking quite a beating! Great pictures though.
Happy day to Boomer, James, and Emma! 3 cookies are better than 1!
The second pic is the best. Pug went for the battle and still found time to pose for Nikon
Hi Pug,
Great pics! We run alike, ears straight up. Even when playing, you are working the camera. Go Pug!
I think I love freeze frame fridays!! Thank you Puglet (and your mom) for brightening my day- always!
Hiya Puglet. Just in case anyone is still wondering about May 21st, here are 21 reasons the world is not going to end. I like #16. I bark and bark at it when my mom watches the video.
Hey Puglet! Thanks for having a treat for me today. It's been a great day with lots of naps and some ear scritches and stuffed sheep biting. All good, all the time! Have a great weekend.
Your devoted fan Boomer. That's me in the picture over there btw.
Hi Puglet!
LOVE the freeze frame pix, but what happened to Thursday's blog? Kinda weird that is was the 12th and the" end" is supposed to happen on the 21st...reverse those numbers and what do you get? OOO OOO OOO twilight zone or what? I don't want the S.O.S. for Pixel's search for a new human or two to disappear! Any news or update? He is such a handsome boy...
Slurpy licks and kisses from Eddie the Pug
It looks like you had a great time playing!
My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!
Nubbin wiggles,
Growing up with pugs, there are 2 things I've learned, Puglet:
1. Don't try to take food from a pug. You will lose.
2. Don't try to take toys--or, really, ANYTHING--from a pug. You will lose.
You're a cute toughie, Puglet (love the flying rose-petal ears!)
Caitlin & tabbies Abby & Audrey
Are you foaming at the mouth in photo #2? Awesome shot.
We love when Dutch plays with Henrietta. We have a whole collection of Henriettas - one for every occasion. They just have the greatest squeak.
Happy Days to Boomer, James, Emma and Rucker. Going to be an cookie eating fest this weekend, for sure.
Love the action shots in freeze frame. Especially LOVE how your ears are always "UP" in the pics too, Puglet.
Happy days, Boomer, James, Emma & Rucker. Lots of cookies ! Cheers!!
Going to see my baby boy first time after he was adopted. Mini family reunion today. Excited ! I love the pic of you with straight tail. Pug looks different when the tail's straight. Love it !
My human promised to me that she will take us to SPAM factory this summer. Woo hoo! But she said dogs are not allowed or something... wtf.
My human loved the freeze frames. She laughed and said "pugs rule!" We know that!
Has there been an update on Zoe?
Roxi, Riley and Lea (The New Jerzee puggles)
I love the action shots where your ears stand up. You look so fierce! I would hand over my Henrietta and run like the wind.
Belated Cookie Wishes to Boomer, James, Emma & Rucker!!
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