We turned 500!
Yup. You and me. Us. Together we = 500. And that's just Official Followers. I know there must be another million stealth DP readers out there. Probably more.
And to celebrate you, me & us all being here, the Daily Puglet now has a special new feature called the Friends of Daily Puglet gallery. My human got the idea awhile ago and has been saving it for a special occasion. Like today!
Here's how it works (a lot of you know this already):
1. FIND a picture of your cutest self.
2. NAME (THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT!) Make your human change the name of the file so it is like this:
your name_your location.jpeg (or jpg)
example: Puglet_San Francisco_CA.jpeg
Don't ask me why this is important, but my human says it kinda is.
3. SEND your cuteness to frolic[at]dphoto.com
Your photo will automatically be added to the gallery (takes a few minutes). Don't freak out if your name looks funky or your cute self shows up twice. I'll make sure all that kinda stuff gets cleaned up (it will take more than a few minutes though).
4. VISIT everyone in the gallery & enjoy the cuteness.
Can't wait to see everyone!
* * *
There will LOADS of cookie-eating today. Sammy in MN (hi Sammy!) and Frankie in Michigan had their day on the 22nd. Then yesterday Kaos in Odense, Denmark and Meatball here in the Bay Are celebrated their Whelp Days.
I'll be asking for double cookies sine me missed your actual days :)
Congrats Puglet! :) We love following you.
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
YAY D.P.!!!!
You brighten up my day in EVERYWAY!
Love Noodles
What a celebration Puglet! Hu-mom will start looking for the cutest fo-toe of Mack and me!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Congratulations Noodles! I love the picture of you and Dutch. Wish I could download it for my screensaver! Here's to 500 more!
Puglet, you're just such an interesting fellow, it's no wonder there are so many people following you. I bet you have fans on all the continents! :)
My human's work laptop has block on it... she needs to go to her personal one later (dang). I want to see everyone on DP ~ too bad my human doesn't have thumbs like yours, she takes gimpy pictures.....
YEAH! Here's to another 500! We always look forward to our daily dose of Puglet (and Dutch). I will have my mom send in a picture of me shortly.
Happy, happy day to Sammy, Frankie, Kaos, and Meatball!!
PS. Do you think my mom will be ok with giving me 500 (and 1) treats today to celebrate? I'm going to ask anyway!
Dear Puglet,
It's Coco and Chili! For some reason blogger won't let us log in, and ate our original comment. GRR!!!
Congratulations on reaching 500+! You are such a great spokesperson for pugs, and you have the best looking friends and followers, it's no wonder you're a celebrity! We love the gallery!
Happy day to Sammy, Frankie, Kaos and Meatball! We hope everyone enjoys their day and treats and many more!
Good lord Puglet, I called you Noodles! Ooops!
Congratulations Puglet. I know there are 500 more coming. Woo Hoo!
We love sharing your world!
Happy Birth/Whelp day Sammy, Frankie, Kaos, and Meatball.
Love ya'
Oh Puglet...I can't wait to get my pugshot on your site and love how we will all be able to see each other. Maybe I'll get discovered or something cool like that! It not, that's ok too.
Happy day to Sammy, Frankie, Kaos and Meatball, I have a cousin named Meatball!
Hey Puglet, We're so happy and excited and proud to be counted among your followers that Roxi pee'd! We love you Puglet. You make us laugh every ! single ! day !
~ Riley, Roxi and Lea (The Jersey Shore puggles)
Congratulations! Even a human like me enjoys your blog...very much :)
First Happy Birth/Whelp day to Sammy, Frankie, Kaos, and Meatball :) Lots of treats today :)
Puglet, happy 500+1 day to you and Dutch, the gallery is so cute, it's so nice to see all of ours DG friends :) Now I'm waiting for 1000 day, which will be soon I guess :)
Congratulations Puglet!! I bet you do have a million followers. I know of at least 20 stealth ones. Like my Auntie Sandra who discovered your blog. She's afraid of computers so she doesn't know how to comment. Kind of weird, I know. Because if I can blog, surely she can.
Happy Belated to Sammy, Franky, Kaos and Meatball!
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III aka
Ernest MP3
I am so happy for you! I think 500 is a lucky number and I hope it bring lots of happiness, health and prosperity for everyone residing at Casa de Puglet.
Happy Birthday Sammy, Frankie, Kaos & Meatball!
With so much celebration packed into a single day, there's only one way to do it right...Popeye's Chicken Nuggets.
loved looking through all the photos! ;) great idea!
Hi,I´m from Brazil and I have a pug like you and 3 others dogs.Now I´m following you too!!!
Wow, Puglet! I finally got the chance to send in my pic and look at the gallery. I gotta say, there's a WHOLE LOT of cutness happening there! Whew! Overwhelming cutness! :) It's good to put faces to the names. Thanks for sharing, everybody!!
Congratulations Daily Puglet!!
Thank you for the b-day cheers, everyone. I again ate human food, producing ungodly farts (that's what mama says). I love your gallery, Puglet. Mama thinks she should get a cat or two now (papa says no since we love cat poop)
Sammy the 7 yr old lady
I tried to change the name of my file to match this but it didnt work!! :(
Oh well, you can identify me as the cute one in the chair, and my girlfriend (one of many ) Pearl is right next to me, and is the one standing in the grass with her tongue out.
Frankie from Seattle
I was ordered by my cat to send a picture!
And I did!
This is fun!
Good work Puglet!
I added my photo to your gallery but my human is still trying to figure out this whole "Mac" thing, so I am known now as IMG_1217...sad.
We (my human and I) love your blog and hope to catch you out at the beach some day!
xoxo Lola the half-pug (aka IMG_1217) from SF!
Congratulations on having such a great following, Puglet!
My human finally got off her duff and used her thumbs to get a me a profile so I could be a part of all your fun. I've been begging her for over a year now to sign me up, but she was content to let me be a lurker. I finally had to put my paw down after seeing that you have 500+ friends and insist that we join (especially since I have a birthday coming up so everyone could score more cookies). So here I am! Even though I'm not a pug, I really enjoy hearing about all your adventures (still drooling over the Golden Chickens).
Now I have to get Thumbs working on adding my picture to your gallery. Who knows how long that will take. Probably another year.
Cooper P. from Milwaukee WI, whelp day 6/20/07
I finally get to share my cuuutttteeeeness! Oh wait, Puglet, is it too late to send my photo? Its 2012 now. :|
So what happened to 1000 pug project?
From what I understand, Amanda the Photographer who took on this massive job, became seriously ill aand the her liilte pug boy too!
Due to all of this, the 1000 Pug Photo Book will be released next year 2014!!
I have complete faith in that Amanda will come through with the book but I honestly think that it took off so much faster and became so much bigger than what she had first estimated......
So I am hoping that everyone gives her some room to breath and get healthy and be able to work on this massive project :)
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